Larry Kudlow admits he was wrong about Bidenomics. Economy is Great.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Larry Kudlow, the Trump White House’s Director of the National Economic Council, on Thursday admitted on Fox News he was wrong about the Biden economy and all the predictions of an economic slowdown and impending recession that turned out to be false.

“Mea culpa,” said Kudlow, who has an extensive financial background including being the chief economist and senior managing director for Bear Sterns, the once powerful but now-defunct investment bank.

“I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession,” Kudlow continued. “So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”
“I don’t think you were wrong,” a Fox News on-air host responded.
“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” Kudlow insisted.

the United States never entered a recession under President Biden, and now economic experts have praised the U.S. economy as having performed the best post-COVID.

“The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024,” Axios reported Wednesday. “America’s outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world’s largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation’s problems.”

The economy is doing great even if right wingers are claiming just the opposite. Even top right wing economists have to admit it.

He was one of the most vocal doomsday prognosticators that isn’t a USMB homer. He cant hide behind his political leanings anymore.. he knows the economy is humming.
I saw something the other day from the Obama era. Republicans said his economy was fake because interest rates were too low. Today they're crying because interest rates are going up.
Larry Kudlow, the Trump White House’s Director of the National Economic Council, on Thursday admitted on Fox News he was wrong about the Biden economy and all the predictions of an economic slowdown and impending recession that turned out to be false.

“Mea culpa,” said Kudlow, who has an extensive financial background including being the chief economist and senior managing director for Bear Sterns, the once powerful but now-defunct investment bank.

“I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession,” Kudlow continued. “So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”
“I don’t think you were wrong,” a Fox News on-air host responded.
“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” Kudlow insisted.

the United States never entered a recession under President Biden, and now economic experts have praised the U.S. economy as having performed the best post-COVID.

“The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024,” Axios reported Wednesday. “America’s outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world’s largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation’s problems.”

The economy is doing great even if right wingers are claiming just the opposite. Even top right wing economists have to admit it.

Depends on what you call the economy. If you are talking about everyday people who buy things and have to pay for housing and food, etc., Biden's prices are making their lives hard to live.
Larry Kudlow, the Trump White House’s Director of the National Economic Council, on Thursday admitted on Fox News he was wrong about the Biden economy and all the predictions of an economic slowdown and impending recession that turned out to be false.

“Mea culpa,” said Kudlow, who has an extensive financial background including being the chief economist and senior managing director for Bear Sterns, the once powerful but now-defunct investment bank.

“I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession,” Kudlow continued. “So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”
“I don’t think you were wrong,” a Fox News on-air host responded.
“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” Kudlow insisted.

the United States never entered a recession under President Biden, and now economic experts have praised the U.S. economy as having performed the best post-COVID.

“The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024,” Axios reported Wednesday. “America’s outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world’s largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation’s problems.”

The economy is doing great even if right wingers are claiming just the opposite. Even top right wing economists have to admit it.

America is the greatest country on earth

I’m happy that the economy is not in recession or worse

Whether biden deserves any credit for that is hard to say

But the rules of the game are that the president gets the credit or the blame as the case may be
Depends on what you call the economy. If you are talking about everyday people who buy things and have to pay for housing and food, etc., Biden's prices are making their lives hard to live.
Would you care if Trump was president? If Trump were president, what would he do to put more of this soaring wealth into the hands of the poor and middle class?

This says Biden is doing a great job. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The “median” American household – picture the middle number in a long list of numbers – achieves a net worth of about $300,000 in the 50-to-59 age range, a far cry from $1 million.

The 1% :The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

Oh, and what about all the union wins in 2023? The middle class did very well for itself last year and that should benefit the middle class for at least another 10 years. But don't worry, the rich will fight back. They always do. Automation is coming next.
If you accepted Kudlow on Trump, then you accept him on Biden.\\

End of story.
Don't be silly.
We just need an explanation on why the yearly deficit is closer to 2 trillion dollars and why the welfare outlays were increasing by over 13% this year. Everything is so good we are told. Then these two stats not aligning with it.
I heard him the other day and while he admitted that the stock market was good he said there were a lot of stuff the market was ignoring......Like Big Tech is the tide that is propping-up the market.
I was going to post this last night as well OP....

Kudlow literally ate crow!
The issue is though, why is Trump more trusted on the economy? Why is the economy a major concern for voters?

If the U.S economy is doing as well as reported, real people, voters, and their families, will feel this economic success.
If not, they will vote accordingly.

I've been critical of two policies in particular which I believe have been disasterous for America 1: The massive IRA slush fund, 2. Your open border.

If he loses in 2024, which voting sites say he will and Europeans are expecting; it will be primarily, though not only of course; these two "policies".
Larry Kudlow, the Trump White House’s Director of the National Economic Council, on Thursday admitted on Fox News he was wrong about the Biden economy and all the predictions of an economic slowdown and impending recession that turned out to be false.

“Mea culpa,” said Kudlow, who has an extensive financial background including being the chief economist and senior managing director for Bear Sterns, the once powerful but now-defunct investment bank.

“I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession,” Kudlow continued. “So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”
“I don’t think you were wrong,” a Fox News on-air host responded.
“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” Kudlow insisted.

the United States never entered a recession under President Biden, and now economic experts have praised the U.S. economy as having performed the best post-COVID.

“The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024,” Axios reported Wednesday. “America’s outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world’s largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation’s problems.”

The economy is doing great even if right wingers are claiming just the opposite. Even top right wing economists have to admit it.

Larry Kudlow, the Trump White House’s Director of the National Economic Council, on Thursday admitted on Fox News he was wrong about the Biden economy and all the predictions of an economic slowdown and impending recession that turned out to be false.

“Mea culpa,” said Kudlow, who has an extensive financial background including being the chief economist and senior managing director for Bear Sterns, the once powerful but now-defunct investment bank.

“I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession,” Kudlow continued. “So was the entire forecasting fraternity.”
“I don’t think you were wrong,” a Fox News on-air host responded.
“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” Kudlow insisted.

the United States never entered a recession under President Biden, and now economic experts have praised the U.S. economy as having performed the best post-COVID.

“The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024,” Axios reported Wednesday. “America’s outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world’s largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation’s problems.”

The economy is doing great even if right wingers are claiming just the opposite. Even top right wing economists have to admit it.

Who is that dumb blonde sitting next to him when he said that?

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But the rules of the game are that the president gets the credit or the blame as the case may be
The conservative rules are that republicans get the credit and democrats get the blame.

Trump isn’t blamed for the COVID crash. He gets credit for the stock market surge in 2023/2024.

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