Obamacare Signing Up Illegals

they won't click on that link.......

So here's some of the text on the site.

part 1: Restricted access to health care
what are the health care restrictions released by the obama administration on august 28, 2012?

The obama administration released two official policy announcements on august 28, 2012, that affect the eligibility for federal health care programs of individuals granted deferred action under the administration’s “deferred action for childhood arrivals” (daca) policy. the policies announced on august 28 — issued as federal regulations and guidance — do not affect any other immigration category and do not affect individuals granted deferred action apart from the daca policy.

The announcement changes federal rules for daca-eligible individuals by excluding them from affordable health insurance options that are available to other individuals with deferred action. See below for more details.

Before the changes announced on august 28, some daca-eligible individuals would have gained access to more options for affordable and comprehensive health insurance. Youth granted daca who are under 21 years of age or pregnant and who are otherwise eligible would have been able to apply for free or low-cost health insurance through a state’s medicaid program or children’s health insurance program (chip) in about half of the states. In some states, pregnant women will continue to have access to federal health insurance coverage under chip regardless of their immigration status. (see the nilc table “medical assistance programs for immigrants in various states” (pdf).)

after 2014, daca-eligible individuals would have had additional options to buy affordable health insurance in their state as a result of federal health care reform. (the health care reform law’s name is the affordable care act (aca). Sometimes it is referred to as “obamacare.”)

as a result of the august 28 changes, daca-eligible individuals will remain excluded from almost all affordable health insurance options. They will be treated as though they are undocumented, even though they are otherwise considered lawfully present and are eligible for a work permit and a social security number. Unless their state has established a state-funded health coverage program, their only opportunity to obtain affordable, comprehensive health insurance may be through employment.
When do the restrictions go into effect?

The restrictions are effective august 30, 2012. The restrictions apply to every daca-eligible individual effective immediately.
What do people granted deferred action outside of daca have access to in terms of health care?

People granted “non-daca” deferred action:

Enroll in low-cost, comprehensive health insurance available through medicaid or chip in about half the states, if they are under age 21 or pregnant. See below for more details.
Enroll in a state’s high-risk insurance pool, referred to as the pre-existing condition insurance plan (pcip). This allows u.s. Citizens and lawfully present immigrants who are currently uninsured and cannot get health insurance because they have a particular medical condition (such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression) to buy more affordable health insurance.

After january 1, 2014, people with non-daca deferred action status:

Can buy private, comprehensive health insurance if health insurance is not available to them through their school or work. This new way of buying health insurance under federal health care reform is often referred to as the “health insurance marketplace,” although the marketplace may have a unique name in each state, such as “covered california” or the “new york state of health.” open enrollment in the marketplace for coverage in 2014 starts october 1, 2013, and ends march 31, 2014. undocumented people are not eligible to buy health insurance inside the marketplace.
Can apply for financial assistance to pay for the private health insurance purchased through the marketplace. The financial assistance will be provided in the form of federal refundable tax credits, known as “premium tax credits” and “cost-sharing reductions.” the amount of the tax credit will be based on income. As a result, the price of health insurance will vary based on an individual’s or family’s income, so it will be more affordable. See below for more information.
Can enroll in a “basic health program,” if their state has one, starting in 2015. The basic health program will be another affordable health insurance option for low-income and working families.
Will be required to have health insurance under the “individual mandate” unless it is unaffordable or the individual is eligible for an exemption.
health care & daca deferred action - national immigration law center

like i said you're such a moron ...the numbers you are speaking of are miniscule at best ... The way you make it sound that every illegal in the country gets this .. They don't ... This has to be approved by the government you idiot ... You're making mountains out of piss ant hills ...

The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

They dreamed up this scam by claiming that 30 million Americans were without insurance and here they're giving it to people that shouldn't be here in the first place. The 30 million that didn't have it before still don't have it 4 years after the thing was passed.

What's worse is Obama and the Democrats are forcing us to subsidize these people merely to get their votes. This should be illegal, and when the GOP takes back congress they will make it illegal if it already isn't.

its how you define illegal moron ... a typical immoral republican we get it ...
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How many are riding 100% free now? If even a fraction are signed up, more will pay than they would if they were not signed up at all.
if its a program we are all supposed to be in and have to contribute.....and they want in....then they have to pay too....many of those people are working,make them pay.....you wanna take something out,you gotta put something back....

I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

I agree ...
if its a program we are all supposed to be in and have to contribute.....and they want in....then they have to pay too....many of those people are working,make them pay.....you wanna take something out,you gotta put something back....

I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

seems to medicare works just fine .... who are these amateurs you speak of ??? I know every time a republican touches a working program by deregulating it, they cause it to fail are those the amateurs you speak of ???
I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?
he'll tell you the gubment ... hes another train republican monkey
Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

I didn't insinuate anything.

I was very up front.

Lawyers and professors are what populate this administration. None of them has actually worked in the field or even ran a company as CEO successfully. This is most likely why they hate CEOs, because they can tell them what they're doing wrong.

If a business major can't run a company he becomes a teacher.

If a lawyer can't litigate he becomes a politician or a professor.
told ya he hasn't any idea other then sayin how terrible it is for every one to have health care because some don't pay enough he doesn't get it ... he probably never will
Bottom line - there is very little to celebrate about Obamacare. Even the die hards are running from the catastrophe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

please tell us who these allegedly die hards that are claiming OBAMA care is a catastrophe. if ya can't then stop lying .. it makes you look like a fool

Buy a mirror, wingnut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

translation=ya got nuttin' we get it just running your mouth off again ... its a repub-LIE-tard trait ...all mouth and no facts...
Honey I speak to anywhere from 25 to 100 people a day on the phone.....almost EVERY time their opening line is "I need to sign up for that Obamacare".

You are apparently as ignorant as Billy Boi there.

now the lair is getting even more radical ...how can you take 25 to a 100 calls a day when he's here all the time ragging about obama care ... this guy puts his foot in his mouth every time he post ... what a fool he's making of himself ... antares if your going to lie to us at least try and make it look like your credible ...that's even funnier ... the average call is 15 min... which if he did a 100 calls that means he was on the phone for 25 hours ...really antares ??? you want to go with that one ??? you know, every time antares sign them up he get 5 grand ... at leas thats what he said ... that means, why he's making 125,000 dollars a day .... no wonder he's here all the time ... antares works one day then rags the other 29 days here about how health care is so bad ... doesn't seem too bad for him ... could it be true ??? he's one lying repub-LIE-tard bastard??? could that be it ??? you make a fool of yourself every time you post, paid poster

God you are stupid billy boi.

How would you know what an "average" call is?

Now I just feel sorry for you because you really are a stupid as I thought you were.

I see you realize how moronic you sound ... now that you just been outed by m,e once again, as the boards biggest liar ... you said you take 25 to a 100 calls a day ... then when confronted about it, you Claim you took 5 calls a day .... then told us you make 5000 dollars per call ... now you're tap dance here about that lie too... trying to save face Antares ??? you too funny...:lol::lol::lol: ... mean time you said you working day in and day out but you're here all the time ... so which is it antares ??? 25 to a 100 calls a day ??? working day in and day out ??? or are you just another republican liar ... here's a Idea ...let the board decide what and who you are I already know ... you're a paid poster from BCBS because they are losing people by the hand full... are ya going to try and counter this post too, by oh calling me.OHHHH, something like A poopie head ??? or something clever like that ...
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Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

From Obama down, they are all amateurs.

The .gov reps that know what they are doing are few and far between....the Reps I feel bad for, they were thrown into this mess.

you do realize that nobody takes a paid poster serious antares... your opinion, well, Its worthless ... so answer some of those phone calls you have on hold :lol::lol::lol:
The website was down most of the week, if had to enroll someone the average time on the phone was an 1 1/2 hours, the week was shit.

It happens every deadline...tomorrow will be hell.

then why are you here??? get busy and answer some of those calls Antares ... its now a Hour and a half time ??? wow those 100 calls a day ... are killing ya ??? not enough hours in a day, huh???
As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

I didn't insinuate anything.

I was very up front.

Lawyers and professors are what populate this administration. None of them has actually worked in the field or even ran a company as CEO successfully. This is most likely why they hate CEOs, because they can tell them what they're doing wrong.

If a business major can't run a company he becomes a teacher.

If a lawyer can't litigate he becomes a politician or a professor.
told ya he hasn't any idea other then sayin how terrible it is for every one to have health care because some don't pay enough he doesn't get it ... he probably never will

Obamacare isn't giving health care to everyone.

It has taken it away from more people than it has given.

Nobody can even say they've received treatment that was paid by coverage obtained through the exchanges yet, and the damned thing was signed over 4 years ago. Only thing they know is over 6 million lost their coverage last year before Obama delayed the mandates.
Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

If they're illegal kick their goddam asses out!
By using Mexican consulates to sign up folks to fill out it's numbers, the administration is happy to report that they have reached 6 million enrollees. Illegal immigrants line up at consulates across country for 'DREAM'-er applications | Fox News

Young illegal immigrants are lining up by the thousands at consulates across the country to take advantage of the Obama administration program allowing them to apply for a two-year reprieve from deportation.

As many as 1.8 million undocumented immigrants could be eligible for the program, which kicked off Wednesday. Under the new rules, applicants can fill out a six-page form, pay a $465 fee and submit documents proving their identity in order to qualify.

Immigration officials say the documents will be closely scrutinized, given the potential for fraud, but there is no uniform standard. Applicants are supposed to show they arrived in the U.S. before they were 16, and that they're enrolled in school or vocational training, or have a high school degree.

The lines began forming on Tuesday, as illegal immigrants tried to get a leg up in seeking their passport applications.

"We are waiting for our passports. We want to get our passport because Obama might be asking for them," applicant Kristi Alarcon told MyFoxHouston, as she stood in line outside Houston's Mexican consulate.

That is what the Covered California website explains to illegals. They also make sure to let illegals know that none of the information given for healthcare will be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Another lamebrain idea from America’s brain-dead president, whom the Left deem a GENIUS!

According to Bloomberg, ObamaCare isn’t attracting the Latinos, so this latest move by Obama appears to be another desperation move. I predict a “Hail Mary” soon, when ObamaCare offers a voucher for Taco Bell or some other such nonsense.

What an insult to Mexican nationals. Does Obama think they are stupid enough to sign up for what they get that is already free?

So they can get a bill they either can’t or won’t pay.

ObamaCare needs big numbers, and they could not care less where they get them. If it means burning the Constitution and the American taxpayers, for Obama that’s a small price to pay for his “legacy.”

Read more at ObamaCare signing up illegals - The Black Sphere

Obama promises that information gained from the site can be used by I.C.E.

Obama says if you are "legally present" in this country, and he decides who is here legally, you can sign up. That means he's signing up illegals. He simply ignores the law.

Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Won't Be Used to Deport You - YouTube

I can't believe so many of you dummies fell for this. Faux Noise propaganda at its worst.

You know what? Ten years from now people will be wondering why the fuck there was so much fearmongering over the ACA. They'll also be wondering why people were stupid enough to believe anything they heard on Faux noise.
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By using Mexican consulates to sign up folks to fill out it's numbers, the administration is happy to report that they have reached 6 million enrollees. Illegal immigrants line up at consulates across country for 'DREAM'-er applications | Fox News

Young illegal immigrants are lining up by the thousands at consulates across the country to take advantage of the Obama administration program allowing them to apply for a two-year reprieve from deportation.

As many as 1.8 million undocumented immigrants could be eligible for the program, which kicked off Wednesday. Under the new rules, applicants can fill out a six-page form, pay a $465 fee and submit documents proving their identity in order to qualify.

Immigration officials say the documents will be closely scrutinized, given the potential for fraud, but there is no uniform standard. Applicants are supposed to show they arrived in the U.S. before they were 16, and that they're enrolled in school or vocational training, or have a high school degree.

The lines began forming on Tuesday, as illegal immigrants tried to get a leg up in seeking their passport applications.

"We are waiting for our passports. We want to get our passport because Obama might be asking for them," applicant Kristi Alarcon told MyFoxHouston, as she stood in line outside Houston's Mexican consulate.

That is what the Covered California website explains to illegals. They also make sure to let illegals know that none of the information given for healthcare will be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Another lamebrain idea from America’s brain-dead president, whom the Left deem a GENIUS!

According to Bloomberg, ObamaCare isn’t attracting the Latinos, so this latest move by Obama appears to be another desperation move. I predict a “Hail Mary” soon, when ObamaCare offers a voucher for Taco Bell or some other such nonsense.

What an insult to Mexican nationals. Does Obama think they are stupid enough to sign up for what they get that is already free?

So they can get a bill they either can’t or won’t pay.

ObamaCare needs big numbers, and they could not care less where they get them. If it means burning the Constitution and the American taxpayers, for Obama that’s a small price to pay for his “legacy.”

Read more at ObamaCare signing up illegals - The Black Sphere

Obama promises that information gained from the site can be used by I.C.E.

Obama says if you are "legally present" in this country, and he decides who is here legally, you can sign up. That means he's signing up illegals. He simply ignores the law.

Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Won't Be Used to Deport You - YouTube

I can't believe so many of you dummies fell for this. Faux Noise propaganda at its worst.

You know what? Ten years from now people will be wondering why the fuck there was so much fearmongering over the ACA. They'll also be wondering why people were stupid enough to believe anything they heard on Faux noise.

It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...
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Would it be a better option to just let them just remain under the radar, show up at a local emergency room get free medical care and give birth to even more children free of charge, while taxpayers foot the bill?

Or does it make more sense to get them into a health care plan where they will have to in some cases pay something?

Or is the concern based more on seeing the affordable healthcare act fail because it is an "Obama" initiative?

Either way, the illegal immigrants are here, and some are probably either new, and some are probably the offspring of those that were given amnesty by Reagan.

Whatever the case is, they are not going anywhere.

If they're illegal kick their goddam asses out!

Easier said than done. Frankly, I don't disagree. When Prop 187 was on the ballot in California I was all for it, as were most people I know who reside here.

It actually passed with very little opposition by voters and was then ruled "unconstitutional" in court.
Many of us lost faith in the system after that.

So no, "kicking their asses out" is not going to happen.
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It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

No, Lumpy, it's not the left that's been lying about this.

Enough time has passed and enough facts have come out to make the lying wingnuts look like a circlejerk of tard.

You guys on the wrong side of this - and other arguments as well - might start worrying about how you're going to look when history catches up to you. History is more important than the Faux noise bimbos.
Relax, Ocare is a slow-motion train wreck. The effective difference in potential between states is ratcheting up on four different axes.

Breadth of network.

Reimbursement rates

Subsidy differentials

Aftertax cost of living now minus Obamacare costs.
It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

No, Lumpy, it's not the left that's been lying about this.

Enough time has passed and enough facts have come out to make the lying wingnuts look like a circlejerk of tard.

You guys on the wrong side of this - and other arguments as well - might start worrying about how you're going to look when history catches up to you. History is more important than the Faux noise bimbos.

Links that prove your points would be more convincing..I can see you hate Fox News and have unbridled dislike for smart, great looking conservative women but that's about it..
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It's not really funny but Obama and Democrat leaders lie without repercussions from their dependent subjects .. yet Democrats have the nerve and stupidity to judge others..It would be comical if it wasn't so pathetic...

No, Lumpy, it's not the left that's been lying about this.

Enough time has passed and enough facts have come out to make the lying wingnuts look like a circlejerk of tard.

You guys on the wrong side of this - and other arguments as well - might start worrying about how you're going to look when history catches up to you. History is more important than the Faux noise bimbos.

I produced a link to a website that explains how they're doing it. It goes into great detail how DACAs can sign up. http://www.nilc.org/acadacafaq.html

Not that you'll look at it.
Only a fool thinks that a program that passed in 09', was signed into law 2010, and has changed over 32 times, and had to push back the damaging effects of it till after th 2016 election is a good law.

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