Just spent the weekend touring Civil War battlefields with my son


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Busy weekend. Went to:

Manassas (both battlefields)
The house where Stonewall Jackson died

Even managed to work in a tour of Mt Vernon
Busy weekend. Went to:

Manassas (both battlefields)
The house where Stonewall Jackson died

Even managed to work in a tour of Mt Vernon

Dont forget the Marine Corps Museum which is also in that area. I lived up there when I was stationed at Quantico. Beautiful place! Outrageous housing prices and rent. But the Civil War battlefields were my favorite as well.
How did the boy take it?

Which one or two would you rank the as your favorite? Sometimes I can talk the wife into one or two stops. I visited Gettysburg back in the day. That was pretty neat.
How did the boy take it?

Which one or two would you rank the as your favorite? Sometimes I can talk the wife into one or two stops. I visited Gettysburg back in the day. That was pretty neat.

Considering that we went out for beers afterwards, he is not exactly a "boy". But he is a big Civil War buff and we are trying to knock off a couple of battlefields each year. We did Anteitam and Harpers Ferry last year. Been to Gettysburg seven or eight times.

I think Fredericksburg was probably the most impressive as you stood on the heights and realize that the Union made 14 attacks on this position. Fredericksburg is right off the interstate and only takes about an hour and a half to tour.

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