Keep paying people to sit on their asses, at least some people actually make money on those lazy liberal asses.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
rill into the nation’s 3.7% unemployment rate, and you’ll find a growing welfare-industrial complex beneath the seemingly strong labor market. Government, social assistance and healthcare account for 56% of the 2.8 million net new jobs over the past year, and for nearly all gains in blue states such as New York and Illinois.

The tens of thousands of migrants pouring into big cities need to be tended to. So do the hundreds of thousands of drug-addled and mentally ill homeless living on the streets. Progressive government doesn’t do anything on the cheap. America’s welfare state has thus become a proverbial Big Dig, and it keeps getting bigger.
So those EVIL corporations working in conjunction with the government is stealing the wealth of America, and giving it to diseased illegals who never should be here in the first place, but then again, those EVIL corporations are funneling back monies into the Marxists/Demofascists coffers so the Democrat Machine can keep on fucking over the US citizen. You would think that the average Democrat would be outraged by these events, but that would require critical thinking, which is 2 chromosomes short for the Joe Biden voter...

Near 1 in 5 Americans are on welfare
If the government did like they did under Clinton, you get two years of welfare, then you are on your own, more people would be gainfully seeking employment even in Joe Bidumb's no roaring economic recovery. But the brown turd Obammy stopped the Clinton initiative by allowing people to forever get the welfare check, thus leading to the doom of the US.
MSN So those EVIL corporations working in conjunction with the government is stealing the wealth of America, and giving it to diseased illegals who never should be here in the first place, but then again, those EVIL corporations are funneling back monies into the Marxists/Demofascists coffers so the Democrat Machine can keep on fucking over the US citizen. You would think that the average Democrat would be outraged by these events, but that would require critical thinking, which is 2 chromosomes short for the Joe Biden voter...

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Great another maga fuckup starts a xenophobic thread and wets his boi pants.

The stupid never ends…
I do get paid to sit on things, but not my own ass.

Who is actually getting paid to sit on their ass? Please show receipts.

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