Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willingly Accept Your Fate


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willingly Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich

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Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich
/——-/ Robert Reich is a Deep State political hack. It’s safe to ignore him.
I have worked every day since the "crises" began. Life has been quite normal other than the pleasantly quiet roads. Until I see the carts and the bell ringer asking to "bring out your dead" I am not too worried about it.
Instead I see hordes of shoppers and big box retailers assuring herd immunity while the small business is considered biblical plauge if they open for a few customers.
Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich

I'm so completely relieved that I have your permission to live my life.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™ in your fucking concrete civil defense bunker.
Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich


The epidemiology experts have been wrong on every estimate they made. They advised President Trump to convert the javits center in New York into a hospital and move hospital ships into the Hudson River to take on patients. They begged the tremendous Christian Preacher Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park.

These auxiliary facilities largely were unused.

Now, people are committing suicide as they aren't allowed to work and their livelihoods crumble. Others are not having their cancers diagnosed and treated as the hospitals have banned elective procedures like colonoscopies and mammography. A new more deadly plague of cancer awaits.

Idleness has accelerated the people's drinking and drug habits and idleness reigns. The people are a mess, everyone is in need of haircuts and nails and getting their teeth cleaned as all of those fields of endeavor have disappeared and those practitioners are starving in the streets.

And for what? A minimally fatal and disruptive virus that can only be slowed, can not be stopped.

I don't see where Mr. Reich's plan for an Eternal Closure is that tremendous.
Hide under your bed until the "experts" change their mind again.

The experts LOVE this Lock Down. It gives them power over the ordinary people's movements that they never had previously. After this Corona Panic subsides, and it will BTW, expect more Mass Quarantines to be imposed in the future. Petty Tyrants like Mr. Reich are in their glory.

If I was going to invest in a business nowadays, I'd look to open up a Speak Easy. Good until the end of this panic, but something that can be quickly reopened for future panics.
Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich

Hide under your bed until the "experts" change their mind again.

The experts LOVE this Lock Down. It gives them power over the ordinary people's movements that they never had previously. After this Corona Panic subsides, and it will BTW, expect more Mass Quarantines to be imposed in the future. Petty Tyrants like Mr. Reich are in their glory.

If I was going to invest in a business nowadays, I'd look to open up a Speak Easy. Good until the end of this panic, but something that can be quickly reopened for future panics.
Absolutely, they were unknowns and now they are relishing the limelight and power they are bathed in. They don't give two hoots for the pain and destruction of jobs, businesses, proud people having to line up at food banks.
Hide under your bed until the "experts" change their mind again.

The experts LOVE this Lock Down. It gives them power over the ordinary people's movements that they never had previously. After this Corona Panic subsides, and it will BTW, expect more Mass Quarantines to be imposed in the future. Petty Tyrants like Mr. Reich are in their glory.

If I was going to invest in a business nowadays, I'd look to open up a Speak Easy. Good until the end of this panic, but something that can be quickly reopened for future panics.
Absolutely, they were unknowns and now they are relishing the limelight and power they are bathed in. They don't give two hoots for the pain and destruction of jobs, businesses, proud people having to line up at food banks.

Dems want the economy shut down long enough so that it can't recover before the election in Nov, otherwise they can't win. So what if people suffer financial ruin they don't give a shit and never have.
Indeed, the "this is just a normal virus crowd" are wallowing in complete and utter self indulgent ignorance.

The final death morality rate of the Spanish Flu rate was 2.5%.

Right now the global mortality rate of those infected this virus in the USA is 5.79%

In some countries higher such as Italy 13.8%, France 14.47% and the UK with 15.8%!

It is a higher death rate per population than those who died in World War Two, which was 3%.…/global-covid-19-case-fatality-rates/

Just in the initial wave.

Now normally I have a lot of tolerance for the ignorant, but in this case they can cause a greater rate of infection, death and social destruction.

With a virus the ignorant can kill.
And yet essential businesses and abortion clinics remain open and the sky hasn't fallen. Just relax snowflake.

The idea that Abortion Mills, and Grass Dispensaries are considered "essential" as well as the sales of cigarettes, liquor and lottery tickets, tells me that they have another agenda.

Dems are assholes. I summarized.
As for the economy, those nations with sane lock down measures, a good social welfare system and a populace not self indulgently demanding rights without responsibilities, like Australia have half the unemployment rates as the USA and none of the social chaos because our social support system actually is civilised and works.
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Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich

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If I saw dead people , I'd be a lot more impressed. But only one death in all of Mercer County is attributed to this, and the coroner, Mr. Libonati knows nothing about it. Sounds like COVID 19 deaths are being overstated. Of course, the people here generally followed the President's suggestions to wash our hands after using the can, so maybe that's it?
Know More Than The Experts? Return To Work and Willing Accept Your Fate

Among the U.S. public, the COVID-19 pandemic has boiled down to just two major schools of thought. One, that we all should follow the instructions as they are released by the scientific and medical communities, and two, that everyday life should go unchanged and believe the COVID-19 pandemic is no worse than an average cold and flu season.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has proven itself much more deadly than the “flu” normally experienced each year. Its symptoms can vary from patient to patient, it can affect each age group differently, and the disease can kill in several different ways.

There is no doubt the “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies imposed by local and state governments have reduced the spread and thus the fatalities caused by COVID-19. It is the same with the forced closures of nonessential businesses. Even the impeached president trump reversed his stance concerning Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s reopening the state’s economy.

Certain businesses and their employees are essential to keep the nation functioning even at the reduced economic level currently being experienced. Sadly, the employees are unable to shelter-in-place and must do their best to maintain social distancing in their workplace environment. Most must work without PPE to prevent their contracting COVID-19.

Past administrations had experts run simulations to predict the effects and enable planning to provide the actions, personnel, and supplies necessary to minimize the spread of a newly discovered disease. But, despite the bragging by the impeached president trump about his “greatness”, it has been his ongoing, gross mismanagement of these programs, well established by past administrations, that brought the nation to the disastrous point we are now. And, thanks to the impeached president trump’s unbelievable stupidity, the situation is going to get much, much worse.

The impeached president trump is no different than other right-wingers. As with all issues, the impeached president trump, like the vast majority of conservatives, believe their knowledge far exceeds that of individuals formally educated in diseases and pandemics.

In addition to COVID-19, the conservatives’ self-proclaimed (but constantly disproven) “superior” knowledge in all subjects, includes constitutional law. The right-wingers’ reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution consistently places their rights above those of all other Americans. These same conservatives will assure anyone who will listen there is a clause in the Constitution, which protects their right to endanger the health, safety, and well-being of others by ignoring legally imposed governmental orders designed to protect everyone. And this is just one example, of many, when right-wingers believe the U.S. Constitution guarantees their “rights” supersede the rights of all other citizens.

No reasonable person is surprised by the conservatives’ armed demonstrations against “shelter-in-place” and “social distancing” policies. Especially with the impeached president trump’s well documented history of encouraging his devoted fanatics to commit acts of violence.

With conservatives also agonizing over the rights of workers classified as “nonessential personnel”, whose jobs do nothing to contribute to the survival of society, some middle ground must be reached to prevent an armed uprising by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have shown their supreme confidence in their leader’s assurances the COVID-19 pandemic presents no danger to them worse than a common cold. Therefore, conservatives’ demands that nonessential personnel be permitted to return to work for nonessential businesses, must be granted. This is especially true, when the nonessential businesses do nothing but assure the profits of the billionaire class go uninterrupted. Employees loyal to the billionaire class must be permitted to return to work, regardless of the potential for their deaths from COVID-19.

History provides many examples of the conservatives’ endless fight against their own best interests. Conservatives carrying firearms at demonstrations to threaten leaders who issued orders to protect public health shows how right-wingers are hellbent on contracting COVID-19. With their determination being so powerful, they should be permitted to win in this fight against their own best interests as they have so many others.

It’s always gratifying to see how much conservatives hate the truth. As seen on these message boards, reasonable people have come to expect this. Just as reasonable people expect the constant conservative denial of reality seen here day in and day out. (The COVID-19 pandemic has really proven this.)

So, keep your mindless, right wing criticisms coming. By doing so, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else, which makes it useless to respond to your conservative nonsense.

Donald Trump's four-step plan to reopen the US economy – and why it will be lethal | Robert Reich

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If I saw dead people , I'd be a lot more impressed. But only one death in all of Mercer County is attributed to this, and the coroner, Mr. Libonati knows nothing about it. Sounds like COVID 19 deaths are being overstated. Of course, the people here generally followed the President's suggestions to wash our hands after using the can, so maybe that's it?

Or maybe it is because the Hicks of Mercer County never got out much into the wider world in the first place?

No tourists wanting to go there which is how the initial wave spread.

But not to worry, if one researches how pandemics work, sooner or later if America cannot figure out sane containment measures the virus will come to you.

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