Just broke, Manchin says he will NOT vote for Build Back Better

Why do you believe the state should force people to conform to the teachings of Christianity?

Obviously the state cares little about that. Otherwise we wouldn't have dropped tens of thousands of bombs on people who never did a thing to us. You see that as a better alternative?
You avoided my question. I'll ask again:
Why do you believe the state should force people to conform to the teachings of Christianity?

You obviously do not have to conform to anything. I stated why I believe what I believe.
You obviously do not have to conform to anything. I stated why I believe what I believe.
Well, yes - you believe it is the 'Christian thing to do', and in doing so, illustrated don't understand what the 'Christian thing to do' really is.
The question is: Why do you want to force your version of Christian morality on others?
Well, yes - you believe it is the 'Christian thing to do', and in doing so, illustrated don't understand what the 'Christian thing to do' really is.
The question is: Why do you want to force your version of Christian morality on others?

You can keep on asking the same question over and over and nothing changes. I vote my conscience and you vote yours. Those with the most votes win.
Says he who wants to force Christianity on everyone,
He’s not seeing it. I agree with what you’re saying. That’s all it is! The sick piece is the government tore down the Christian charities and inserted themselves as the official Christian providers. The political Demofks hated the Christians for getting in their way!
It's also money they were getting previously, it's just spread out now,

As Lisa pointed out, you are misinformed. They weren't getting the money previously but are now. You no longer are required to pay income taxes to get the credit. That is a handout.

All affluent people are on welfare.

I am considered affluent and I would LOVE to know what welfare I get. Do explain.
As Lisa pointed out, you are misinformed. They weren't getting the money previously but are now. You no longer are required to pay income taxes to get the credit. That is a handout.

I am considered affluent and I would LOVE to know what welfare I get. Do explain.
Believe me, you’re not on welfare. That‘s just something that libs say because they resent people who worked hard, made prudent decisions, developed a valuable skill, made sacrifices to advance in their career. They refuse to give successful people any credit for how they ended up because it implies that unsuccessful people might be responsible for their own lack of success.

That said, it is adding insult to injury when libs say the affluent are on welfare. Do you remember the “success tax” of the 80’s? It impacted responsible people who maxed out their 401k and IRA contributions instead of spending every last cent, and then found themselves with such a nice nest egg that the MRD was more than $150,000.

Thus, in addition to paying a marginal tax rate of 50% on withdrawals, the hard-working, talented, dedicated, responsible people had to pay an ADDITIONAL 15%! And libs have the nerve to say successful, affluent people, who saved for retirement and invested wisely, are on welfare.
As Lisa pointed out, you are misinformed. They weren't getting the money previously but are now. You no longer are required to pay income taxes to get the credit. That is a handout.

I am considered affluent and I would LOVE to know what welfare I get. Do explain.

I've done this millions of times.
Yup. His state went overwhelmingly for Trump, as they realized that the massive socialist-style handouts of Democrats would a) result in a big drop in productivity, b) drive inflation, and c) cause an economic catastrophe.

Manchin wants to keep his job, and voted the way his constituents want.

I don't think he cares what "his" constituents wants. He voted for pretty much all other Democrat's bullshit, so he'll give his vote if they meet his price. Maybe he's asking "10% for the big guy". :D
I just had a brilliant idea.

Instead of just handing out welfare to tens of millions of people who have children, and thus see them unwilling to take jobs or quit the ones they do have, how about tying their welfare payments to their earnings:

People who have no job and no earnings, and are already on tons of welfare, got NOTHING extra. Parents who have one earner, and the other spouse has no job, also get nothing. Parents who are a two-income couple, with the second parent working a minimum of 20 hours a week, get a 20% “boost” above their income, up to the $3600 per child max.

This way, it encourages parents who need more income to get jobs rather than QUIT jobs, which is what many are doing now with their “no-conditions” welfare payments,
VIEWER ADVISORY: Manchin's "no" on BBB has made it a great day to watch MSNBC.

And the crap in this bill would destroy his state’s economy. Putting a LOT of people out of work. I’m sure he’d rather his constituents keep their jobs, rather than listen to the pure shit that moron Psaki spews daily.

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