Kari Lake The Kook Video

I know why can't RWingers come up with nothing other than deflection. Do any of you deniers actually think? Hell no. Putting forth embarrassing video's gets you goat. I truly understand it's much more than emotional to you.
It comes down to the point that you know better. You told us. All of the shill reporters every day at WH press conferences there to destroy Trump and the endless mouthing off by the TV and entertainment industries. And we see this bullshit. I figured we would be growing at several per cent a year from day one. No inflation and wage increase for all in a panacea of wealth for all. Ask the shill like Stelter. He told us. Remember? All the Prog black leaders whose only credentials are to get more money funneled into ghettos that do not change. We can go on and on. The money will thin out at some point. And imagine the fun that will come from that I tell you.
The very premise of the video, to begin with, is a false one.

See, when Ms. Lake makes the statement, "we need to fire the Federal Government," the folks at the Lincoln Project, being the corrupt, leeches and ticks that they are, who have spent generations, getting fat living off of taxpayers, and having an incestuous relationship with corporate America in the revolving door of industry and the world of regulatory capture and legalized corruption that is, Washington D.C., make an ad, trying to convince the voter that all of the goods and services that the federal government currently does, would be picked up by the States.

Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. There is a tremendous amount of bloat and corruption, and a lot of unnecessary overhead that goes into all of that.

Along with, as a pointed out, in my first post in this thread, if you actually believe that whole, AGW paradigm, oodles and oodles of money, are now going to the green agenda and the plandemic "ONE HEALTH," global bio-security agenda. The federal bureaucrats, are now turning into global bureaucrats. If populists don't make a stand now, they will sell their sovereignty to an unelected, Neo-feudal ruling elite, that will do nothing but take their productively, and find ways to eliminate the, "unproductive," while restricting or stripping away all natural rights listed in the Constitution.

Indeed, that whole thing, is so absurd on its face, that while they are trying to convince us that folks wanting less government is bad, it is axiomatic, that more government leads to more CO2 releases into the atmosphere. This goes with out saying. The bigger the budget, the more will be spent on the military, and the more will be spent on all other stimulus and other contracted programs. It is a given.

The hypocrisy of the illogical rational of these folks, at once damning folks that want local control, while using global boogie men which local control would help contain, that boggles the mind.

In short, the larger of a government, business, or corporate entity is, the worse for the environment or planet and a population it becomes.

The big government conservatives and liberals, and globalists, who try to tell use they "care," about us, are being disingenuous liars, if they think they can gas-light anyone that really know how shit works.

Economies of scale, and governments of scale, will always be more efficient at consolidating power and profit, while reaping destruction, and delivering garbage to more people. But, because the system is more and more corrupt over time, with more and more ticks and leeches, it is becoming less able to do so, as the fiat is nearly at the end of its useful life. . . . duh.

An Introduction to Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Analysis​


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Left wing sissies never fail to attack an attractive articulate republican woman while they defend outrageous drag queen demonstrations.
Can't comment on what she said? Of course not. You like snakes.

I thought it was extremely amusing the idiot in the video explained how important the Federal Government is to Arizona ...
When she said "Fire the Federal Government" ... As in send some Assclowns in Congress packing.


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