Kicking the can down the road v. The buck stops here


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Donald Trump is being eviscerated for destabilizing of the markets with his 'reckless' tariffs directed at China. I see it as a very long overdue adjustment to what has been grossly unfair trade practices and outright theft of Intellectual Property by the Chinese government. They have happily taken advantage of American Presidents who didn't have the balls to call out the cheating and do something about it. As with any problem, even on an individual level, the longer you allow the problem to continue the worse is the outcome. But it is ALWAYS rocky when you confront the problem. It is never easy, it is never smooth. But in the long run whether it is a person or a country, you are much better for having addressed the problem and done something about it.

So when would be a better time to address the trade deficits and IP thefts with China? When we are in an economic position of strength or weakness? How much longer should these clearly unfair practices and thefts be allowed to continue without doing something about it? IP is our future, we have the greatest innovators in the world and China has the greatest thieves in the world. Donald Trump is the first President to stand up for our companies and our innovators, the rest of them were too weak to confront the bully. I don't understand why Americans turn on the only President who is finally fighting for us.
Solutions are never easy. If they were, our lazy leaders wouldnt be using band aids....
Is this a solution? IDK we will find out.
One thing is for sure, i damn sure havent liked the way things have been..
Good luck!
I see no reason not to lay tax, or tariffs on other countries goods as they do ours. They tax ours at 25%, we tax theirs at 25%.

For too long we have been spending our money supporting the industries (workers), while neglecting our own.

If that means I have to pay higher prices in the short term, the long term will just mean stronger wages at home.

So be it.

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