It's happening right now: The authoritarian attack to American democracy.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
What a bunch of shit. The authoritarians are in power right now.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
Authoritarian attack has been happening...........since about noon Jan 20,2021.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
yes he is going to drain the swamp and there is NOTHING you can do about it


trump train.jpg

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

^^^The guy cheering for the party in power trying to imprison their opposition is talking about "an authoritarian attack on America".

You're the authoritarian attack, dipshit.


This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
We've learned that they haven't heard about Project 2025, the biggest expansion of presidential power in the history of the country. The staff is already interviewing for mindless loyalty.

Their ignorance remains their bliss.
trump is nothing more than a Mafia Boss, threatening prosecutors, judges, and if not for the gag order...he would be going after witnesses and jurors. He is a Pig.
Trump is going to be YOUR President again :laughing0301:

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.
LOL you can make up whatever fantasy shit you want. Meanwhile in reality the Biden Regime is about to jail their opposition.

This is the most important election in my memory. trump is basically telling us what he plans to do. He will clear the US government of anyone who is not a MAGA loyalist. He will continue his attack on the judiciary, as it was the courts that kept him from overturning the 2020 election. Once he makes on the safeguard institutions part of his "army", the our democracy is gone.

At least he doesn't lie to your face about it.

Have a great next five months staying awake worrying about the Trump Boogeyman.

He's after your ass.

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