It's happening right now: The authoritarian attack to American democracy.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

Comin' to git ya!!!

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
Cool story, PSYCHOPATH

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, it is democrats who have weaponized law enforcement, gone after political enemies and imprisoned some, and wanted to illegally take Trump off the ballot.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
And you keep campaigning for him!
You just love you some Trumpy don't you jimboliar??

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
I think you will still have your SNAP bennies dreg.
"Basically telling us"? Trump's last speech in the Bronx did more to unite America than the left ever did. Whatever the crazy angry left thinks Trump is "basically telling us" is based on angry nut case internet blogs rather than fact. TDS lefties eat it up because that's what they want to hear. Meanwhile the current president is so mentally impaired that he can barely stand up and read a telepromoter. Who the hell is running the Country? Do they care?
"Basically telling us"? Whatever the crazy angry left thinks Trump is "basically telling us" is based on angry nut case internet blogs. TDS lefties eat it up because that's what they want to hear. Meanwhile the current president is so mentally impaired that he can barely stand up and read a telepromoter. Who the hell is running the Country? Do they care?
trump is nothing more than a Mafia Boss, threatening prosecutors, judges, and if not for the gag order...he would be going after witnesses and jurors. He is a Pig.
Comin' to git ya!!!
I thought that was a serious story, so I clicked that link and started watching it, and it was the interview of some TDS guy that wrote so hyperbolic book catering to folks Trump hysteria. :rolleyes:


I heard the most hilarious story on Markley, VanCamp and Robbins today. . .

11 Obscure Things that Outnumber CNN's Prime Time Viewership​

"By now, you’ve probably heard the sad news: CNN’s ratings are in the toilet. Despite a decent daytime bump from the ongoing Trump trials, the network’s prime time numberslast week dropped to a three-decade low of 83,000 viewers among the vaunted 25-54 year-old demographic.

To illustrate just how low those ratings truly are, we put together a list of weird and esoteric things that are more numerous than CNN’s prime time key demo viewers. . . . "
1) Competitive Rubik’s Cube solvers registered with the World Cube Association.
2) Professional psychics working in America.
3) People with heterochromia in the United States.
4) Participants in a 1988 conga line in Miami.
5) Once-critically endangered wild Bighorn Sheep living in North America.
6) Attendees of a women’s volleyball match in Nebraska last year.
7) Registered bicycle rickshaws in New Delhi.
8) Tennis balls thrown out per day in the U.S.
9) Annual breast reduction patients in America.
10) Female professional forklift operators.
11) Subscribers to a youtube channel called “Justin Y” which has never uploaded a single video.

(See link for descriptions of all.)


This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

It's funny, you haven't matured since that boogey man in your closet. Trump is now your boogey man.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

The sick people who believe the Russian Propaganda outlet RT, who think Putin likes them hate American Democracy and create an authortarian state. They should move to Russia to see how long would in Pooty's country. NOT FOR LONG!

And Trump Cult members are likewise working to destroy America's democracy.
Squeals the little nazi bitch who's pet judge just completely gutted due process and the COTUS.

Are you truly that stupid jones, or are you that dishonest?

Who pays you to post this shit, the rooskies, or the DNCCCP?

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
Good. He needs to put those useless motherfuckers in the street. Learn to weld, bitches.

In other news, a Trump loyalist just smacked the dog-shit out of a wussie-boy RINO in Texas.

PMS-NBCS said it was a close race. They lied. That's what the DISGUSTING FILTH does. Here's the results. Yeah, real close scumbags --


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