Keystone xl pipeline.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Producing more oil do not affect the price of oil, gasoline as supporters of the pipeline claim. There is no shortage of oil anywhere in the worldly. If we produced more oil and the price of oil went down, producers would stop producing more oil because they don’t profit when oil goes down to $50 a barrel instead of $100 a barrel. Or gasoline goes down to $1 a gallon. It simple does not profit the oil producers to lower the price of oil. The Keystone XL Pipeline would bring in more oil but would not lower the price of gasoline. We could produce more oil if we needed more oil to lower the price of oil and gasoline.

If you lowered the price of lettuce, the grower would grow, produce and sell more lettuce but will not make more money. Would not be profitable and they would stop producing more lettuce and the price would go up and they would make more money. Put it to your 5th grader.

We get oil from Mexico, Canada and the Middle East in that order, not because we do not have oil in the ground, but because of the cost of getting it out and processing it would not be cost effective and bring down the cost of oil or gasoline.
Domestic oil production does not affect gas prices - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Columnists

Beetles are part of the eco system and we all know what happens when the eco system is disturbed. Yes, the beetles are important. Of course the white man don’t know because he is driven by greed.

Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline
Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline: Home
Has it brought down the price of gasoline? NO.

If people who do not quality for food stamps are receiving them, blame it on the States that issue them and not Obama.
Obama do not control private sector hiring and firing. There were 165,00 private sector jobs added in July. Obama did not do that?
That is because the Koch's are rat holing it all at their Witchita, Kansas tank farm. They have a lot of money invested in said oil sands. Also Boehner is invested in them heavily-- why not impeach him for insider trading etc, because as speaker of the house he should NOR preside over anything to do with this pipeline! Tar sands are more polluting than oil is itself.
Enviro-nazi's threaten Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) on Keystone pipeline...
Enviros threaten Stephen Lynch on Keystone pipeline
3/18/13 - 'Act like a real Democrat and oppose Keystone’s dirty energy'
A group of climate-minded activists and a philanthropist have sent a letter to Massachusetts Senate hopeful Stephen Lynch, warning the Democratic congressman that they’ll form a super PAC to target him unless he opposes the Keystone pipeline. The move takes place amid an anti-super PAC pledge signed by both Lynch and the favorite in the Democratic primary, Rep. Ed Markey, to discourage outside groups from airing ads and sending out direct mail. The letter went out this morning from Tom Steyer, a clean-energy advocate and philanthropist who has poured money into environmental efforts in California, and four other signers.


In a letter, activists accuse Lynch of being too far to the right.

It accuses Lynch of being too far to the right, and notes he has supported Keystone. “We have to solve the problem now in large part through smart policies that invest in a clean energy future for our next generation,” says the letter, which was sent, sources said, after environmentalists approached Steyer about getting involved. “Nowhere does this policy drive matter more today than the Massachusetts Senate Democratic primary between Congressmen Ed Markey and you. In short, climate change is on the ballot on April 30 as it never has been before.” The letter continues, “Because climate change is such a serious issue, and because it is on the ballot as never before, we are asking you, Congressman Lynch, today to do one of two things by high noon on Friday, March 22. Either act like a real Democrat and oppose Keystone’s dirty energy. Or get a sworn, binding statement — with securities law enforcement — from TransCanada and the refiners that all of the Keystone-shipped oil will stay here. “

If Lynch does not comply, the signers warn they “will then immediately launch an aggressive public education campaign, including: investigative reports about your record, public events targeting interested Democratic voters, a college-based get-out-the-vote effort, community-to-community activity in cities and towns with the worst childhood asthma rates, and a robust social media effort to help voters understand that their climate interest is on the ballot.” It concludes, “What say you, Congressman Lynch?”

A Lynch spokesman described it as “something out of a James Bond film — billionaires issuing ultimatums.” He added that he would not respond to threats.

Read more: Enviros threaten Stephen Lynch on Keystone pipeline - Maggie Haberman -
Anyone who thinks the Keystone pipeline wont make any difference to U.S. energy independence is nuts.

Producing more oil do not affect the price of oil, gasoline as supporters of the pipeline claim. There is no shortage of oil anywhere in the worldly. If we produced more oil and the price of oil went down, producers would stop producing more oil because they don’t profit when oil goes down to $50 a barrel instead of $100 a barrel. Or gasoline goes down to $1 a gallon. It simple does not profit the oil producers to lower the price of oil. The Keystone XL Pipeline would bring in more oil but would not lower the price of gasoline. We could produce more oil if we needed more oil to lower the price of oil and gasoline.

If you lowered the price of lettuce, the grower would grow, produce and sell more lettuce but will not make more money. Would not be profitable and they would stop producing more lettuce and the price would go up and they would make more money. Put it to your 5th grader.

We get oil from Mexico, Canada and the Middle East in that order, not because we do not have oil in the ground, but because of the cost of getting it out and processing it would not be cost effective and bring down the cost of oil or gasoline.
Domestic oil production does not affect gas prices - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Columnists

Beetles are part of the eco system and we all know what happens when the eco system is disturbed. Yes, the beetles are important. Of course the white man don’t know because he is driven by greed.

Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline
Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline: Home
Has it brought down the price of gasoline? NO.

If people who do not quality for food stamps are receiving them, blame it on the States that issue them and not Obama.
Obama do not control private sector hiring and firing. There were 165,00 private sector jobs added in July. Obama did not do that?

Your #1 supplier is Canada. Now this post is so whacked out, I don't know where to start.
we need to build that pipe line to reduce our dependence on Middle east.

We don't want to behead you. That's a big plus.

We're nice and polite (unless we lose the Stanley Cup :))

We have great beer. We gave the world Rush, Niel Young, John Candy and many more.

Sorries about Justin Bieber and Celine Dion; I take no responsibility.
we need to build that pipe line to reduce our dependence on Middle east.

We don't want to behead you. That's a big plus.

We're nice and polite (unless we lose the Stanley Cup :))

We have great beer. We gave the world Rush, Niel Young, John Candy and many more.

Sorries about Justin Bieber and Celine Dion; I take no responsibility.

Celine??? What???

There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things we'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than all your laws allow
Baby, Baby, Baby

Producing more oil do not affect the price of oil, gasoline as supporters of the pipeline claim. There is no shortage of oil anywhere in the worldly. If we produced more oil and the price of oil went down, producers would stop producing more oil because they don’t profit when oil goes down to $50 a barrel instead of $100 a barrel. Or gasoline goes down to $1 a gallon. It simple does not profit the oil producers to lower the price of oil. The Keystone XL Pipeline would bring in more oil but would not lower the price of gasoline. We could produce more oil if we needed more oil to lower the price of oil and gasoline.

If you lowered the price of lettuce, the grower would grow, produce and sell more lettuce but will not make more money. Would not be profitable and they would stop producing more lettuce and the price would go up and they would make more money. Put it to your 5th grader.

We get oil from Mexico, Canada and the Middle East in that order, not because we do not have oil in the ground, but because of the cost of getting it out and processing it would not be cost effective and bring down the cost of oil or gasoline.
Domestic oil production does not affect gas prices - Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Columnists

Beetles are part of the eco system and we all know what happens when the eco system is disturbed. Yes, the beetles are important. Of course the white man don’t know because he is driven by greed.

Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline
Environmental Effects of the Alaska Pipeline: Home
Has it brought down the price of gasoline? NO.

If people who do not quality for food stamps are receiving them, blame it on the States that issue them and not Obama.
Obama do not control private sector hiring and firing. There were 165,00 private sector jobs added in July. Obama did not do that?

Your #1 supplier is Canada. Now this post is so whacked out, I don't know where to start.

Much of that post does make sense. When oil is $90/barrel and you flood the market with oil, you have a lot more of $90 oil. Ironically, physical supply often does not determine the market price. There's a lot of shit in the mix, and that's where we are today.

I think there will soon be a huge correction in commodities, especially crude oil. The stock market will tank like it did in '07 and '08. But much depends on the Federal Reserve. They are printing money and buying back bonds like hell wouldn't have it.

We are living in a pretend economy. AKA Obamaconomy.
TransCanada delays Keystone XL in-service date to second-half 2015.

The move follows on-going delays in issuing the US Presidential Permit for the project and comes just days after Canada's Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver remarked at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, that stopping Keystone XL construction would not keep Alberta's oil sands resources "in the ground" (OGJ Online, Apr. 24, 2013).

The Second-Half of 2015? At the earliest.


No rhyme, no reason, NoBama. What a turd of a President he turned out to be, huh?
we need to build that pipe line to reduce our dependence on Middle east.

You think they want to ship Canadian oil to ports of Texas to use in America?

I know so. Whatta you know, Joe?

Sure some crudes will be exported, and some refined products will be exported. This means jobs for Americans, hard cash coming into our country from overseas sales, and overall fewer imports from far-flung regimes.
we need to build that pipe line to reduce our dependence on Middle east.

You think they want to ship Canadian oil to ports of Texas to use in America?

I know so. Whatta you know, Joe?

Sure some crudes will be exported, and some refined products will be exported. This means jobs for Americans, hard cash coming into our country from overseas sales, and overall fewer imports from far-flung regimes.

I know it will bring higher prices to the midwest and kill jobs over the long term. Sure Americans can have the oil if they are willing to pay more for Canadian oil.
we need to build that pipe line to reduce our dependence on Middle east.

You think they want to ship Canadian oil to ports of Texas to use in America?

We're your #1 supplier. Don't you know that? Canada is numero uno baby supplying you our black gold.

Now I do understand that freaking liberal enviro whackos who are too stupid to have taken geography actually believe that Canada needs to ship oil to the Gulf of Mexico so we can ship our oil to China.


Please tell me you do realize that we already ship via Keystone's earlier projects to
Oklahoma and Illinois.

You think they want to ship Canadian oil to ports of Texas to use in America?

I know so. Whatta you know, Joe?

Sure some crudes will be exported, and some refined products will be exported. This means jobs for Americans, hard cash coming into our country from overseas sales, and overall fewer imports from far-flung regimes.

I know it will bring higher prices to the midwest and kill jobs over the long term. Sure Americans can have the oil if they are willing to pay more for Canadian oil.

OMG take an emergency enema! :lol:

You're so full of shit it's unreal.

We are your number one supplier. Canada does not make your gas prices go up fool.

And you are now claiming that the Keystone project will kill jobs? Prove it happened with the other Keystone pipelines with links.

By all means. I can't wait. Or are you just regurgitating the bullshit you've been fed?

Geeze Louse I can't believe how liberals can lie lie lie and lie again. Truth is a complete stranger to them.

Sheesh. Time to piss in their enviro weenie cornflakes again. *sigh*


Economic benefits of the Keystone XL Pipeline Project

Keystone XL Pipeline Project will provide good-paying jobs for U.S. families in addition to millions of dollars in annual tax revenue for local governments.

The majority of jobs will be created during pipeline construction

Jobs will likely include positions for equipment operators, welders, mechanics, truck drivers and laborers

Business and contracting opportunities — Pipeline construction will create demand for local goods and services, including clearing, gravel supply, construction equipment supply and maintenance, lodging and accommodation

Annual tax revenue — Once the pipeline is in operation, property taxes will flow to communities across the United States to support school and hospital districts, emergency services and other local programs

Investment in local communities — The operation of the pipeline will also support the economies of communities surrounding our operations, which means increased revenues

More at link:

Jobs & Economic Benefits | Keystone XL Pipeline
Another day. Another smackdown. :) A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Putting skilled Americans to work


The $5.3-billion Keystone XL Pipeline Project is the largest infrastructure project currently proposed in the United States. Construction of the 1,179-mile pipeline will require 9,000 skilled American workers. The project will provide jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators, heavy equipment operators and other workers who rely on large construction projects for their livelihoods.

In addition to construction jobs, an estimated 7,000 U.S. jobs are being supported in manufacturing the steel pipe and the thousands of fittings, valves, pumps and control devices required for a major oil pipeline.

TransCanada has contracts with more than 50 suppliers across the U.S., including companies in Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Indiana, Georgia, Maryland, New York, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Ohio, Arkansas, Kansas, California and Pennsylvania.

TransCanada is currently employing 4,000 Americans in Oklahoma and Texas on construction of the $2.3-billion Gulf Coast Pipeline Project, which is expected to be complete by the end of this year.

Construction and development of the Keystone XL and Gulf Coast Pipeline Projects is anticipated to generate $20 billion in economic impact in the United States, including $99 million in local government revenues and $486 million in state government revenues during construction.

The pipelines will also generate an estimated $5 billion in additional property taxes during their operational life.

The Canadian Energy Research Institute predicts that Keystone XL will add $172 billion to America’s gross domestic product by 2035 and will create an additional 1.8 million person-years of employment in the United States over the next 22 years.

More at link:

Jobs & Economic Benefits | Keystone XL Pipeline
Dearest td,

The enviro whackos lack both a knowledge of economics and cognitive ability. Their lunacy is perfectly consistent.


I know so. Whatta you know, Joe?

Sure some crudes will be exported, and some refined products will be exported. This means jobs for Americans, hard cash coming into our country from overseas sales, and overall fewer imports from far-flung regimes.

I know it will bring higher prices to the midwest and kill jobs over the long term. Sure Americans can have the oil if they are willing to pay more for Canadian oil.

OMG take an emergency enema! :lol:

You're so full of shit it's unreal.

We are your number one supplier. Canada does not make your gas prices go up fool.

And you are now claiming that the Keystone project will kill jobs? Prove it happened with the other Keystone pipelines with links.

By all means. I can't wait. Or are you just regurgitating the bullshit you've been fed?


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