Kerry warns of revolution if Trump is reelected

Everyday they expose themselves as election suppressors threatening violence. Deplorable is now turned into a threat
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.
is that what you tell yourself when you empty the trash cans at planned parenthood ?
You won't like it.
Nothing like keeping in step with the self-defense laws.



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I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.
Liberals are Affirmative Action supporting anti-white racists. VERY MISeducated (brainwashed), dumb dupes for the leftist media, and clueless about guns and law enforcement. I posted OPS as "Quiz for Liberals" everytime they show how how much they don't know.
a gun doesn't make you a fighter. Conservatives are cowards. Afraid of everyone who isn't like them, terrified of change. We see right through your blustering schoolyard bully tactics, sitting in your basement, stroking your expensive security blanket, we know you for the scared little children you are.

Take it from me, you won't like it.
Conservatives are cops and military veterans, well armed, and who will blow to bits any jerks who try to overthrow this US govt. Anybody wanting to commit suicide - that would be one way.

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