Kanavaugh makes history, all of his law clerks are women, left wing hysterics continue...

To remind us, the stars should always be in alignment; or, it may be no Good. Would a dey make a brighter day for the middle east. Render All of your problems unto your lord and dey, is what he may say; Peace in the Middle East, should be the order of the day.

As the US in contrast that no equal justice under law from a Rehnquist immaculate conception of being asked what 9/11 is after Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops attempted baptizing of thine eyes by urinations striking one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in the back & dictating one cannot talk about Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11, interrupting only talking Washington, D.C. sports over lunch as had no idea; but obviously the more perfect union of churchstate hate with a Freudian slip elicited another of Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions to protect & serve 9/11 second coming business national religion of ChristHitlers..

we subscribe to Capitalism. voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade, is what we should engage in.

Continuing "we'll learn Jew" word salad cognitive dissonance since the US national religion of Islam Christianananlity pedophila mentality business churchstate lynching enforcement super egos; being cross conditioned way beyond therapy as suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic that couldn't uphold the US Constitution in, if the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptize by urinations 2 Washington, D.C. born while talking D.C. sports teams over lunch with a Freudian slip about their second coming of 9/11 in a more perfect union of Islam-Christian were Rehnquist has yet another immaculate drug conception to protect & serve what turned out to be not just a Pentagon attack, but another target which was stopped short in Pennsylvania. Any digestion problems ?

What another pile of male bovine excrement. I'm sure it was on your troll list of stuff to post - without understanding a word of it.

So unfortunate being retired & still in the burning Bush's "man is God" patriot act human farming business jihad crusade for the Nazington, Drugs of Christianity genocide pogrom; where a Freudian slip of Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops 9/11 master plan threatening to kill one of Ike's WW II Pentagon Army staff sergeants got him killed after that baptizing by urinations as Rehnquist with another immaculate drug conception made the Godvernment second coming excrement reality.

As the US in contrast that no equal justice under law from a Rehnquist immaculate conception of being asked what 9/11 is after Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops attempted baptizing of thine eyes by urinations striking one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in the back & dictating one cannot talk about Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount for 9/11, interrupting only talking Washington, D.C. sports over lunch as had no idea; but obviously the more perfect union of churchstate hate with a Freudian slip elicited another of Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions to protect & serve 9/11 second coming business national religion of ChristHitlers..

we subscribe to Capitalism. voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade, is what we should engage in.

Continuing "we'll learn Jew" word salad cognitive dissonance since the US national religion of Islam Christianananlity pedophila mentality business churchstate lynching enforcement super egos; being cross conditioned way beyond therapy as suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic that couldn't uphold the US Constitution in, if the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptize by urinations 2 Washington, D.C. born while talking D.C. sports teams over lunch with a Freudian slip about their second coming of 9/11 in a more perfect union of Islam-Christian were Rehnquist has yet another immaculate drug conception to protect & serve what turned out to be not just a Pentagon attack, but another target which was stopped short in Pennsylvania. Any digestion problems ?

What another pile of male bovine excrement. I'm sure it was on your troll list of stuff to post - without understanding a word of it.

So unfortunate being retired & still in the burning Bush's "man is God" patriot act human farming business jihad crusade for the Nazington, Drugs of Christianity genocide pogrom; where a Freudian slip of Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops 9/11 master plan threatening to kill one of Ike's WW II Pentagon Army staff sergeants got him killed after that baptizing by urinations as Rehnquist with another immaculate drug conception made the Godvernment second coming excrement reality.

There's that ChristHitler immaculate conception super ego born out of wedlock in a more perfect union of suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic Islam & Christiananality pedophilia mentalities sanctioned thru a supreme swastika up Uranus where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate cops that protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount; who threaten to kill one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in D.C after attempting to baptize thine eyes by urinations in a Freudian slip in what 9/11 is while trying to eat lunch, who after killing the Washington, D.C. born Army sergeant chose to exert their licensed immaculate drug conception Star Bellied Sneeches with Stars upon thars super egos in the kill again baptizing thine eyes by urinations after 9/11 while in mourning & dictating where one has to pray in accordance with Nazington, Drugs of Christianity & it's supreme swastika up Uranus court..
we subscribe to Capitalism. voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade, is what we should engage in.

Continuing "we'll learn Jew" word salad cognitive dissonance since the US national religion of Islam Christianananlity pedophila mentality business churchstate lynching enforcement super egos; being cross conditioned way beyond therapy as suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic that couldn't uphold the US Constitution in, if the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptize by urinations 2 Washington, D.C. born while talking D.C. sports teams over lunch with a Freudian slip about their second coming of 9/11 in a more perfect union of Islam-Christian were Rehnquist has yet another immaculate drug conception to protect & serve what turned out to be not just a Pentagon attack, but another target which was stopped short in Pennsylvania. Any digestion problems ?

What another pile of male bovine excrement. I'm sure it was on your troll list of stuff to post - without understanding a word of it.

So unfortunate being retired & still in the burning Bush's "man is God" patriot act human farming business jihad crusade for the Nazington, Drugs of Christianity genocide pogrom; where a Freudian slip of Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops 9/11 master plan threatening to kill one of Ike's WW II Pentagon Army staff sergeants got him killed after that baptizing by urinations as Rehnquist with another immaculate drug conception made the Godvernment second coming excrement reality.

There's that ChristHitler immaculate conception super ego born out of wedlock in a more perfect union of suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic Islam & Christiananality pedophilia mentalities sanctioned thru a supreme swastika up Uranus where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate cops that protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount; who threaten to kill one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in D.C after attempting to baptize thine eyes by urinations in a Freudian slip in what 9/11 is while trying to eat lunch, who after killing the Washington, D.C. born Army sergeant chose to exert their licensed immaculate drug conception Star Bellied Sneeches with Stars upon thars super egos in the kill again baptizing thine eyes by urinations after 9/11 while in mourning & dictating where one has to pray in accordance with Nazington, Drugs of Christianity & it's supreme swastika up Uranus court..

Continuing "we'll learn Jew" word salad cognitive dissonance since the US national religion of Islam Christianananlity pedophila mentality business churchstate lynching enforcement super egos; being cross conditioned way beyond therapy as suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic that couldn't uphold the US Constitution in, if the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops baptize by urinations 2 Washington, D.C. born while talking D.C. sports teams over lunch with a Freudian slip about their second coming of 9/11 in a more perfect union of Islam-Christian were Rehnquist has yet another immaculate drug conception to protect & serve what turned out to be not just a Pentagon attack, but another target which was stopped short in Pennsylvania. Any digestion problems ?

What another pile of male bovine excrement. I'm sure it was on your troll list of stuff to post - without understanding a word of it.

So unfortunate being retired & still in the burning Bush's "man is God" patriot act human farming business jihad crusade for the Nazington, Drugs of Christianity genocide pogrom; where a Freudian slip of Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops 9/11 master plan threatening to kill one of Ike's WW II Pentagon Army staff sergeants got him killed after that baptizing by urinations as Rehnquist with another immaculate drug conception made the Godvernment second coming excrement reality.

There's that ChristHitler immaculate conception super ego born out of wedlock in a more perfect union of suicidal homicidal sociopsychopathic Islam & Christiananality pedophilia mentalities sanctioned thru a supreme swastika up Uranus where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate cops that protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount; who threaten to kill one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in D.C after attempting to baptize thine eyes by urinations in a Freudian slip in what 9/11 is while trying to eat lunch, who after killing the Washington, D.C. born Army sergeant chose to exert their licensed immaculate drug conception Star Bellied Sneeches with Stars upon thars super egos in the kill again baptizing thine eyes by urinations after 9/11 while in mourning & dictating where one has to pray in accordance with Nazington, Drugs of Christianity & it's supreme swastika up Uranus court..

Guessing what the _ with why the face in serving under color of law a megalomaniacal master race master plan survival of the fittest fascists of the Catholic Church that got more Americans killed for 9/11 than numbers of Islam in that "man is God" one nation under God with no equal justice under law pyramid scheme......
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
It makes life easier for him to rape one of them a month if they work, ha ha, for him.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

It makes life easier for him to rape one of them a month if they work, ha ha, for him.

Probably manipulated into the supreme swastika up Uranus court as a sexual predator to follow Rehnquist's no equal justice under law Reichquest of thieving US Constitution arsonists; where Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops that, with a Freudian slip attempt to baptize eyes by urination of 2 Washington, D.C. born American citizens to ensure the burning Bush's 9/11 patriot act of an Islam Christiananality pedophilia business republic.
Yep....this is a history making moment....Justice Kavanaugh.....allow me to repeat that........Justice Kavanaugh, made history ....all of his law clerks are women...

Kavanaugh's First Action As Supreme Court Justice Makes History, And Dems Won't Like It

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

The Times notes that Kavanaugh stated in his testimony in September that he would continue to take steps to address the underrepresentation of women among law clerks, as he has done for over a decade.

"A majority of my 48 law clerks over the last 12 years have been women," Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his testimony. "In my time on the bench, no federal judge — not a single one in the country — has sent more women law clerks to clerk on the Supreme Court than I have."
It makes life easier for him to rape one of them a month if they work, ha ha, for him.
in my opinion, oil wrestling may be a better choice.

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