Last Democrat In Dixie

The southern Negro has learned something that the Liberal educated northern Negro has not. They have learned that the democratic party leads to Negro to poverty and despair. They have learned that to have social justice and TRUE equality means electing and standing with the GOP.

The Conservative Christian Negro has all but wiped out DNC filth from their state government. This NEXT election looks at removing a 3 term AG from state government. And it spells the END of the DNC in the state of Mississippi. As much as democrats like to yell to scream that the GOP is racist it also shows that Negro's who make up the majority there are tired of the lies and empty promises.

Negro leadership is growing larger and stronger there. But NOT the DNC type of leadership. No, not by any means, the PRO God, PRO gun PRO family PRO jobs PRO conservative PRO Christian leadership is. Pray for that group truly. It was for a LONG time one of the most abusive and unjust states under democratic control.

We are mere months away from seeing the torch of liberty of justice raised by Negro's in what WAS one of the MOST abusive ANTI-civil rights states in this country. And maybe just MAYBE northern Negro's will see it's shinning example it's justice it's equality and the liberal educated northern Negro will want the same in Detroit or Chicago.

To the GOP be PROUD my friends! These losses to the DNC means the message is slowly moving but getting out there. And you thank God as well as the churches have advanced the cause of personal liberty and justice to the people.

More good news here..
In Mississippi, 'last Democrat in Dixie' fights to survive


Blacks are a minority in Mississippi....that's why Democrats don't win statewide elections there.

Democrats win single digits worth of the white vote in Mississippi in national elections, and regularly pull in 90%+ of the Black vote.

If anything the trend of Blacks voting Democratic has just gotten stronger in the last 10 years in the South.

What's interesting is the increase of Hispanics throughout the southeastern states. Sometimes 2-5% in population... This is one of the main factors lowering the difference between the 85-90% white republican voting bloc and the minorities. Mississippi's white population is declining because of this.
The southern Negro has learned something that the Liberal educated northern Negro has not. They have learned that the democratic party leads to Negro to poverty and despair. They have learned that to have social justice and TRUE equality means electing and standing with the GOP.

The Conservative Christian Negro has all but wiped out DNC filth from their state government. This NEXT election looks at removing a 3 term AG from state government. And it spells the END of the DNC in the state of Mississippi. As much as democrats like to yell to scream that the GOP is racist it also shows that Negro's who make up the majority there are tired of the lies and empty promises.

Negro leadership is growing larger and stronger there. But NOT the DNC type of leadership. No, not by any means, the PRO God, PRO gun PRO family PRO jobs PRO conservative PRO Christian leadership is. Pray for that group truly. It was for a LONG time one of the most abusive and unjust states under democratic control.

We are mere months away from seeing the torch of liberty of justice raised by Negro's in what WAS one of the MOST abusive ANTI-civil rights states in this country. And maybe just MAYBE northern Negro's will see it's shinning example it's justice it's equality and the liberal educated northern Negro will want the same in Detroit or Chicago.

To the GOP be PROUD my friends! These losses to the DNC means the message is slowly moving but getting out there. And you thank God as well as the churches have advanced the cause of personal liberty and justice to the people.

More good news here..
In Mississippi, 'last Democrat in Dixie' fights to survive
Not saying its a republican or democrat thing but you do realize that Mississippi is DEAD LAST in EVERYTHING!? When the fuck are these republican policies going to start turning everything around?

Loserterianism is the opposite of everything that makes sense.
-We hate education
-We hate science
-WE had investment in infrastructure
-We hate building schools
-We hate...That is all the republicans have.
Unless its for the rich.

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