Kindergartners taught sex-ed and parents can stop


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.
Massachusetts arrested those parents for refusing to send their five year old in for indoctrination. The law wouldn't protect that child but instead forced that crap and the agenda on her, grgrgrgrgr...... That was originally brought to light by this saint MassResistance
Again, this is social engineering to benefit liberalism. We (and obviously other countries succumbing to the liberal ideologue) will ruin education if this continues. Schools are here to teach academics...not that man and man (example) relationships are good or bad. Get back to math, reading and language arts !
Again, this is social engineering to benefit liberalism. We (and obviously other countries succumbing to the liberal ideologue) will ruin education if this continues. Schools are here to teach academics...not that man and man (example) relationships are good or bad. Get back to math, reading and language arts !
Not only that in a free country the state does not own your children.
"Ruin education"? You act like it hasn't happened already, sorry it has. We, Americans, ignored this problem for too long, and now we're paying for the apathy.

We need to talk about 'recovery measures' not 'saving it.'
What makes them think that a five year old is going to understand the subject well enough?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Those who think that the subject should be acknowledged, what are they wanting to accomplish? Are they wanting kids to hit the sheets sooner than they already do?
What makes them think that a five year old is going to understand the subject well enough?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Those who think that the subject should be acknowledged, what are they wanting to accomplish? Are they wanting kids to hit the sheets sooner than they already do?
When I was teaching 1st grade, the reading books were touting cultural diversity (with children learning Spanish words before they could read English well) and then it went to two mothers and two daddies. I would guess the Liberals want social engineering propaganda in the early grades? Nonsense. If that king of subject is going to be introduced, it should be one grade and that would be early high school.
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.
i'm not sure the STORY is true?

btw, your link says this is in ENGLAND,

NOT the USA??? am i not reading that correctly?
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.


Your link (and screenshot) are about a proposed law in England.

Tell us more about how this was "done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA"...
Another fake news story from a fake news source.
Sex and relationship classes set to be taught in secondary schools after 23 Tory MPs back law change

Firstly the amendment is a conservative amendment to a conservative bill.
Secondly it only applies to secondary schools, where the kids are at least 11 years old.
And finally this is what will be corrupting these little guys.

Pupils will be taught “how to recognise and handle bullying and peer pressure, such as sexting, the meaning of consent, signs of an exploitative relationship, including physical, mental and sexual harassment, conflict management and safety online, such as exposure to pornography”.

I think its a huge step forward even though the Tories have brought it in. The OP should really be ashamed of himself for attacking such a sensible piece of legislation.
Another fake news story from a fake news source.
Sex and relationship classes set to be taught in secondary schools after 23 Tory MPs back law change

Firstly the amendment is a conservative amendment to a conservative bill.
Secondly it only applies to secondary schools, where the kids are at least 11 years old.
And finally this is what will be corrupting these little guys.

Pupils will be taught “how to recognise and handle bullying and peer pressure, such as sexting, the meaning of consent, signs of an exploitative relationship, including physical, mental and sexual harassment, conflict management and safety online, such as exposure to pornography”.

I think its a huge step forward even though the Tories have brought it in. The OP should really be ashamed of himself for attacking such a sensible piece of legislation.

Another idiot who can't stand to see facts of the democratic assholes creating this issues to teach kids Yeah right wake up to reality jackass
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.


Your link (and screenshot) are about a proposed law in England.

Tell us more about how this was "done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA"...

Obviously you've missed the American version
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.


Your link (and screenshot) are about a proposed law in England.

Tell us more about how this was "done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA"...

Late last year, California became the first state to require affirmative-consent education—education about consent that teaches “yes means yes” versus “no means no”—for public high schools that require a health class before graduation. Advocates applauded the move as a huge step in the right direction. Such education, they hoped, would help reduce the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses and elsewhere.

Should Kids Start Learning About Sex and Consent in Kindergarten?

When people learn where to go they tend to learn their fantasy worlds have been nothing but democratic bs taught to them.
Another fake news story from a fake news source.
Sex and relationship classes set to be taught in secondary schools after 23 Tory MPs back law change

Firstly the amendment is a conservative amendment to a conservative bill.
Secondly it only applies to secondary schools, where the kids are at least 11 years old.
And finally this is what will be corrupting these little guys.

Pupils will be taught “how to recognise and handle bullying and peer pressure, such as sexting, the meaning of consent, signs of an exploitative relationship, including physical, mental and sexual harassment, conflict management and safety online, such as exposure to pornography”.

I think its a huge step forward even though the Tories have brought it in. The OP should really be ashamed of himself for attacking such a sensible piece of legislation.

Sex Ed In Kindergarten?
This, from The Atlantic, is one reason why the morally sane will end up having to withdraw from this culture:

Both educators believe that children would be better off with a more comprehensive understanding of sexuality, beyond just the issue of consent—one most effectively taught at a younger age as part of a larger curriculum that includes teachings on boundaries, personal autonomy, relationships, and other aspects of sexual health. This attitude reflects a growing movement among sexuality organizations and educators to advocate for comprehensive sex-education programs that begin as early as kindergarten [emphasis mine — RD], to provide students with age-appropriate and medically accurate information that acts as a foundation for later lessons on consent.

Sex Ed In Kindergarten?
None of this chatter negates the fact that you produced a lying OP with a lying headline.

You are a lying fucker and you have been busted.
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.

take it up with devos
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.
Fake news
You ppl are some really clueless fkn morons man honest to gawd, No wonder we have a nation full of fkn morons.
View attachment 111753

Kindergartners Taught Sex-Ed And Parents Can’t Stop It

Oh the love of being a liberal moron and thinking just how wonderful this is.... People who support this are totally sick in the head, and will wonder why in years to come why their kids have issues with sex.
That's just putting it mildly.

And for the parents who can't stop it this bs was all done during that SATANIC idiot OBAMA we can only hope Trump will undo it all. This is just totally perverted and draconian wth are they to FORCE this bs.

I didn't realize Trump and Obama before him were elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Do you even read this shit or do you just regurgitate it based on the headlines?

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