Large Group of African Women Beat 17 Year Old Chili's Hostess

The waitress deserves reparations

If Kamala gets elected President, she will be arrested and 're-educated' to be more 'black', like Biden would expect to happen to her.
Who re-educated the black guy that Biden worked for?

He never had a real job, so why are you asking? Ospamo never worked a day in his life. He's nothing remotely like this girl, working a real job. Biden is probably already trying to get the IRS to 'find something in her'.
I wonder what would've happened if the hostess had not pushed the girl who decided to make the first physical move.

God bless you and the hostess always!!!


P.S. The write up says that the hostess doesn't plan on staying with that job. I can't blame her, but at the end of the day, what she is trying to run from may be something that no one can hide from, may she have better luck at her next job any may her medical bill be paid for by the company that she no longer works for if the perpetrators are never found to foot the bill instead.
WTF??? Does this even make fucking sense?
The way that the hostess decided to respond is what made the situation grow worse which is why I wonder what would've happened if she had not "returned fire" by shoving the girl that pushed her first.

God bless you and her always!!!

Is this a great country or what? Donations for the 17-year-old victim who was working for funds to pay her college expenses will enable her to attend college with little financial worry if any. She may even have enough for a new car.
Holy crap, I just checked. Over $69,000 raised so far.

So how much bling did Saint Trayvon's parents get as a reward for raising a violent thug? Reckon Floyd's family will get big bucks? $65K is nothing, plus she will need to hire security to protect here from hood rat nation and your BLM heroes.
Each day you confirm yourself as a shameless whiney snowflake.
Why do certain people get in a frenzy when a crime is committed by a minority but are strangely silent about crimes committed by white people. What race was Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dalmer, the Las Vegas mass shooter, the El Paso mass shooter..well you get the idea.
Oklahoma city bombers too! :eek:
And he died too -- MANY YEARS AGO. Why do you bring this up in CURRENT events? Did whites ignore that crime somewhere, or was it all over the news for YEARS?

More DISTRACTION by the left

its called HISTORICAL REVISION ---the cult members of JUSTIFICATION FOR OUR FILTH do it all the time.
The panderers also JUSTIFY. ----well. remember----
"400 years of slavery" I remember that history----
the first genocide that I learned about as a kid of about 8 was THE ARMENIAN genocide. My mom told me after I heard about a guy named Hitler. It was her version of a history lesson-----"bad things that have
happened". Somehow armenians are not rioting and
murdering and looting. In my memory---during my lifetime-----there were lots of genocides. ----East pakistan murder/eviction of Hindus, before it became bangla desh, Biafra (nigeria) more than 2 million
christians, Pol Pot, gawd knows how many..........
The 400 years of slavery excuse is even more stupid than was the DNC and the "LETS BLAME TRUMP FOR COVID 19" game. It made me ashamed of my registration with the donkey party.-----Ms Obama managed to speak BEAUTIFULLY----and managed to
say nothing

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