Kathleen Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up For Obamacare


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem people in Washin'ton don't know what dey's doin'...
'I Think,' 'I Think,' 'I Think': Sebelius 'Thinks' More Than She 'Knows'
October 23, 2013 - - In response to simple questions asked by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius often appeared vague or uncertain, frequently hedging her remarks with the phrase, "I think." She appeared to "know" very little.
Sebelius used the phrase "I think" or "we think" or "I don't think" 17 times during the interview. In fact, the first words out of her mouth were, "I think what we know is..." Asked what is wrong with the healthcare.gov website, Sebelius said, "Well, I think what we know is that we had an enormous volume, and the volume both caused some issues to show up and exposed some additional issues." Here are the rest of her 17 "thinks." Well, I think volume was extremely high, which is good news. And that shows, I think, the pent-up interest that people have in affordable, available health coverage.

Well, I think there certainly are some challenges. And no one, I think it's important to say, Sanjay, is losing coverage now. Well, I think it became clear fairly early on. (Said in response to a question about when President Obama first learned about the problems with healthcare.gov.) I think that we talked about having testing, going forward. Well, I think what we can tell you is that thousands of people have signed up. I think my job is to get this fully implemented and to get the Web site working right.

I am talking to CEOs and urging them to make sure that we have the talent that they have available. I think all of them have folks who are assigned to a project. I think I can tell you, it's improving every day, and more people are getting through. Well, I think that the reality is that people, as I just said, can sign up any of three ways. It (healthcare.gov) is certainly a tool, and we think it can be an easy tool for people who are tech savvy and want to use a Web site. Well, I don't think that that really is the question right now. (When she was asked if the individual mandate would be delayed.)

The issue is, will people be able to sign up for affordable health care in the six months' open enrollment period? And I think the answer is absolutely yes. So at the end of the day, we need people to sign up. And I think we've got a lot of ways that they can. I think that what we need to do is see the enrollment figures at the end of March 2014. In contrast, Sebelius used the phraase "we know" or "I know" six times, as follows:

Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.

She could cancel and opt out of her government benefit insurance and get insured through the exchanges, considering what a kick ass deal it is supposed to be and all. Lead from the front kind of a thing. What's she waiting for?
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.

She could cancel and opt out of her government benefit insurance and get insured through the exchanges, considering what a kick ass deal it is supposed to be and all. Lead from the front kind of a thing. What's she waiting for?

Yup, another dipshit. Or do you support getting rid of all employee based health insurance? If that is your deal, then I'm with you. I think everyone should have to purchase their own insurance and employers should have nothing to do with it. But until that happens for everyone, why the fuck should any employee that has employer provided insurance have to give it up? Because you said so?? Go stick your head back in the sand where it belongs.
How about because she's the one in charge of this whole thing and it's so wonderful she should be happy to dump her existing insurance plan to sign up via the exchanges, if for no other reason than to show the great unwashed masses the benefits of the thing.

But she's not. And she won't. The exchanges and what they offer aren't for people like her. It's good enough for you and me, but heaven forfend our betters use it.
How about because she's the one in charge of this whole thing and it's so wonderful she should be happy to dump her existing insurance plan to sign up via the exchanges, if for no other reason than to show the great unwashed masses the benefits of the thing.

But she's not. And she won't. The exchanges and what they offer aren't for people like her. It's good enough for you and me, but heaven forfend our betters use it.

The exchanges have been set up for those who cannot get insurance through their employer. What is it that you don't understand about that???? Obviously you're too dumb to understand that point.
Oh, I get it. But as the administrator of the whole thing I am quite certain she can pull a few strings to get herself on an exchange. But then she's stuck with what's offered and it's not good enough for the likes of her.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

Nor will I, and for the same reason she gave. I already have insurance.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.

She could cancel and opt out of her government benefit insurance and get insured through the exchanges, considering what a kick ass deal it is supposed to be and all. Lead from the front kind of a thing. What's she waiting for?

For all you know, she's on her husband's policy.
Quick question.....................the U.S. Military provides heathcare for all of their employees, as well as provides for their dependents (meaning spouse and children, and in some cases immediate family members) and doesn't charge them a thing.

Should military members give up their health insurance as well? I mean.................it's something that was guaranteed to them when they signed up, so should they be forced into individual health insurance as well?

Sorry, but it's part of their benefits. Yeah, I had crappy doctors in my time with the service, but I'd also had some very good ones. Why should people who already have health insurance (like the military does) be forced to give it up? Under Obamacare (or as it's known, the Affordable Care Act), people who ALREADY have health insurance aren't forced to give it up. It's giving the individual the ability to get quality care for a reduced price, and they can get it at a better cost because the whole nation is doing it.

Sorry, but Obamacare (or the ACA if you wish) is a good thing. I'm looking forward to signing up for it in late November or early December (when they get the bugs worked out).

It's a good deal.
Why do nutters think that the choices for plans on the exchange are radically different than the choices available to people in general? These plans available on the exchnge offer the same kinds of benefits that existing plans have. And...in the case of an individual...are much cheaper in most cases.

Why so stoooooooopid?
Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.
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Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.

No screenshots, no proof - no buying it.

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