Joe Won't Talk

Why should he campaign on your issues?

Bwuhahahaha....Dude, Biden won't campaign on THE issues.

With over 200,000 dead, partially due to trump leadership or lack there of, he campaigned on that issues yesterday in Wisconsin, where 102,498 have caught it and 1,244 have died from it. "It didn't have to be this bad."
All they had to do is put out an olive branch and work with Trump. But nooooo! The party is more important then the people. Trump has tried multiple times to work with the Progs. But they just gotta get the movement left in any way from negotiations. The shocked look of Nancy when the Repub Representative shouted "You lie" with Obama giving a SOTU speech. And then.. Trump gets Nancy to show her true colors. Its like she has been liberated from the offices. That's the beauty of Trump. We know the truth now about people with power.

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