Joe Biden: We’re going to shut down coal plants all across the country.

Hey... probably because I'm a better scholar, more knowledgeable and less of chickenshit to take a chance and make errors... YOU on the other hand I've never seen one example of your own scholarship or even one substantiation! All you can do is be a ass kisser.
Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
THESE are the facts... and you can NOT refute them!

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Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!

That's awful! Was it more than 100% less?
Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!

That's awful! Was it more than 100% less?
Wow! That really bothered you didn't it? Such a shame something as miniscule (meaning tiny, small) has made such an impression on you. But that goes to prove how totally ignorant of how the world works.
It properly illustrates how few brain cells you really have. Keep it up as you are certainly proving my case.
Wow! That really bothered you didn't it? Such a shame something as miniscule (meaning tiny, small) has made such an impression on you. But that goes to prove how totally ignorant of how the world works.
It properly illustrates how few brain cells you really have. Keep it up as you are certainly proving my case.

Yes, your many, huge math errors bothered me.
Democrats like Obama and Biden make statements like “energy prices must necessarily increase” and “ I guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuels”. They pursue regulatory policies that make it more costly and prohibitive for domestic energy to produce while they tout alternative energy sources (wind, solar, air) are cheaper when in fact they are not viable to run the economy at the same costs and efficiencies that fossil fuels can run an economy.

Then, when American consumers get hit with egregious energy bills and the green energy alternatives are not mature while countries like China and India double down on fossil fuels, the Democrats scream that it’s not their fault.
Yes, your many, huge math errors bothered me.
But of course YOU excuse these errors but are so critical of my errors. Makes sense. You believe everything the MSM says!

The Biden administration has failed to remedy a mathematical glitch in its oil and gas permitting review process, causing a system backlog and a decrease in offshore energy production.
These permitting delays have a real impact on the industry's ability to safely and efficiently explore, drill and produce energy in the offshore sector," NOIA President Erik Milito told FOX Business in an interview. "It is a significant concern when it comes to not just energy production, but when it comes to ensuring that investment stays in the U.S. and that we can maintain the jobs, the high-paying jobs that go along with this activity."

Biden Admin Quietly Admits Math Error Is Causing Massive Oil, Gas Permitting Delays​

President Biden said Friday that coal plants are too expensive to operate
How does Joe know that? I'd love to ask him if he has he ever owned and operated one. Or could it be that they've just been MADE too expensive (non-profitable) thru constant government regulations meant to bury them?

and "we're going to be shutting these plants down all across America"
Joe is going to be shutting them down? Who is he to be shutting down someone else's business? I must have missed that in the Constitution where a president has the authority to just close other people's hard-earned businesses because he just doesn't like them! Sure would make me hesitant to invest in a business! What arogance! Worse, it is pure fascism. Does Joe realize that 81% of our electric power comes from coal and other FF plants?

in order to shift to wind power in a comment that drew criticism from the Republican National Committee.
Well, La Dee Da-- -- something actually sparked a comment from the GOP! Is the whole world stupid and not realize that you don't shut down your main source of energy first, then try to build an unproven and untested alternate form of energy to replace it! That would be like back in 1900 when they first started coming out with the beginnings of the horseless carriage that they just stopped and banned all use of horses! Meantime, it took another 30 years to fully replace the horse.

"I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest old coal plant in America," Biden said
I bet the lying fuck was never even there. I mean, why go somewhere that you'ce already decided years ago that you want to close? And why go to one that is falling apart dilapidated on its last legs? What does that prove? Whatever condition coal plants are in is only because for twenty years, government has been holding an axe over their necks discouraging investment trying to drive them out of business. China's coal plants seem to do JUST FINE.

"Guess what? It cost them too much money. No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it.
Only because of useless fucks like you driving them under instead of helping them out.

"So it's going to become a wind generation.
Supplying a small fraction of the power it used to. I'd laugh hard if after being built, it stopped being windy there. In fact, it probably isn't windy there now as no one wants to build a coal plant where wind is blowing the dust all over the place.

we're going to be shutting these plants down all across America
Good to know, you stupid fuck. Nice to know the government is stepping in and deciding what businesses can operate and which can't! And when the wind farms don't pan out or work as you thought, YOU WON'T HAVE ANY COAL PLANTS TO GO BACK TO EITHER.

and having wind and solar power, also providing tax credits to help families buy energy efficient appliances
That is gov-speak for, we're going to use taxpayer money to bribe and trick people into using something they don't want while subsidizing an unprofitable industry with your tax money to keep it afloat so you can lie through your teeth and say it is all working well, like Solyndra.

things that save an average, experts say, a minimum of $500 a year for the average family."
Meantime, experts say that Biden's economic policies since in office are already costing the average family an additional $800 a month.

Biden’s comment prompted a response from a Twitter account run by the Republican National Committee, which said, "Joe Biden celebrates coal plant workers losing their jobs."
Sounds like a typical stupid GOP comment. All Biden will say in reply to that is that those workers can get retrained to work in installing and maintaining wind farms! Meantime, the idiots at the GOP glaze right over the recklessness of driving your main source of energy out of business before you have a fully proven and tested replacement, much less that Biden and the fed have no authority to just snap their fingers and tell a privately-owned company they are taking over and closing them just because they decided you don't comport with THEIR political agenda-- -- that is called FASCISM.
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But of course YOU excuse these errors but are so critical of my errors. Makes sense. You believe everything the MSM says!

The Biden administration has failed to remedy a mathematical glitch in its oil and gas permitting review process, causing a system backlog and a decrease in offshore energy production.
These permitting delays have a real impact on the industry's ability to safely and efficiently explore, drill and produce energy in the offshore sector," NOIA President Erik Milito told FOX Business in an interview. "It is a significant concern when it comes to not just energy production, but when it comes to ensuring that investment stays in the U.S. and that we can maintain the jobs, the high-paying jobs that go along with this activity."

Biden Admin Quietly Admits Math Error Is Causing Massive Oil, Gas Permitting Delays​

If the MSM makes stupid math errors, I'll criticize them as well.
If the MSM makes stupid math errors, I'll criticize them as well.
By the way I KNOW you think you are A PERFECT person capable of correcting all of we humans' errors..
But in your perfection, I demand you to provide me exactly every one of the errors that YOU MR. Perfect claim I've done! As a perfectionist, YOU of all people should have at least the scholarly characteristic of
proving my mistakes with corrections. But you haven't.
Until you provide me with ALL the errors your PERFECTNESS perceive and PROOF the so-called "stupid math errors" you are without a doubt a PERFECT idiot for making YOUR totally subjective, personal and definitely UNSUBSTANTIATED proof regarding my "errors". Until then "perfection they name is NOT
TODDSERPATRIOT!" You should actually be called "TOADSTOOLTraitor"!
By the way I KNOW you think you are A PERFECT person capable of correcting all of we humans' errors..
But in your perfection, I demand you to provide me exactly every one of the errors that YOU MR. Perfect claim I've done! As a perfectionist, YOU of all people should have at least the scholarly characteristic of
proving my mistakes with corrections. But you haven't.
Until you provide me with ALL the errors your PERFECTNESS perceive and PROOF the so-called "stupid math errors" you are without a doubt a PERFECT idiot for making YOUR totally subjective, personal and definitely UNSUBSTANTIATED proof regarding my "errors". Until then "perfection they name is NOT
TODDSERPATRIOT!" You should actually be called "TOADSTOOLTraitor"!

I demand you to provide me exactly every one of the errors that YOU MR. Perfect claim I've done!


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