Obamacare Signing Up Illegals

if its a program we are all supposed to be in and have to contribute.....and they want in....then they have to pay too....many of those people are working,make them pay.....you wanna take something out,you gotta put something back....

I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?
I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

I didn't insinuate anything.

I was very up front.

Lawyers and professors are what populate this administration. None of them has actually worked in the field or even ran a company as CEO successfully. This is most likely why they hate CEOs, because they can tell them what they're doing wrong.

If a business major can't run a company he becomes a teacher.

If a lawyer can't litigate he becomes a politician or a professor.
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Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

I didn't insinuate anything.

I was very up front.

Lawyers and professors what populate this administration. None of them has actually worked in the field or even ran a company as CEO successfully. This is most likely why they hate CEOs, because they can tell them what they're doing wrong.

If a business major can't run a company he becomes a teacher.

If a lawyer can't litigate he becomes a politician or a professor.

The majority of what you just stated is nothing more than a broad brush opinion, with no names attached.

When you make statements such as "it is likely", or assume that "if a business major cannot run a company, he becomes a teacher", it just diminishes you as credible.

Teachers most often teach because they have a passion for it. Not because they choose it as a default because they failed at something else.

Lastly, being a successful CEO is not a perfect fit for being a successful politician.
Private business operates differently than the administration of the government

10 Successful CEOs Who Failed at Politics | Business Insurance Quotes: Compare Providers & Cost for Free

That what I mean by "direct".
As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

I didn't insinuate anything.

I was very up front.

Lawyers and professors what populate this administration. None of them has actually worked in the field or even ran a company as CEO successfully. This is most likely why they hate CEOs, because they can tell them what they're doing wrong.

If a business major can't run a company he becomes a teacher.

If a lawyer can't litigate he becomes a politician or a professor.

The majority of what you just stated is nothing more than a broad brush opinion, with no names attached.

When you make statements such as "it is likely", or assume that "if a business major cannot run a company, he becomes a teacher", it just diminishes you as credible.

Teachers most often teach because they have a passion for it. Not because they choose it as a default because they failed at something else.

Lastly, being a successful CEO is not a perfect fit for being a successful politician.
Private business operates differently than the administration of the government

10 Successful CEOs Who Failed at Politics | Business Insurance Quotes: Compare Providers & Cost for Free

That what I mean by "direct".

I'm simply going by Obama's selections. None of them has any actual experience in running a business successfully.

Course if we get into a deep argument about it, you'll most likely try to redefine what is the definition of success.

Then you'll reveal that you probably think success isn't making money but having good intentions.
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The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

Let me ask you a question. If your parents robbed a bank and sent to prison when you were a child, should you have been convicted and sent to prison with them?

The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Absolutely agree on both counts. I've often said universal health care based upon the VA and Medicare models would be ideal.
The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

Let me ask you a question. If your parents robbed a bank and sent to prison when you were a child, should you have been convicted and sent to prison with them?

The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Absolutely agree on both counts. I've often said universal health care based upon the VA and Medicare models would be ideal.

Your point is irrelevant.

Obama is moving the goalposts and trying to get away with it.

These people don't belong here, they shouldn't be signing up for something just so the administration can fake that it's a success, and we as taxpayers should have a right to have some input into how our money is spent.

Obama is not only breaking the law but his actions are highly unethical, and you liberals think this is a matter of who cares. That's a bogus argument.

If not for Democrats encouraging these people to break into this country they wouldn't be here in the first place.
The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

Let me ask you a question. If your parents robbed a bank and sent to prison when you were a child, should you have been convicted and sent to prison with them?

The pertinent question would be, if your parents were sent to prison for stealing a car, should you be allowed to drive that car for the rest of your life with free gasoline, immunity from speeding tickets or drunk driving arrests, etc.?
The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

Let me ask you a question. If your parents robbed a bank and sent to prison when you were a child, should you have been convicted and sent to prison with them?

The pertinent question would be, if your parents were sent to prison for stealing a car, should you be allowed to drive that car for the rest of your life with free gasoline, immunity from speeding tickets or drunk driving arrests, etc.?

Once again, these people(Democrats) cause a problem and then try to guilt everyone into letting them use the problem as a stick to beat over our heads.
Ideal? Waiting for an appt. for rectal bleeding for a year and then another year for the colonoscopy that tells you you have had that cancer for the last 2 years? Good luck.
VA Backlog and Delays - Dying Patients Awaiting Care | The SUA Blog | Stand Up America US

The only rational response to this is obvious.......No illegal should be getting health care under Obamacare. Zero. Zip.None. Nada.

Let me ask you a question. If your parents robbed a bank and sent to prison when you were a child, should you have been convicted and sent to prison with them?

The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Absolutely agree on both counts. I've often said universal health care based upon the VA and Medicare models would be ideal.
I do have to disagree at the margin with mudwhistle and many of the rest of you based on public health principles:

Everyone who handles food, particularly food that is normally eaten raw, needs to be checked perhaps every quarter. That is without checking papers.

Vaccines should be made available to all to reduce the spread of disease. That is not to help illegals but to prevent epidemics.

Ocare is a pos but let's not risk our own health over the administration's dubious and probably felonious policies.
Bottom line - there is very little to celebrate about Obamacare. Even the die hards are running from the catastrophe.

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please tell us who these allegedly die hards that are claiming OBAMA care is a catastrophe. if ya can't then stop lying .. it makes you look like a fool

Buy a mirror, wingnut.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Twit, it will be forever tagged "Obamacare" deal with it.

only in your brainddead little mind.

it is PRIVATE INSURANCE. there is no product called OBAMACARE except in the rightwingnut mind.
he is a brain dead poster all right ... a brain dead paid poster who claims he makes 5 grand every time he sell a plan ... that's funny ... two plans and he's done for the month... or the week ... what a liar he is ... he said he works day in and day out ... but he's here day in and day out ... ragging about the health care plan that's allegedly paying him 5 grand every time he sells one ... boy is that a stupid company ... see how stupid Antares the board paid poster sounds ...

Did you really just type this?

Every time you post you reinforce the fact of your lack of any substantial education.

I am clearing 5 grand a check Billy Boi...I spent 6 hours on .gov yesterday, you?
only in your brainddead little mind.

it is PRIVATE INSURANCE. there is no product called OBAMACARE except in the rightwingnut mind.

Honey I speak to anywhere from 25 to 100 people a day on the phone.....almost EVERY time their opening line is "I need to sign up for that Obamacare".

You are apparently as ignorant as Billy Boi there.

now the lair is getting even more radical ...how can you take 25 to a 100 calls a day when he's here all the time ragging about obama care ... this guy puts his foot in his mouth every time he post ... what a fool he's making of himself ... antares if your going to lie to us at least try and make it look like your credible ...that's even funnier ... the average call is 15 min... which if he did a 100 calls that means he was on the phone for 25 hours ...really antares ??? you want to go with that one ??? you know, every time antares sign them up he get 5 grand ... at leas thats what he said ... that means, why he's making 125,000 dollars a day .... no wonder he's here all the time ... antares works one day then rags the other 29 days here about how health care is so bad ... doesn't seem too bad for him ... could it be true ??? he's one lying repub-LIE-tard bastard??? could that be it ??? you make a fool of yourself every time you post, paid poster

God you are stupid billy boi.

How would you know what an "average" call is?

Now I just feel sorry for you because you really are a stupid as I thought you were.
I don't disagree at all. However, when has there ever been a 100% "fair system" in the history of this nation?

There will always be a percentage of the population that contributes less and gets more than their fair share. The only way for heathcare to be 100% equal for all would be for it to be government controlled in all aspects.

For now it is a change for the better with more improvement needed.

Asking amateurs to control something that takes professionals to run is a recipe for disaster.

As opposed to "insinuating" your opinion, if you have one, why not be direct and state it?

Who are the amateurs you are referring to?

From Obama down, they are all amateurs.

The .gov reps that know what they are doing are few and far between....the Reps I feel bad for, they were thrown into this mess.
The website was down most of the week, if had to enroll someone the average time on the phone was an 1 1/2 hours, the week was shit.

It happens every deadline...tomorrow will be hell.
what these people will discover is how immoral these republicans really are ... these republicans would rather you die then see a poor person get health care of any kind that's what they will discover moron ...

You're nothing but a mindless, hyper-partisan drone. You don't think, you really have opinions, you just chant "Ooooooh, them Republicans is booger-heads!" over and over, pretending that somehow amounts to political science. It doesn't. You're an empty shell.

I realize its hard for you to accept what you are... you being a immoral money hungry money grabbing republican ...
I guess that's all they're good for in your eyes..yet you blame Republicans for your own personal perspective...

personal perspective thats funny ... personal perspective its losers like you that can't see the forest for the trees ... personal perspective bwa hahahahahahs thats funny ... can't stand the fact that I nailed it... pointing out what you and other republicans are ... they aren't good for anything other the showing us all what a greedy bastard is...

Greedy bastards would be over-spending and passing it off on future generations, that would be the Democrat Party now wouldn't it..

btw.. You couldn't nail a prostitute,,,,:lol:
I wouldn't want to nail a prostitute ... that's what republicans do, or they put on diapers and say spank me, or tap dance around in air port bathrooms looking for some gay sex ...

lets look at your assumption here of democrats ... Ronald Reagan ran up the larges spending debt in history ... that's a known fact and that's something you can't deny ... just like he did in California .... then we get George H W Bush ... what did he do ? he told us no more new taxes .... because of all the spending by Ronny Reagan he had to do what ??? raise your taxes because of Ronny Reagan's spending spree of tax payers money ... then we get Bill Clinton ..what did he spend his taxes on ??? well balancing the budge was one Idea he had ... he did such a great job when Geogre W Bush came into office he left Georgie boy a 500,000 billion dollar surplus ... did ya forget that ??? I wonder what party that was ... OOOOOOOH it was us dem/liberals that did that... we all know republicans have this short term memory problem ... Bill left money to pay back on the national Debt... what did Geog W Bush do??? ... he gave us tax payers 300 dollars each, and the rest to his right wing nut business friends ... nary a dime too, to the national debt... did ya miss that one too Lumpy 1 ??? then good old non-spending republican George boy what did he do??? he starts two wars causing the next larges spending spree in the history of our government by one party and that was the dems Lumpy 1 ??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... that was your republican buddies... then we get obama ... from the get go he has cut spend from the beginning ... its been said, so far that he has spent the least amount of tax payers money in the history of the United states so far ... I beginning to ,think you don't know what the fuck you're talking about ... I believe your a led by the nose wrong thinking republican ... who believes every thing his masters tell him to believe ...that you never look up anything ... you just listen to the local fox noise channel, then say to yourself "oh what a well informed person I am" ... we know what you are and well informed isn't one of them
I guess that's all they're good for in your eyes..yet you blame Republicans for your own personal perspective...

personal perspective thats funny ... personal perspective its losers like you that can't see the forest for the trees ... personal perspective bwa hahahahahahs thats funny ... can't stand the fact that I nailed it... pointing out what you and other republicans are ... they aren't good for anything other the showing us all what a greedy bastard is...
the only thing you have ever "nailed" in these threads is you just proving you are another Far Left idiot....everything negative is because of the Republicans....the Democrats are a gift from Heaven....your brainwashed Billy....

finally you get it ...
republicans take office in 1980... largest deficit spending in the history of this country... 3 trillion dollars in one year ... bill clinton takes office, causes the largest surplus in U.S. history ... george bush takes office starts two wars, spends the surplus on his right wing buddies spends so much money he runs the country into a another great depression just like the republicans did the last ime we had a great depression ... an we americans lost our 401k retirement accounts... are ya with me so far????are ya starting to believe Democrats are a gift from Heaven yet??? then Obama comes into office what does he do??? saves the banking system saves two car companies... he stops the down spiral of all the money that you republicans spent and he stop job losses are thinking Democrats are a gift from Heavenyet ???then obama has the longest job recover in the us history ... yet you feel republicans are great people still hi the history of the world... ??? well I guess you're one of those evil greed bastard republican's too ...
what these people will discover is how immoral these republicans really are ... these republicans would rather you die then see a poor person get health care of any kind that's what they will discover moron ...

You're nothing but a mindless, hyper-partisan drone. You don't think, you really have opinions, you just chant "Ooooooh, them Republicans is booger-heads!" over and over, pretending that somehow amounts to political science. It doesn't. You're an empty shell.

i bet he tells you that you are full of shit.....bet?...

well if the shoe fits, what can I say... you lost that bet too ... thats because you're both a couple of losers:badgrin::badgrin::lol:
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