Joe Won't Talk


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

Drawing of an invisible man wearing a suit and hat - EstateGuru P2P lending  Blog

"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."

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At the very least dems should write in their pick...don't throw your vote away on a dementia addled man....choose who you want to be president...if its Bernie send that message or your party will continue to choose for you......
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

View attachment 391713
"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."

Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

View attachment 391713
"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."

Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.

Won’t take the bait?

His pals in the media are baiting him now?

You fucking libs live in backwards land.
Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.

'Take The Bait'? It's called 'CAMPAIGNING', lil' brainwashed snowflake. It's called being 'transparent', open and honest with the American people....and yes, he has proven he can't be any of those things.

Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.

'Take The Bait'? It's called 'CAMPAIGNING', lil' brainwashed snowflake. It's called being 'transparent', open and honest with the American people....and yes, he has proven he can't be any of those things.

Why should he campaign on your issues? What make you special? Your vote does not count as any more votes than my vote or most American's votes. You going to whine about him not playing your game all the way to election day?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::206::206::dance::dance::funnyface::funnyface::mm::mm::laugh2::laugh2::dig::dig::happy-1::happy-1::cul2::cul2::19::19::yapyapyapf::yapyapyapf::smoke:
Why should he campaign on your issues? What make you special? Your vote does not count as any more votes than my vote or most American's votes. You going to whine about him not playing your game all the way to election day?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::206::206::dance::dance::funnyface::funnyface::mm::mm::laugh2::laugh2::dig::dig::happy-1::happy-1::cul2::cul2::19::19::yapyapyapf::yapyapyapf::smoke:

I guess he'll just stick to the important issues. Smart move on his part. :popcorn:

Why should he campaign on your issues?

Bwuhahahaha....Dude, Biden won't campaign on THE issues.

With over 200,000 dead, partially due to trump leadership or lack there of, he campaigned on that issues yesterday in Wisconsin, where 102,498 have caught it and 1,244 have died from it. "It didn't have to be this bad."
Why should he campaign on your issues?

Bwuhahahaha....Dude, Biden won't campaign on THE issues.

"It didn't have to be this bad."

No, it did NOT have to be this bad.

If Democrats would not have decided to take the opposite side of any issue Trump did, if Democrats would have supported his life-saving travel bans from the start instead of calling them 'Xenophobic' and authoring legislation to block them - if Biden and Democrats would have agreed from the start they were a good idea instead of having to admit it later....

If Democrats would nt have been wasting time with another failed copu attempt based on Butt-hurt they might have seen the pandemic coming...

If Democrats would not have told Americans there was nothing to the virus, if they had not told Americans to herd in large numbers, to come visit China Town, to ride crowded subways....

If Democrats would not have intentionally murdered thousands of elderly Americans by packing nursing homes with virus infected people...

If Democrats had not engaged in fear mongering and politicized the virus...

And on and on and on.....Dude, I totally agree with you - it did not HAVE to be the way it is / was....but the Democrats did everything they could possibly do wrong.
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

View attachment 391713
"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."

Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.
Wow...answering reporters questions is now "taking the bait"? Is that what you're seriously trying to claim, White? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the role of media in an election to inform the public? To vet the candidates? How does one do that if candidates are allowed to not take questions?
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

View attachment 391713
"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."

Whining again cause Joe won't take bait? Grow up.
Answering questions about your agenda is "taking the bait?"
Why should he campaign on your issues?

Bwuhahahaha....Dude, Biden won't campaign on THE issues.

With over 200,000 dead, partially due to trump leadership or lack there of, he campaigned on that issues yesterday in Wisconsin, where 102,498 have caught it and 1,244 have died from it. "It didn't have to be this bad."
I'm curious, White...would you like to put a percentage on how many people Donald Trump is responsible for killing? Would you like to compare HIS response to Covid 19 to the response of the Obama Administration to the Swine Flu when Joe Biden was Vice President? If we'd followed the Obama Administration response do you honestly think lives would have been saved? Biden is claiming that to be a fact somehow and for the life of me I don't know what the hell he's talking about! Their response was what? Increased testing? Nope. Shutting down the economy? Nope. Shutting down schools? Nope. Travel bans? Nope? Mask mandates? Hell, no!
Why should he campaign on your issues?

Bwuhahahaha....Dude, Biden won't campaign on THE issues.

With over 200,000 dead, partially due to trump leadership or lack there of, he campaigned on that issues yesterday in Wisconsin, where 102,498 have caught it and 1,244 have died from it. "It didn't have to be this bad."
I'm curious, White...would you like to put a percentage on how many people Donald Trump is responsible for killing? Would you like to compare HIS response to Covid 19 to the response of the Obama Administration to the Swine Flu when Joe Biden was Vice President? If we'd followed the Obama Administration response do you honestly think lives would have been saved? Biden is claiming that to be a fact somehow and for the life of me I don't know what the hell he's talking about! Their response was what? Increased testing? Nope. Shutting down the economy? Nope. Shutting down schools? Nope. Travel bans? Nope? Mask mandates? Hell, no!
Nah. No way to prove. In terms of real dead people out of 200,000, how many would be enough to make you regret his leadership or lack there of?
Joe won't talk about his economic plan

Joe won't talk anymore about fracking

Joe won't talk about Burisma (despite a report coming out soon)

Joe won't talk about his part in the failed Obama coup attempt

Joe won't talk about his confessing to extort the former Ukraine PM

Joe won't talk about the domestic terrorists and violence in Democrat-run cities
- except to say if people want it to stop they have to vote for HIM

Joe won't talk to reporters
The man literally sprints from the podium after speaking when he does ever come out of hiding....

Joe won't talk about who is on his list to fill the USSC vacancy

Now Joe won't talk about whether he will support the Democrat threat of 'packing the court'

Talk about the 'Invisible Candidate' - he is almost totally secluded in his basement instead of going around the country to meet with those he wants to 'rule' and simultaneously refuses to say what he supports / will do if elected....

View attachment 391713
"Hi I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the
US, to be your, your next
President. Why? I'm not taking any questions."


Joe's just being non-committal out of respect for the dead.

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