Keep going or stop when hooligans attack your car

Keep going or stop?

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Gracie, Mintut is not the ugly fatass you're thinking of.
Good analysis, though of course full of the kind of misogyny I’d expect from someone unrepentant about their self-reported part in causing a sexual assault.
She has many socks. This newish one is just another one of her collection. Fixing to put her sorry ass on iggie cuz she disgusts me.
That’s one way to avoid seeing what an embarrassment you’ve caused yourself with your idiot accusation. :)
Fuck off. You know how to get around IPs and staff knows it.

I knew you’d have a reason to avoid actually backing up your delusional accusation. :)

This Boop chick has really got you on the ropes - you can’t quit her!
Too bad Kat is gone..she would peg you in a heartbeat..just like all the other times you slithered back. You fool nobody except yourself, fat ass.
See above.
The only one triggered in this thread is you, Poop. As I said many times before, it must truly suck to be you. Seeing your pic before..I can see why you are such an asshole. Drape your mirrors. That may help.
See above.
The folks in this thread can continue to entertain you and get you all wet and excited, but as before, I refuse to. On iggie you go. Skank.

And the Spineless Spewer of the Year Award goes to...

Attacking or blocking the road?
To the delusional conservative mind, voting for Biden is like pulling an Uzi on a nun while setting an orphanage on fire; extreme responses are 100% justified!!!! :eek:
:desk: Let me! :desk: A proposition is an offer, usually of a proposed arrangement or deal, :desk: while a question is an interrogative! :desk: What do I win?
The Idiot Award?

The definition was posted above.

You REALLY shouldn’t be voting, Tooby.
To the delusional conservative mind, voting for Biden is like pulling an Uzi on a nun while setting an orphanage on fire; extreme responses are 100% justified!!!! :eek:
Do you honestly believe that or are just being provocative?
Ahem, the Boopster was allowed back. Gimme a few, I might have the screen name screen shotted.

I had that conversation with Kat.

The screen name is "Witchit".
Yes, I know. I had the same convo. She loathed her as much as I did. As long as she wasn't trolling like she is NOW, which is why she is back now that Kat is gone, they let her stay I guess. But that was then. This is now.

If they are going to let that skank stay, then they should let Lucy come back. I miss Lucy.
Attacking or blocking the road?
Attacking. Some protest by blocking and laying or sitting in front of traffic. Drivers get out and remove them, sometimes not so nice like the one I saw where they dragged them by the hair. Took quite a few drivers to do it because like locusts, one gets moved to the curb and another takes its place. But they are not attacking. I'm talking about in this OP the battering, breaking, jumping on the hood of the cars, smashing windows/headlights/etc. Threatening the people inside and destroying their vehicles for kicks not counting scaring the hell out of the people inside the vehicle. I read where one guy was trying to get his wife to the hospital and was attacked. I don't remember how he got them off his car so he could continue. Cops finally showed up? Other drivers? I read/see so many, I don't get them all straight but it is happening A LOT now and something needs to be done instead of punishing those who are fleeing being killed or maimed if the hooligans gain access INSIDE the car.
Connies: Sooooooooo triggered

Very unhealthy.

Everyone is the enemy.

But it’s all in their delusional minds.

Threads like this demonstrate a significant part of why Trump will lose, as normal people don’t want to be associated with angry/triggered loons who see danger everywhere except in their own fevered brains.

The OP is a perfect example of projection in which yet another conservative reveals the violent mess storming inside their damaged psyche.
LOL. The Democrats are past-masters at projection. If you ever wonder what they are up to, just watch what they accuse Republicans of doing and you'll never be wrong.
LOL. The Democrats are past-masters at projection. If you ever wonder what they are up to, just watch what they accuse Republicans of doing and you'll never be wrong.

But that Democrats do this does not exclude Republicans/conservatives from the same behavior.
Attacking. Some protest by blocking and laying or sitting in front of traffic. Drivers get out and remove them, sometimes not so nice like the one I saw where they dragged them by the hair. Took quite a few drivers to do it because like locusts, one gets moved to the curb and another takes its place. But they are not attacking. I'm talking about in this OP the battering, breaking, jumping on the hood of the cars, smashing windows/headlights/etc. Threatening the people inside and destroying their vehicles for kicks not counting scaring the hell out of the people inside the vehicle. I read where one guy was trying to get his wife to the hospital and was attacked. I don't remember how he got them off his car so he could continue. Cops finally showed up? Other drivers? I read/see so many, I don't get them all straight but it is happening A LOT now and something needs to be done instead of punishing those who are fleeing being killed or maimed if the hooligans gain access INSIDE the car.
Genuinely attacking. breaking glass, waving firearms or clubs, drive right on through. No one is obligated to sit and be harmed.

Beyond delusional.

From YOUR quoted definition:

“Something offered for consideration."
"Something offered for consideration" is not the same as asking a direct question as to specific action one would take in a given situation.

It probably would have made more grammatical sense to say the OP's premise was absurd.

But let's run with your definition for the sake of argument. In that case, the question is, why do you think the OP's proposition is absurd?
You've taken that twice in recent years haven't you?

Since I'm in the 99th percentile, I guess you are another tard once again in support of a dumbed-down electorate so you democrats can hold office.
The 99th percentile of what? Just curious.

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