Kamala Harris says Trump should've been able 'to multitask' with impeachment, COVID-19 response


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

I never thought that Trump would be able to multi-task. That would imply some sort of investment in the job of being President. But since he didn't participate in the impeachment process at all and just continued to tweet and hold pep rallies, I'm forced into thinking he's just the uncaring, incompetent gas bag we thought he was. He should be thanking his lucky stars that he isn't facing Kamala Harris this November. If that were the case and I were him, I'd just concede right now. :)
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

Damn, that bitch is DUMB...................REALLY DUMB.....................REALLY, REALLY DUMB! And the voters of California are even DUMBER to keep voting the dimwitted one to Congress......
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

I never thought that Trump would be able to multi-task. That would imply some sort of investment in the job of being President. But since he didn't participate in the impeachment process at all and just continued to tweet and hold pep rallies, I'm forced into thinking he's just the uncaring, incompetent gas bag we thought he was. He should be thanking his lucky stars that he isn't facing Kamala Harris this November. If that were the case and I were him, I'd just concede right now. :)
Shoulda stopped with "I never thought".
But since he didn't participate in the impeachment process at all ....

D-Adam Schiff demonstrated there was no need for the resident of the United States to participate in an obvious straw-grasping, politically partisan coup attempt - which Democrats openly, publicly admitted it was as they argued their impeachment did not require any crime having been committed.

The President's participation in the treasonous circus would have given it credibility it lacked....and finished without.

During the Impeachment the Democrats presented no crime, no evidence, no witnesses, & committed criminal acts - such as Schiff's attempt to present personally authored fictional transcripts of the call between the 2 leaders as actual 'evidence. EVERY single one of their witnesses admitted they had never personally witnessed anything, did not actually have any evidence, that everything they testified to was based on hearsay, and - when asked to do so - could not name 1 crime that had been committed.

During the House Impeachment hearings Schiff's State department 'witness' stated the Trump administration committed no crime but that Joe Biden and his son should be investigated and called to testify....and Obama-appointed Ambassadors testified that foreign relations under Trump were better than under Obama.

The Democrats claimed the President was SUCH an immediate threat to the nation that they were FORCED to rush at 'break-neck' speed to Impeach.....only to sit on and delay taking their Impeachment to the Senate for WEEKS.

One of the very 1st questions asked of the House impeachment team by the Senate was if they were ready to present their case (not continue to investigate to find evidence they lacked to support their decision to impeach without any), the Democrats responded by saying, 'NO'.

Their response claiming they needed more time to investigate further was an admission that they had voted to Impeach a US President without having the evidence / material to justify doing so ... making this the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US History.

......meanwhile Schiff held a total of ZEROI House Intel committee hearings on what was going on in China and the threat of COVID-19.

Bravo, Democrats.
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

Trump was certainly capable of attacking and killing a member of the Iranian government during this time, as well as other terrorist leaders. And he was capable of nearly starting a war with Iran - getting a number of American service members seriously injured in the process.

He was capable of spending two weeks playing golf at Mar-a-lago during time.
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

I never thought that Trump would be able to multi-task. That would imply some sort of investment in the job of being President. But since he didn't participate in the impeachment process at all and just continued to tweet and hold pep rallies, I'm forced into thinking he's just the uncaring, incompetent gas bag we thought he was. He should be thanking his lucky stars that he isn't facing Kamala Harris this November. If that were the case and I were him, I'd just concede right now. :)
Shoulda stopped with "I never thought".
He-he! Little Jackie DOES appear to have NO thinking process whatsoever, based on his ALWAYS inane posts. It must be horrific to be THAT dumb......
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

did she explain why Congress wasn't able to multitask, and do something about the virus, while they were busy with the impeachment?
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

I never thought that Trump would be able to multi-task. That would imply some sort of investment in the job of being President. But since he didn't participate in the impeachment process at all and just continued to tweet and hold pep rallies, I'm forced into thinking he's just the uncaring, incompetent gas bag we thought he was. He should be thanking his lucky stars that he isn't facing Kamala Harris this November. If that were the case and I were him, I'd just concede right now. :)
Shoulda stopped with "I never thought".
He-he! Little Jackie DOES appear to have NO thinking process whatsoever, based on his ALWAYS inane posts. It must be horrific to be THAT dumb......

More than you will ever have in your little finger. You can't even seem to decide when and when to not to hit the CAPS key. And I've never seen you post anything of thought beyond one line. And when I say thought, I'm being generous.
But carry on, troll.
Trump was certainly capable of attacking and killing a member of the Iranian government during this time, as well as other terrorist leaders.

Your bleeding-heart concern for the head of the biggest terrorist organization in the world - responsible for the deaths of not only thousands of deaths of US AND COALITION SOLDIERS (like Canadians) as well as women and children - just makes me warm and tingly all over....ya know, the feeling you get just before you throw up.

Democrats and snowflakes mourned the terrorist POS like he was a cross between a beloved member of their family and a rock star. It's no wonder now they are on their knees in front of Xi (or bent over with him behind them), pushing his propaganda and spreading China's (and their own) lies in the name od 'TDS / Trump hatred'.





...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

She is right. He is President for fucks sake.
Your post has experienced an epic thread fail.

Trump says he wouldn't have acted differently on coronavirus without impeachment

And she might be the next Vice President, and then President.
...says the Liberal radical bitch who supported the Democrats' totally immersed Impeachment coup attempt they KNEW had ZERO chance of successfully removing the President from office while the virus spun out of control, completely un-noticed by the Impeachment-determined Democrats.

During their 'kamikaze' attack on the President, the House Intelligence Committee did not hold 1 single committee hearing on the growing Human / China pandemic that was already threatening the US.

While House Democrats were celebrating their pre-determined, admitted politically partisan Impeachment, the President and his administration were already addressing the threat.

When President Trump imposed his Travel Ban on China in an attempt to limit the number of infected Chinese from coming into the US - something the Chinese were already aware was happening yet refused to restrict international travel from Huwan - Democrats openly opposed the ban, calling the President a Xenophobe for engaging in such racist, fear-mongering acts.

Harris, who slept her way to where she is, is reading off the same DNC talking points while trying to re-write history that does not reflect well on how they reacted to this pandemic.

She is right. He is President for fucks sake.
Your post has experienced an epic thread fail.

HOW has it experienced an 'epic fail'? The DNC's own dementia-suffering 2020 Candidate has announced 3 times what he thinks Trump should do - things Trump already did - and declared his Travel Ban was the right thing to do.


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