Just Why Are People Against The Trump Agenda?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
You see so often people here ripping on Trump and those who voted for him. Just what are they against? Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

* Economy & Jobs
* Lower Taxes & Tax Reform
* Repeal & Replace Obamacare
* A Stronger Military
* To Defeat Radical Islam & ISIS
* Energy Independence
* Returning control of Education back to the Individual States
* Cutting the Size of Government
* Draining the Swamp

Therefore, it goes without saying that those who are dead set against Trump are not for a better economy, better jobs, lower taxes, tax reform, better, cheaper healthcare, building up our military strength in response to growing threats, defeating terrorism, improved education, or reducing the burden of massive government costs, oversight, regulation and corruption.

They might say they are, but they just don’t feel Trump’s the guy to get it done, but, Trump IS the president, so, if it’s going to get done these next for years, you would think they would want him to succeed! Then there is this futile wish that somehow he will be removed from office which will never happen, so you would think they would want him to succeed! But they don’t. They hate him.

But what if Hillary had won---- would they be hating and lambasting her? You know they would not, even though she ran on essentially Obama’s platform and wouldn’t have done any of the above.

So, were any of the Trump Hater’s jumping ugly when Obama was in office? I seriously doubt it. Let us look at Obama’s legacy that they supported and would have likely gone on with Hillary; what was Obama’s legacy that they are so unhappy Trump is in office to change?

* Lowest Labor Participation Rate Since the 1970’s
* 95 million out of the Labour Force
* Worst Recovery Since the 1940’s
* Lowest Home Ownership 51 Years
* 13 Million More Americans on Food Stamps
* 43 Million In Poverty
* 1 in 5 Families Had No One Working
* 1 in 6 Men ages 18-34 In Jail Or Out Of Work
* More National Debt Accumulated than All Previous Administrations Combined

(source: Census Bureau & Dept. of Treasury)

Yep. This is what they were fine with during the Obama years, would have been OK with Hillary continuing, and are now railing against Trump for trying to fix? And their reasons?

Trump has blond hair.
He is more rich than they.
His wife is more beautiful than theirs.
His kids are smarter and better looking. Rich too.
He texts.
He is blunt.
He means what he says.
He does what means.
He works 20 hours a day.
He holds people accountable.
He is real successful in getting things done he sets out to do.
He gets things done rather than just talk about doing them.

And their rationale? With a gale-force wind of opposition against him from those who stand to lose by his cleaning up Washington, they complain that he hasn’t already accomplished everything 4 months into his election.
If you were passed for promotion you think you deserve only because you're woman, you would be pissed too.

Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

And for the most part, he's doing the exact opposite of all those promises.

For example, instead of "draining the swamp", he's filled every position with corrupt political hacks, lobbyists, cronies and billionaires. He's filled that swamp fuller than it's ever been.

And you support that.

By your own standards, you want the USA to fail.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.

Nice of you to hang in there for about 13 weeks or so
Fool me once, yadda yada. What about you folks that voted for Obama twice in 8 years?
OK, cheap shot. Where do we go from here?

Don't "you folks" me. I didn't vote for that fucker

How do you know you've been fooled four months into a four year term?
Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

And for the most part, he's doing the exact opposite of all those promises.

For example, instead of "draining the swamp", he's filled every position with corrupt political hacks, lobbyists, cronies and billionaires. He's filled that swamp fuller than it's ever been.

And you support that.

By your own standards, you want the USA to fail.

Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

And for the most part, he's doing the exact opposite of all those promises.

For example, instead of "draining the swamp", he's filled every position with corrupt political hacks, lobbyists, cronies and billionaires. He's filled that swamp fuller than it's ever been.

And you support that.

By your own standards, you want the USA to fail.

Actually, Trump has put in people that know how the financial dirty dealing is done and wants to change it. You don't change the kind of things that are as fucked up as they are by bringing on outsiders that don't understand how the system actually works. Would you go to a foot doctor for a heart ailment? I am willing to give him longer than 4 months before I declare him as just another puppet of the shadow government like the last five admins did. He is dealing with shit that those like you have no clue about. If he signs off on an invasion of Syria? That means the "Deep State" owned by the bankers have won out and we are basically fucked. You really have no clue as to what we are up against and you obviously have no clue about the coming economic shit storm approaching but it's gonna hit you like a ton of bricks when it does. The "swamp" is still filled with Barrypuppet appointees and the leftard clown posse is doing all they can to stall appointments while accusing him of colluding with Russia to cheat the Hildebeast out of the presidency for revealing how the leftards were gonna cheat to steal the elction That is the part that cracks me up..

Leftard say??? "Those dastardly Rooskies conspired with Trump to cheat our Hillary by exposing how she was planning to cheat and steal the election!!!!"

Seriously, you just can't make this shit up. Leftard not pissed about the contents of the e-mails...OH HELL NO! They are simply pissed that the corruption was revealed and why is that? Because in the mind of a leftard, the end justifies the means and by any means necessary justifies whatever tactics it takes because there is no moral barrier for them....no line in the sand. They are willing to do things that decent human beings would never think of doing.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.

Nice of you to hang in there for about 13 weeks or so
Fool me once, yadda yada. What about you folks that voted for Obama twice in 8 years?
OK, cheap shot. Where do we go from here?

Don't "you folks" me. I didn't vote for that fucker

How do you know you've been fooled four months into a four year term?
I voted for a lot of fuckers. Let's see, the list is to long and varied.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.
Hey look! The left won somebody over. I guess Joseph Goebbels was right when he said: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" (at least to the weak and gullible).
Yeah, something like that. American politics, boils down to conservatives and liberals, they are the same bunch of liars and scoundrels in the end.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.

Let's try to help MaryL work through his or her confusion. MaryL do you watch MSNBC and CNN and not realize they are fake news and democrat propaganda outlets? You do recall Crooked Hillary and MSNBC and CNN colluded in a conspiracy to rig the election in her favor don't you? I would suggest watch Tucker's show and Hannity's show. That should help get you up to speed, IMO.
Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

* Economy & Jobs
* Lower Taxes & Tax Reform
* Repeal & Replace Obamacare
* A Stronger Military
* To Defeat Radical Islam & ISIS
* Energy Independence
* Returning control of Education back to the Individual States
* Cutting the Size of Government
* Draining the Swamp

Why are we against it?

Because, it's bullshit.

1. Economy and jobs
Sounds good. In fact sounds like every candidate. However, the economy is doing pretty well, it's steady - unemployment has gone way down. Not sure exactly what Trump will do differently or better because as usual it's not specified beyond "YUGE".

2. Lower Taxes and Tax Reform....sounds great, ya? I agree. On the other hand what does it mean in practice? So far, it looks to me like it's significant reductions in taxes on the wealthy and...not much else. Not to mention...how are we going to balance the loss in revenue with the deficit? How much spending can you cut before you are hurting the very people who can least weather it?

3. Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Why not FIX FUCKING OBAMACARE...you know, like we've been trying to do for years but you guys have stonewalled...and, have you looked at Trumpcare? It's seriously fucked up. Worse than Obamacare.

4. Defeat "radical Islam" (what does that mean?) and ISIS...kind of what we've been doing...but, ok let's pretend it's something new.

5. Energy Independence....and that differs from what we've been doing...how? Oh, I know how - fuck the environment drill baby drill!

I'll skip down to draining the swamp - Trump's agenda ISN"T draining the swamp. It's replenishing it with new invasive species.

I don't support it.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.

Nice of you to hang in there for about 13 weeks or so
Fool me once, yadda yada. What about you folks that voted for Obama twice in 8 years?
OK, cheap shot. Where do we go from here?

Don't "you folks" me. I didn't vote for that fucker

How do you know you've been fooled four months into a four year term?
I voted for a lot of fuckers. Let's see, the list is to long and varied.
I voted for Trump. He lost me a few weeks ago. Investigate Trump and if need be, impeach him.
Hey look! The left won somebody over. I guess Joseph Goebbels was right when he said: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth" (at least to the weak and gullible).
Yeah, something like that. American politics, boils down to conservatives and liberals, they are the same bunch of liars and scoundrels in the end.
That's an excuse to not do your homework. They are not the same (except for the rinos). Trump puts country over party. No Democrat does that.

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