Justice System in California in Chaos as Prosecutors Rebel Against Soros-Created DA


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The same shit that the DemonRats have planned all over America. But now some are actually waking up.

George Soros’s organizations have given tens of millions of dollars not to politicians running for legislative office but to local district attorney candidates who all have similar ideas about the justice system in America.

Kim Foxx in Cook County. Ill.; Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis; Larry Krasner in Philadelphia; and district attorneys in Dallas County, Texas; Baltimore; and Bexar County, Texas, all received funding from Soros’s Justice and Public Safety super PAC. All are radical reformers who favor “social justice” instead of criminal justice. The millions Soros spent on these races are his most strategically placed donations yet. He can easily swing a local election for district attorney on the cheap — one or two million dollars is all it takes. And the impact of these radicals is felt immediately and deeply.

The latest Soros-backed DA to be elected is Los Angeles County Prosecutor George Gascon. His policies have been so radical that local prosecutors in several jurisdictions are in rebellion.

Los Angeles Times:

In an unprecedented move, a judge allowed the San Diego County district attorney’s office to move to reclaim jurisdiction Monday over several charges filed in Los Angeles connected to a violent crime spree that left two people dead, marking one of the strongest rebukes yet of newly elected L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s policies.

In a motion filed last week, San Diego County Dist. Atty. Summer Stephan asked a judge to give her office control over five robbery counts filed against Rhett Nelson, 31, part of a broader slate of charges he faces for his alleged role in a days-long crime spree that spanned across Southern California and left two people dead in 2019, including Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Joseph Solano.
The San Diego DA wants the cases back because Gascon has refused to allow sentencing “enhancements” for murdering multiple people and using a gun to commit a crime. The difference is that the defendant could get a 20-year sentence in LA county as opposed to life without parole in San Diego County.


Soros is an evil son of a bitch

but he is spending his ill gotten gains shrewdly
The same shit that the DemonRats have planned all over America. But now some are actually waking up.

George Soros’s organizations have given tens of millions of dollars not to politicians running for legislative office but to local district attorney candidates who all have similar ideas about the justice system in America.
Kim Foxx in Cook County. Ill.; Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis; Larry Krasner in Philadelphia; and district attorneys in Dallas County, Texas; Baltimore; and Bexar County, Texas, all received funding from Soros’s Justice and Public Safety super PAC. All are radical reformers who favor “social justice” instead of criminal justice. The millions Soros spent on these races are his most strategically placed donations yet. He can easily swing a local election for district attorney on the cheap — one or two million dollars is all it takes. And the impact of these radicals is felt immediately and deeply.
The latest Soros-backed DA to be elected is Los Angeles County Prosecutor George Gascon. His policies have been so radical that local prosecutors in several jurisdictions are in rebellion.
In an unprecedented move, a judge allowed the San Diego County district attorney’s office to move to reclaim jurisdiction Monday over several charges filed in Los Angeles connected to a violent crime spree that left two people dead, marking one of the strongest rebukes yet of newly elected L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s policies.
In a motion filed last week, San Diego County Dist. Atty. Summer Stephan asked a judge to give her office control over five robbery counts filed against Rhett Nelson, 31, part of a broader slate of charges he faces for his alleged role in a days-long crime spree that spanned across Southern California and left two people dead in 2019, including Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Joseph Solano.
The San Diego DA wants the cases back because Gascon has refused to allow sentencing “enhancements” for murdering multiple people and using a gun to commit a crime. The difference is that the defendant could get a 20-year sentence in LA county as opposed to life without parole in San Diego County.

For those who do not live in Los Angeles, as I do, our district attorney was an African American lady.

But when she ran for reelection last year, African American activists (not necessarily law-abiding African Americans) turned against her because they thought she was not tough enough on cops.

When BLM turned against her, all the local politicians who had originally supported the lady got scared and withdrew their support and threw it to that man.

He has told his prosecutors not to recommend the death penalty, and he has written a letter to the powers in D.C. that they should not use capital punishment in federal cases, either. Of course, he need not worry. The Dems abhor the death penalty. They care more about the perps than the families of the murdered.

Well, reputedly, 80,000,000 voters wanted the Dems in power. They got their wish.
The same shit that the DemonRats have planned all over America. But now some are actually waking up.

George Soros’s organizations have given tens of millions of dollars not to politicians running for legislative office but to local district attorney candidates who all have similar ideas about the justice system in America.
Kim Foxx in Cook County. Ill.; Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis; Larry Krasner in Philadelphia; and district attorneys in Dallas County, Texas; Baltimore; and Bexar County, Texas, all received funding from Soros’s Justice and Public Safety super PAC. All are radical reformers who favor “social justice” instead of criminal justice. The millions Soros spent on these races are his most strategically placed donations yet. He can easily swing a local election for district attorney on the cheap — one or two million dollars is all it takes. And the impact of these radicals is felt immediately and deeply.
The latest Soros-backed DA to be elected is Los Angeles County Prosecutor George Gascon. His policies have been so radical that local prosecutors in several jurisdictions are in rebellion.
In an unprecedented move, a judge allowed the San Diego County district attorney’s office to move to reclaim jurisdiction Monday over several charges filed in Los Angeles connected to a violent crime spree that left two people dead, marking one of the strongest rebukes yet of newly elected L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s policies.
In a motion filed last week, San Diego County Dist. Atty. Summer Stephan asked a judge to give her office control over five robbery counts filed against Rhett Nelson, 31, part of a broader slate of charges he faces for his alleged role in a days-long crime spree that spanned across Southern California and left two people dead in 2019, including Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Joseph Solano.
The San Diego DA wants the cases back because Gascon has refused to allow sentencing “enhancements” for murdering multiple people and using a gun to commit a crime. The difference is that the defendant could get a 20-year sentence in LA county as opposed to life without parole in San Diego County.

I saw zero proof of any donations by George Soros to the DA's. Do you have any because I am not going to take the word of a fanatic.
Why not sentence appropriately the first time instead needing sentencing enhancement?

For most crimes, the law specifies a range of possible punishments. For instance, in some states, misdemeanor crimes are punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum $1,000 in fines. After a defendant is convicted of an offense at trial, the judge decides the appropriate sentence within the allowable range. Sentence enhancements (also called “aggravating factors”) allow—and sometimes require—judges to increase a defendant’s sentence beyond the normal range. Typically, enhancements relate to the defendant’s criminal history or specific details about how the current offense was accomplished that increase its gravity.--https://www.lawyers.com/legal-info/criminal/criminal-law-basics/sentence-enhancements-mean-harder-punishments.html

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