Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster

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Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster “Hero” #stoptheSteal


As the mainstream media stakes what remains of its public trust and credibility on mocking “typos” in famed attorney Sidney Powell’s blockbuster lawsuits which allege that Donald Trump was defrauded in the 2020 election, evidence of foreign interference and Dominion vote-counting machine hijinks go unremarked upon.

One affidavit in the case is from a CIA-NSA-alphabet agency cybersecurity contractor guru who, just a few months ago, was praised in the New York Times and the Washington Monthly as a “hero,” for helping expose a multi-million dollar national security scam.

In “The Spy Was a Grifter” in its September 17th issue, The Washington Monthly wrote of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia was another hero. He had done cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A., and F.B.I.”

At around the same time, the New York Times wrote of Keshavarz-Nia’s role in exposing the scandal:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots.”

Keshavarz-Nia, now one of Sidney Powell’s witnesses in the Georgia “Kraken” lawsuit, says in an affidavit under penalty of perjury that:

“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”

TEXT: Affidavit of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Keshavarz-Nia’s online resume raeds “Sr. Vice President for Cyber Intel & CISO Black Key Solutions, LLC,” with:

“30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA), and commercial banking organizations.”

“Kraken” is the name given to Sidney Powell’s long awaited lawsuits promising to expose mammoth election fraud on behalf of Joe Biden. In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster which can swallow ships.

Keshavarz-Nia holds a Ph.D. degree in Management of Engineering and Technology from CalSouthern University, and other advanced degrees from George Mason and George Washington Universities.


Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Another extraordinary assertion from the Georgia court filing is that of a former electronic intelligence analyst under US Army’s 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, that:
“the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020” (Page 9 complaint)

It is beyond argument that were similar assertions to be made by such high level witnesses against the Trump campaign, the entire Democratic caucus would suspend all other proceedings and business to demand on every broadcast media available that Trump be immediately arrested. Yet instead, the GOP caucus remains silent and allows, without objection, Joe Biden to continue to be referred to as “president-elect.”

The Georgia lawsuit begins by laying out the standard that the judges must apply for the lawsuit to be successful, that, by a preponderance of evidence, according to Mead v. Sheffield, the plaintiffs only have “to show that there were enough irregular ballots to place in doubt the result.”

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia says in the affidavit:

“I have performed forensic analysis of electronic voting systems, including the DVS Democracy Suite, ES&S (acquired by DVS), Scytl/SOE Software, and the Smartmatic systems used in hundreds of precincts in key battleground states. I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.”

The affidavit states:

“In 2019, a computer laptop and several USB memory cards containing the cryptographic key to access DVS systems were stolen in Philadelphia…I believe that USB memory cards were used to facilitate administrative access to the backdoor to disrupt polling operations and impact ballot counting across MI, GA, PA, AZ and WI….I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed…These failures are widespread and systemic – and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts.”

Other items completely missing from major media news coverage, such as it is, of Powell’s Georgia lawsuit are:

  • “video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.” It was in this overnight time-frame that solid Trump leads melted in a number of states and improbably high Biden-to-Trump ratios of votes were tabulated.” (page 7, complaint)

  • “incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.” (page 6, complaint)

  • Georgia law, (OCGA 21-5-552) provides for a contest of an election where: “Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result.” (page 11, complaint)Thus even “irregularities” sufficient to change the result, absent motive or intent, are sufficient for plaintiffs to prevail.
  • “Notwithstanding the clarity of the applicable statutes…On March 6, 2020, the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, Secretary Raffensperger, and the State Election Board, who administer the state elections entered into a “Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release” (the “Litigation Settlement”) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the “Democrat Party Agencies”), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia” (page 22, complaint)
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BREAKING: Michigan Certifies Election After Naked Dead Women Photos Sent as Threats to Wayne County Certifiers

GSA Chair Says Was Threatened to Declare Transition Funds Available, Says Only “Electoral Process” Determines Winner
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster “Hero” #stoptheSteal


As the mainstream media stakes what remains of its public trust and credibility on mocking “typos” in famed attorney Sidney Powell’s blockbuster lawsuits which allege that Donald Trump was defrauded in the 2020 election, evidence of foreign interference and Dominion vote-counting machine hijinks go unremarked upon.

One affidavit in the case is from a CIA-NSA-alphabet agency cybersecurity contractor guru who, just a few months ago, was praised in the New York Times and the Washington Monthly as a “hero,” for helping expose a multi-million dollar national security scam.

In “The Spy Was a Grifter” in its September 17th issue, The Washington Monthly wrote of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia was another hero. He had done cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A., and F.B.I.”

At around the same time, the New York Times wrote of Keshavarz-Nia’s role in exposing the scandal:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots.”

Keshavarz-Nia, now one of Sidney Powell’s witnesses in the Georgia “Kraken” lawsuit, says in an affidavit under penalty of perjury that:

“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”

TEXT: Affidavit of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Keshavarz-Nia’s online resume raeds “Sr. Vice President for Cyber Intel & CISO Black Key Solutions, LLC,” with:

“30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA), and commercial banking organizations.”

“Kraken” is the name given to Sidney Powell’s long awaited lawsuits promising to expose mammoth election fraud on behalf of Joe Biden. In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster which can swallow ships.

Keshavarz-Nia holds a Ph.D. degree in Management of Engineering and Technology from CalSouthern University, and other advanced degrees from George Mason and George Washington Universities.


Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Another extraordinary assertion from the Georgia court filing is that of a former electronic intelligence analyst under US Army’s 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, that:
“the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020” (Page 9 complaint)

It is beyond argument that were similar assertions to be made by such high level witnesses against the Trump campaign, the entire Democratic caucus would suspend all other proceedings and business to demand on every broadcast media available that Trump be immediately arrested. Yet instead, the GOP caucus remains silent and allows, without objection, Joe Biden to continue to be referred to as “president-elect.”

The Georgia lawsuit begins by laying out the standard that the judges must apply for the lawsuit to be successful, that, by a preponderance of evidence, according to Mead v. Sheffield, the plaintiffs only have “to show that there were enough irregular ballots to place in doubt the result.”

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia says in the affidavit:

“I have performed forensic analysis of electronic voting systems, including the DVS Democracy Suite, ES&S (acquired by DVS), Scytl/SOE Software, and the Smartmatic systems used in hundreds of precincts in key battleground states. I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.”

The affidavit states:

“In 2019, a computer laptop and several USB memory cards containing the cryptographic key to access DVS systems were stolen in Philadelphia…I believe that USB memory cards were used to facilitate administrative access to the backdoor to disrupt polling operations and impact ballot counting across MI, GA, PA, AZ and WI….I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed…These failures are widespread and systemic – and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts.”

Other items completely missing from major media news coverage, such as it is, of Powell’s Georgia lawsuit are:

  • “video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.” It was in this overnight time-frame that solid Trump leads melted in a number of states and improbably high Biden-to-Trump ratios of votes were tabulated.” (page 7, complaint)

  • “incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.” (page 6, complaint)

  • Georgia law, (OCGA 21-5-552) provides for a contest of an election where: “Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result.” (page 11, complaint)Thus even “irregularities” sufficient to change the result, absent motive or intent, are sufficient for plaintiffs to prevail.
  • “Notwithstanding the clarity of the applicable statutes…On March 6, 2020, the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, Secretary Raffensperger, and the State Election Board, who administer the state elections entered into a “Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release” (the “Litigation Settlement”) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the “Democrat Party Agencies”), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia” (page 22, complaint)
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BREAKING: Michigan Certifies Election After Naked Dead Women Photos Sent as Threats to Wayne County Certifiers

GSA Chair Says Was Threatened to Declare Transition Funds Available, Says Only “Electoral Process” Determines Winner
Yes...Corky. Tell us exactly all you know about the Supreme Court.
I have a few seconds to spare.

The Supreme Court ISN'T supposed to take under consideration the expertise of knowledgeable experts?
You don't know a damned thing about SCOTUS, Corky.
An expert is a drip under pressure.
I read this guy’s affidavit.

He doesn’t provide evidence of anything. He’s never examined a machine. He has zero first hand knowledge. Half his information is from media reports.

Totally baseless.
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster “Hero” #stoptheSteal


As the mainstream media stakes what remains of its public trust and credibility on mocking “typos” in famed attorney Sidney Powell’s blockbuster lawsuits which allege that Donald Trump was defrauded in the 2020 election, evidence of foreign interference and Dominion vote-counting machine hijinks go unremarked upon.

One affidavit in the case is from a CIA-NSA-alphabet agency cybersecurity contractor guru who, just a few months ago, was praised in the New York Times and the Washington Monthly as a “hero,” for helping expose a multi-million dollar national security scam.

In “The Spy Was a Grifter” in its September 17th issue, The Washington Monthly wrote of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia was another hero. He had done cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A., and F.B.I.”

At around the same time, the New York Times wrote of Keshavarz-Nia’s role in exposing the scandal:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots.”

Keshavarz-Nia, now one of Sidney Powell’s witnesses in the Georgia “Kraken” lawsuit, says in an affidavit under penalty of perjury that:

“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”

TEXT: Affidavit of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Keshavarz-Nia’s online resume raeds “Sr. Vice President for Cyber Intel & CISO Black Key Solutions, LLC,” with:

“30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA), and commercial banking organizations.”

“Kraken” is the name given to Sidney Powell’s long awaited lawsuits promising to expose mammoth election fraud on behalf of Joe Biden. In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster which can swallow ships.

Keshavarz-Nia holds a Ph.D. degree in Management of Engineering and Technology from CalSouthern University, and other advanced degrees from George Mason and George Washington Universities.


Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Another extraordinary assertion from the Georgia court filing is that of a former electronic intelligence analyst under US Army’s 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, that:
“the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020” (Page 9 complaint)

It is beyond argument that were similar assertions to be made by such high level witnesses against the Trump campaign, the entire Democratic caucus would suspend all other proceedings and business to demand on every broadcast media available that Trump be immediately arrested. Yet instead, the GOP caucus remains silent and allows, without objection, Joe Biden to continue to be referred to as “president-elect.”

The Georgia lawsuit begins by laying out the standard that the judges must apply for the lawsuit to be successful, that, by a preponderance of evidence, according to Mead v. Sheffield, the plaintiffs only have “to show that there were enough irregular ballots to place in doubt the result.”

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia says in the affidavit:

“I have performed forensic analysis of electronic voting systems, including the DVS Democracy Suite, ES&S (acquired by DVS), Scytl/SOE Software, and the Smartmatic systems used in hundreds of precincts in key battleground states. I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.”

The affidavit states:

“In 2019, a computer laptop and several USB memory cards containing the cryptographic key to access DVS systems were stolen in Philadelphia…I believe that USB memory cards were used to facilitate administrative access to the backdoor to disrupt polling operations and impact ballot counting across MI, GA, PA, AZ and WI….I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed…These failures are widespread and systemic – and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts.”

Other items completely missing from major media news coverage, such as it is, of Powell’s Georgia lawsuit are:

  • “video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.” It was in this overnight time-frame that solid Trump leads melted in a number of states and improbably high Biden-to-Trump ratios of votes were tabulated.” (page 7, complaint)

  • “incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.” (page 6, complaint)

  • Georgia law, (OCGA 21-5-552) provides for a contest of an election where: “Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result.” (page 11, complaint)Thus even “irregularities” sufficient to change the result, absent motive or intent, are sufficient for plaintiffs to prevail.
  • “Notwithstanding the clarity of the applicable statutes…On March 6, 2020, the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, Secretary Raffensperger, and the State Election Board, who administer the state elections entered into a “Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release” (the “Litigation Settlement”) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the “Democrat Party Agencies”), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia” (page 22, complaint)
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BREAKING: Michigan Certifies Election After Naked Dead Women Photos Sent as Threats to Wayne County Certifiers

GSA Chair Says Was Threatened to Declare Transition Funds Available, Says Only “Electoral Process” Determines Winner
Sidney Powell’s ridiculous lawsuits, which are devoid of even a shred of evidence, continue to waste the time of both state and Federal courts and render Trump and his moronic supporters international laughingstocks and an embarrassment to the American people.
It seems absolutely like this is something the Supreme Court should be aware of.

That's not how it works, Corky


How does it work?

Please do enlighten us.
Well, first you have something called evidence – that’s objective documentation in support one’s position on an issue; it’s not speculation, it’s not hearsay, it’s not partisan talking points, conspiracy theories, or lies.

Absent evidence, such as with Trump’s baseless, meritless ‘lawsuits,’ then no legal action can be taken on one’s position on an issue – in this case the unsupported nonsense that the election was ‘rigged’ or ‘stolen’ from Trump.
Kraken: Election Stolen Say US Army 305th Intelligence Battalion Officer, and CIA Spy-Buster “Hero” #stoptheSteal


As the mainstream media stakes what remains of its public trust and credibility on mocking “typos” in famed attorney Sidney Powell’s blockbuster lawsuits which allege that Donald Trump was defrauded in the 2020 election, evidence of foreign interference and Dominion vote-counting machine hijinks go unremarked upon.

One affidavit in the case is from a CIA-NSA-alphabet agency cybersecurity contractor guru who, just a few months ago, was praised in the New York Times and the Washington Monthly as a “hero,” for helping expose a multi-million dollar national security scam.

In “The Spy Was a Grifter” in its September 17th issue, The Washington Monthly wrote of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia was another hero. He had done cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A., and F.B.I.”

At around the same time, the New York Times wrote of Keshavarz-Nia’s role in exposing the scandal:

“Navid Keshavarz-Nia, those who worked with him said, “was always the smartest person in the room.” In doing cybersecurity and technical counterintelligence work for the C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I., he had spent decades connecting top-secret dots.”

Keshavarz-Nia, now one of Sidney Powell’s witnesses in the Georgia “Kraken” lawsuit, says in an affidavit under penalty of perjury that:

“I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.”

TEXT: Affidavit of Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Keshavarz-Nia’s online resume raeds “Sr. Vice President for Cyber Intel & CISO Black Key Solutions, LLC,” with:

“30 years of experience in national security spanning leadership and program execution supporting the civilian, Defense, US Intelligence Agency (USIA), and commercial banking organizations.”

“Kraken” is the name given to Sidney Powell’s long awaited lawsuits promising to expose mammoth election fraud on behalf of Joe Biden. In mythology the Kraken is a legendary sea monster which can swallow ships.

Keshavarz-Nia holds a Ph.D. degree in Management of Engineering and Technology from CalSouthern University, and other advanced degrees from George Mason and George Washington Universities.


Navid Keshavarz-Nia

Another extraordinary assertion from the Georgia court filing is that of a former electronic intelligence analyst under US Army’s 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, that:
“the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020” (Page 9 complaint)

It is beyond argument that were similar assertions to be made by such high level witnesses against the Trump campaign, the entire Democratic caucus would suspend all other proceedings and business to demand on every broadcast media available that Trump be immediately arrested. Yet instead, the GOP caucus remains silent and allows, without objection, Joe Biden to continue to be referred to as “president-elect.”

The Georgia lawsuit begins by laying out the standard that the judges must apply for the lawsuit to be successful, that, by a preponderance of evidence, according to Mead v. Sheffield, the plaintiffs only have “to show that there were enough irregular ballots to place in doubt the result.”

Dr. Keshavarz-Nia says in the affidavit:

“I have performed forensic analysis of electronic voting systems, including the DVS Democracy Suite, ES&S (acquired by DVS), Scytl/SOE Software, and the Smartmatic systems used in hundreds of precincts in key battleground states. I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time.”

The affidavit states:

“In 2019, a computer laptop and several USB memory cards containing the cryptographic key to access DVS systems were stolen in Philadelphia…I believe that USB memory cards were used to facilitate administrative access to the backdoor to disrupt polling operations and impact ballot counting across MI, GA, PA, AZ and WI….I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are installed…These failures are widespread and systemic – and sufficient to invalidate the vote counts.”

Other items completely missing from major media news coverage, such as it is, of Powell’s Georgia lawsuit are:

  • “video from the State Farm Arena in Fulton County shows that on November 3rd after the polls closed, election workers falsely claimed a water leak required the facility to close. All poll workers and challengers were evacuated for several hours at about 10:00 PM. However, several election workers remained unsupervised and unchallenged working at the computers for the voting tabulation machines until after 1:00 AM.” It was in this overnight time-frame that solid Trump leads melted in a number of states and improbably high Biden-to-Trump ratios of votes were tabulated.” (page 7, complaint)

  • “incontrovertible evidence Board of Elections records demonstrates that at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.” (page 6, complaint)

  • Georgia law, (OCGA 21-5-552) provides for a contest of an election where: “Misconduct, fraud, or irregularity by any primary or election official or officials sufficient to change or place in doubt the result.” (page 11, complaint)Thus even “irregularities” sufficient to change the result, absent motive or intent, are sufficient for plaintiffs to prevail.
  • “Notwithstanding the clarity of the applicable statutes…On March 6, 2020, the Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, Secretary Raffensperger, and the State Election Board, who administer the state elections entered into a “Compromise and Settlement Agreement and Release” (the “Litigation Settlement”) with the Democratic Party of Georgia, Inc., the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (collectively, the “Democrat Party Agencies”), setting forth different standards to be followed by the clerks and registrars in processing absentee ballots in the State of Georgia” (page 22, complaint)
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GSA Chair Says Was Threatened to Declare Transition Funds Available, Says Only “Electoral Process” Determines Winner

Sorry. Old school here. As you need "evidence" to support your claims of fraud...of which, there is none. Otherwise, all you have is a cheesy throwback and a bunch of ambulance chasers trying to relive the glory (near) past!
Well, first you have something called evidence – that’s objective documentation in support one’s position on an issue; it’s not speculation, it’s not hearsay, it’s not partisan talking points, conspiracy theories, or lies.

Absent evidence, such as with Trump’s baseless, meritless ‘lawsuits,’ then no legal action can be taken on one’s position on an issue – in this case the unsupported nonsense that the election was ‘rigged’ or ‘stolen’ from Trump.
Proof has been obtained. Read outs of Dominion vote dumps in real time. That's just one bit of evidence. One bit! You can't get any more real than that and that's just one example.

That's why I find it so funny when I see posts like yours. You don't want to believe it because you don't want it to be true. But it is. And you won't try to face it. You'd rather pretend.
At the end of the makes no difference whatsoever if the election was honest or not.

Joe Bidet will be a great President for china, the Ultra rich and iran, but will wreak havoc on Americans.

We may as well hand over Congress, the White House, the Federal Reserve and all military branches to Xi Jinping.... damn near the same thing has electing Joe Bidet
Yes...Corky. Tell us exactly all you know about the Supreme Court.
I have a few seconds to spare.

The Supreme Court ISN'T supposed to take under consideration the expertise of knowledgeable experts?
You don't know a damned thing about SCOTUS, Corky.

The Supreme Court doesn't hear evidence. They don't do trials. They review decisions made by lower courts.
Yes...Corky. Tell us exactly all you know about the Supreme Court.
I have a few seconds to spare.

The Supreme Court ISN'T supposed to take under consideration the expertise of knowledgeable experts?
You don't know a damned thing about SCOTUS, Corky.

Before a case reaches the SCOTUS, it must first be introduced into a lower federal court where it will be adjudicated upon and a verdict rendered. The lower court will make a determination on whether or not the claim is valid. If it is deemed not to be valid, the plaintiffs have the option of appealing it to the appellate courts. And if it fails in the appellate courts, the plaintiffs can petition the SCOTUS to review the case. The SCOTUS rejects to review petitions about 97% of the time.

Simply because someone makes a wild accusation does not mean that the SCOTUS "must" hear it.
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