Hyped Fear-Mongering? Numbers / Stats Don't Lie: Scientists Are Continuing To Be Proven To Have Gotten It Wrong


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Being PADDED?
- Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus,
Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being
Counted as a COVID-19 Death

- Dr. Birx Lied – COVID-19 Models Baked in Effects of Social
Distancing and STILL Were Off by MILLIONS

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! — Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!
STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN!
— Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020
are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Trying to predict what Mother Nature is going to do is a crap shoot - Just ask Al Gore. He predicted all coastal cities would be under water by now due to Global Warming. but was it more than just 'getting it wrong'?

(!! Thank goodness the infection and death toll rates are down !!)

And as a Bonus - Yes, the Chicoms knew what was about to be unleashed on the world and lied their asses off about / hid it....

EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of
Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
It's all overblown now easy

but here's the deal, if the #'s are low by easter they can say isolation worked, if not they can say we all failed our quarantine duties

the ugly truth may be "M&M bell curve rates" may be flattened , yet extended into the fall when the kids return to school

Cause of death simple enough. If people have other problems and then the virus is the last straw that breaks the camel back then sure you can put a number of other issues on the birth certificate but if the virus was involved in causing death then what is the problem.

If the person died yesterday and he may have been sick and was going to die eventually like we all due, but if the virus cause it to happen sooner than later it is one of the causes of death and should be counted.

Just because the number of death caused by the pandemic may make someone look bad is not a reason to not use it. It is still obvious that the number of death is low for the general population. They say that those with weak immune systems obviously caused by something else is at a higher risk for to die.

The cause of death. If the virus causes you to become sick when you already have problem, then it can be the reason of death at this point in time.

Ultimately the number of deaths will encourage research and possible a vaccination can be developed.

The pandemic is causing deaths as it can cause the death prematurely rather than later. If it bother the living then hey it must be a bummer for the dead.
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Cause of death simple enough. If people have other problems and then the virus is the last straw that breaks the camel back then sure you can put a number of other issues on the birth certificate but if the virus was involved in causing death then what is the problem.

If the person died yesterday and he may have been sick and was going to die eventually like we all due, but if the virus cause it to happen sooner than later it is one of the causes of death and should be counted.

Just because the number of death caused by the pandemic may make someone look bad is not a reason to not use it. It is still obvious that the number of death is low for the general population. They say that those with weak immune systems obviously caused by something else is at a higher risk for to die.

The cause of death. If the virus causes you to become sick when you already have problem, then it can be the reason of death at this point in time.

Ultimately the number of deaths will encourage research and possible a vaccination can be developed.

The pandemic is causing deaths.

I read and agree with a lot of what you say; however, if a man has COVID019 and has asymptomatic symptoms and drops pver dead from running on a tread mill, they show he had COVID-19 (though didn't even know it), and reports cause of death to be COVID-19 to meet someone's numbers for some reason / agenda.... 'padding' the numbers'.... If THAT is being done, I'm not exactly cool with that.
Cause of death simple enough. If people have other problems and then the virus is the last straw that breaks the camel back then sure you can put a number of other issues on the birth certificate but if the virus was involved in causing death then what is the problem.

If the person died yesterday and he may have been sick and was going to die eventually like we all due, but if the virus cause it to happen sooner than later it is one of the causes of death and should be counted.

Just because the number of death caused by the pandemic may make someone look bad is not a reason to not use it. It is still obvious that the number of death is low for the general population. They say that those with weak immune systems obviously caused by something else is at a higher risk for to die.

The cause of death. If the virus causes you to become sick when you already have problem, then it can be the reason of death at this point in time.

Ultimately the number of deaths will encourage research and possible a vaccination can be developed.

The pandemic is causing deaths.

I read and agree with a lot of what you say; however, if a man has COVID019 and has asymptomatic symptoms and drops pver dead from running on a tread mill, they show he had COVID-19 (though didn't even know it), and reports cause of death to be COVID-19 to meet someone's numbers for some reason / agenda.... 'padding' the numbers'.... If THAT is being done, I'm not exactly cool with that.

That's an interesting situation. So if someone is a defense attorney representing someone who accused of murder by shooting, he should demand an autopsy and COVID test. If the shooting victim is COVID positive, it was the virus that officially killed him not the bullet to the heart.
In that particular scenario you are right if he had a heart attack as people have been known to die when exercising because of some underlying condition like heart decease.

filling out a death certificate with multiple factors

The immediate and underlying cause of death?
The conditions contributing to death but not directly causing death?

They are doing death certificates and all factors are included when doing the certificate properly.

Immediate and underlying cause of death is what will be reported and not necessarily the underlying causes. It still there on the certificate but why would anyone want to read further other to gain an understanding of how this persons health is prior to death.

the key is the wording
Immediate cause of death - The final disease or injury causing the death.
Underlying cause of death - other health issues with the person
Manner of death - circumstances leading to death

okay I am tired of talking about death and moving on to another topic
Cause of death simple enough. If people have other problems and then the virus is the last straw that breaks the camel back then sure you can put a number of other issues on the birth certificate but if the virus was involved in causing death then what is the problem.

If the person died yesterday and he may have been sick and was going to die eventually like we all due, but if the virus cause it to happen sooner than later it is one of the causes of death and should be counted.

Just because the number of death caused by the pandemic may make someone look bad is not a reason to not use it. It is still obvious that the number of death is low for the general population. They say that those with weak immune systems obviously caused by something else is at a higher risk for to die.

The cause of death. If the virus causes you to become sick when you already have problem, then it can be the reason of death at this point in time.

Ultimately the number of deaths will encourage research and possible a vaccination can be developed.

The pandemic is causing deaths.

I read and agree with a lot of what you say; however, if a man has COVID019 and has asymptomatic symptoms and drops pver dead from running on a tread mill, they show he had COVID-19 (though didn't even know it), and reports cause of death to be COVID-19 to meet someone's numbers for some reason / agenda.... 'padding' the numbers'.... If THAT is being done, I'm not exactly cool with that.

That's an interesting situation. So if someone is a defense attorney representing someone who accused of murder by shooting, he should demand an autopsy and COVID test. If the shooting victim is COVID positive, it was the virus that officially killed him not the bullet to the heart.

No because murder would be on the table as the bullet is the cause of death and is the immediate cause of death.

COVID positive is not the a cause of death as many people survey having being tested positive. It probably would not be included as it is not necessary an underlying cause

Medical examiners and coroners are professional and licensed. If they lie then they can lose there license and livelihood

This is the Trump government now. If politically the government was reporting erroneous causes of death then yeah that might be a problem.

under inflating or over inflating

So why would the government over inflate when Trump is the president.
if someone had corona virus and was killed in a car accident from internal injuries or from hemoraging, his death would be recorded as the internal injury or the hemorrhaging from the car accident, and NOT COVID19...

YOUR articles are bs fake news. :)
Right wing media is beginning to prepare for the 24/7 coverage of the virus to subside. When that happens, attention will begin to swing towards the election.

What matters now to outlets like Faux is setting the groundwork for a false, revisionist narrative about the admin's response. Part of the messaging appears as though it will be to talk about "how much worse" things would have been if not for Trump's quick action.

One aspect of the dishonest narrative will be pointing out how "Trump prevented" a higher death count. This will be accomplished by two things. 1. Highlighting the purposely high range of deaths estimated by the admin a week or so ago (after months of down playing the virus' threat to human life) so the actual count will look good by comparison. 2. Lying their asses off about the nature and timing of the response.

After all, Team Trump fully understands how many video tapes there are out there showing Trump telling the public things were going to be fine. And there are memos and records of multiple briefings Trump ignored that warned about how bad things would get.

So...........right wing media will proceed on the proven strategy that if you tell a Trumpleton a lie often enough he/she will believe it no matter how much visual, audio, and documentary evidence there is proving what has become an entrenched belief is a total fabrication.
if dipshit rw's spent as much effort working to halt the virus as they do making excuses to carry on and ignore it we could already be closer to the last phase of that shit-

but Russians insist on dividing the country regardless -
Hyped Fear-Mongering? Numbers / Stats Don't Lie: Scientists Are Continuing To Be Proven To Have Gotten It Wrong

You know who else got things terribly wrong? Trump.

‘It’s going to disappear’: Trump’s changing tone on coronavirus
For weeks, the president downplayed the threat of a global pandemic even as others warned otherwise.
if dipshit rw's spent as much effort working to halt the virus as they do making excuses to carry on and ignore it we could already be closer to the last phase of that shit-

but Russians insist on dividing the country regardless -

Why do Leftards think that just talking about, and debating an issue affects the results of policies?

The country's been shut down for 3 weeks or so , so far. How does assessing the value of the policy, hurt the value of the policy?

COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Being PADDED?
- Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus,
Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being
Counted as a COVID-19 Death

- Dr. Birx Lied – COVID-19 Models Baked in Effects of Social
Distancing and STILL Were Off by MILLIONS

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! — Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!
STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN!
— Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020
are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Trying to predict what Mother Nature is going to do is a crap shoot - Just ask Al Gore. He predicted all coastal cities would be under water by now due to Global Warming. but was it more than just 'getting it wrong'?

(!! Thank goodness the infection and death toll rates are down !!)

And as a Bonus - Yes, the Chicoms knew what was about to be unleashed on the world and lied their asses off about / hid it....

EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of
Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
Well now you’ve really fucked up this time. Don’t you know you can’t dispute the scientist. They are above reproach as long as they spout the same line as the all powerful State.

I would expect a knock on your door very soon.

I was just looking at a stack of old Sunday newspapers. The one on top was from March 1st. The first death due to the new virus was on the first page but was like the third story down.

No big deal.
To be fair, their 1-2M number was without mitigation. They've still been very very conservative about all of this, which is to be expected. If they called it too low, we did nothing and 2M people ended up dead they'd have been burned at the stake, and rightfully so. The doctors are always going to be conservative and prescribe the most beneficial actions as they see them, based on what they know, which at the time wasn't much and really still isn't.

The problem is that a lot of people have swallowed it to the point that they're not even questioning any of this. Hide in your basement for 18 months some of these people are telling us now- and we definitely need to be questioning that.

Back when we had ~1600 cases a Harvard Epidemiologist was saying it was really anywhere from 50,000 to 500,000 - a range of roughly 31X to 312X known cases at the time. Based on what we know now, it's pretty likely the guy was correct at least in that the numbers were very low relative to actual infections.

Extrapolating that forward that gives us, based on today's numbers of 364,059 cases, a range of 11,376,843 to 113,768,437 people that have actually been infected.

To account for some efficacy of social distancing, let's halve those numbers for arguments' sake in this admittedly ad hoc example. That gives us a range of 5,688,421 to 56,884,218 people actually infected in the US, rather than the 364,509 number of known cases reported. That is still 15X to 156X the number of cases that are verified.

Point is, we really have no clue how many people are and have been infected. What we do know is that it's likely way, way, way over the numbers we are seeing, and we need to find out what that side of the equation really looks like. If that's orders of magnitude over what we know infections to be, and a lot, if not most, epidemiologists say it is; anywhere from 10X-200X known cases in the US, then we know 2 things. 1. it is not as lethal as we thought, or think, in terms of mortality percentages. 2. more people have already had it, lessening the probability of a major outbreak as we lessen these measures and get on with our lives rather than hiding in our basements like rabbits acting as if a trip to the grocery store is on par with taking point on a recon patrol in the jungles of Vietnam, and that when they see kids out on bikes, or anyone doing anything they think they shouldn't, they should hurry up and call the cops.

We have to know what that really looks like. Until we do the most conservative position is all we have to go on, and I think a lot of people have totally bought into that position and aren't just not questioning it, but actively advocating it without fully understanding the consequences of blindly continuing down this path until the most conservative among us think it's safe to come out.
rw pukes deserve their own leper colony to go about their business and rot all by themselves - they have no right to drag people that choose to stay healthy to a graveyard with them -

COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Being PADDED?
- Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus,
Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being
Counted as a COVID-19 Death

- Dr. Birx Lied – COVID-19 Models Baked in Effects of Social
Distancing and STILL Were Off by MILLIONS

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! — Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!
STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN!
— Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020
are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Trying to predict what Mother Nature is going to do is a crap shoot - Just ask Al Gore. He predicted all coastal cities would be under water by now due to Global Warming. but was it more than just 'getting it wrong'?

(!! Thank goodness the infection and death toll rates are down !!)

And as a Bonus - Yes, the Chicoms knew what was about to be unleashed on the world and lied their asses off about / hid it....

EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of
Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019

The sheep can't understand how this invisible 911 is being used to strip America of our rights and freedoms. THe severely dunnce are still busy taking them.

COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Being PADDED?
- Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus,
Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being
Counted as a COVID-19 Death

- Dr. Birx Lied – COVID-19 Models Baked in Effects of Social
Distancing and STILL Were Off by MILLIONS

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! — Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!
STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN!
— Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020
are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Trying to predict what Mother Nature is going to do is a crap shoot - Just ask Al Gore. He predicted all coastal cities would be under water by now due to Global Warming. but was it more than just 'getting it wrong'?

(!! Thank goodness the infection and death toll rates are down !!)

And as a Bonus - Yes, the Chicoms knew what was about to be unleashed on the world and lied their asses off about / hid it....

EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of
Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019

The sheep can't understand how this invisible 911 is being used to strip America of our rights and freedoms. THe severely dunnce are still busy taking them.

911 was local - this invisible horseshit you yammer about is world wide

Anyone shocked that The Chinese Covid test kits bought by the millions produce false positives and are worthless and unreliable?

To this day I do not know a Single Person that has caught Corona.

COVID-19 Death Toll Numbers Being PADDED?
- Birx Confirms Anyone Who Dies WITH Coronavirus,
Regardless of Any Underlying Health Condition, is Being
Counted as a COVID-19 Death

- Dr. Birx Lied – COVID-19 Models Baked in Effects of Social
Distancing and STILL Were Off by MILLIONS

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! — Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!
STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN!
— Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths …Like a Typical Flu!

STUNNING! IHME Reduces Their Model Predictions AGAIN! -- Now Say Peak Is ON EASTER and Only 60,000 Deaths ...Like a Typical Flu!

This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years
This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020
are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years

Trying to predict what Mother Nature is going to do is a crap shoot - Just ask Al Gore. He predicted all coastal cities would be under water by now due to Global Warming. but was it more than just 'getting it wrong'?

(!! Thank goodness the infection and death toll rates are down !!)

And as a Bonus - Yes, the Chicoms knew what was about to be unleashed on the world and lied their asses off about / hid it....

EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019
EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence China Institute of
Virology Knew of the China Coronavirus in November 2019

The sheep can't understand how this invisible 911 is being used to strip America of our rights and freedoms. THe severely dunnce are still busy taking them.

911 was local - this invisible horseshit you yammer about is world wide


Don’t you have bat guano to harvest In Wuhan troll boy?

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