Kerry warns of revolution if Trump is reelected


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

John Kerry is a fucking idiot.

I want Trump to win because after there isn't a revolution, Trump can stick it in his face.

America is coming back. I know Elitists like John Kerry don't like it, but tough shit.
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.
Hell of a stereotype pal. I am a proud redneck but very well educated, very well versed in other cultures and the world. I LOVE to read etc. We have seen what YOU people want. It was called Communist Russia. No thanks
Perhaps a revolution will happen if President Trump is NOT reelected!

Kerry is still the same disgusting coward of the Vietnam days, hasn't changed a bit.
That's possible IF this BLM shit keeps happening and gets even more violent, things like this are pushing white folks to wake the hell up and they can see with their own eyes our lives are in danger if the leftists ever gain absolute control in this country.
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
Son, owning a gun doesn't make you a fighter. Conservatives are cowards. Afraid of everyone who isn't like them, terrified of change. We see right through your blustering schoolyard bully tactics, sitting in your basement, stroking your expensive security blanket, we know you for the scared little children you are.

Take it from me, you won't like it.
If Kerry had half a brain he would not have been working for 44. But the idiot actually thinks any on the left are going to start anything. That's funny. Even if they wanted to pretend to start one all anyone would need to do is ask the truckers to stop diliveries. Let them starve, and live with nothing for awhile.
Besides the biggest amount of them wouldn't even know which way to pickup a gun if they could talk themselves into it.
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.

Creep has the Communist Chinese army backing him. Never forget that the democrats are traitors trying to overthrow the country on behalf of the PRC.
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
Son, owning a gun doesn't make you a fighter. Conservatives are cowards. Afraid of everyone who isn't like them, terrified of change. We see right through your blustering schoolyard bully tactics, sitting in your basement, stroking your expensive security blanket, we know you for the scared little children you are.

Take it from me, you won't like it.

The problem you have creep is that your army is in China, You have to get it here, then you have to fight against a guerrilla insurgency as well as the United States Military, whatever remains of it. I know you think you will win, but don't be so sure. Oh, and we will fucking nuke you. Do your nukes even work? We'll find out soon.
Perhaps a revolution will happen if President Trump is NOT reelected!

Kerry is still the same disgusting coward of the Vietnam days, hasn't changed a bit.
That's possible IF this BLM shit keeps happening and gets even more violent, things like this are pushing white folks to wake the hell up and they can see with their own eyes our lives are in danger if the leftists ever gain absolute control in this country.

Guessing there's quite a few Blacks waking up too. After all who the hell wants to live in a tent?

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

Another lie by the OP:

Here is the quote:

“If people don’t have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that’s the stuff on which revolutions are built. If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I’m worried that increasingly, people are disaffected.”
You won't like it. me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
Son, owning a gun doesn't make you a fighter. Conservatives are cowards. Afraid of everyone who isn't like them, terrified of change. We see right through your blustering schoolyard bully tactics, sitting in your basement, stroking your expensive security blanket, we know you for the scared little children you are.

Take it from me, you won't like it.
Oh I am sitting on my couch watching tv. The peace maker is sitting all alone just waiting for some snowflake to try and break in or some other ignorant shit. My uncle and his son (both veterans) would LOVE to break out the ole 50 cal. I am not afraid of anything especially snowflake pussies who need a mob to fight back, but hey believe what you want, I just sit here and laugh quietly because I have lived in the south and in the country my entire life and I know exactly what will happen, we may seem nice and quiet and calm but fuck with our families, or our homes and well all bets are off. But hey go ahead and try if you want.

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