Kentucky basketball coach Calipari delivers an awesome lecture on vaccinating

Youre losing it dude. I'm sorry they cut you from the JV squad. If you had practised a little more you may have made it. :auiqs.jpg:
I'm destroying you and your Love buddy

'''''Surveying the UNC football and basketball students from 2004 to 2012, she found that 60 percent read between a fourth- and eighth-grade level. Another 10 percent couldn’t read past a third-grade level''''

bold mine
from previous link B-Ball and NFL players with fourth grade reading levels
..I've said it in MANY threads that they don't graduate from grade school levels --BOOOM BABY
..and these people that have 4th grade reading levels try to dictate to us all kinds of bullshit like police brutality/racism/inequality/etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told you that you are losing it. Youre on the internet lil guy. You aren't destroying anything other than the clean air in your basement. :laugh:
destroyed!!! yes, the facts hurt you---I can tell by your replies
I told you that you are losing it. Youre on the internet lil guy. You aren't destroying anything other than the clean air in your basement. :laugh:
..actually I am great in sports--but the blacks got the positions because of their skin color privilege --so all that crap about racism is bullshit
.....but, I got a better education---so I came out on top
My replies are laughing at you trying claim that college coaches teach reading. :laugh:
best people on the planet!!!!!!!!! woooohooooooo- a big fk up there see, fathers / parents should be the best......when a coach is the best--this means your culture is a failure

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