Jobs added in September is fantastic!! it isn't.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Employment Situation Summary

^^^^^ Numbers aren't good but could have been worse I guess. We need those increases to go up 10 fold.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Despite this fact, TM will be along any moment declaring that the recovery is well under way!
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Despite this fact, TM will be along any moment declaring that the recovery is well under way!

Indeed...again....and again.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

And, an even more honest number is 16.5%. ****

More Americans are working part time but would prefer full-time work. When these people are added to those without jobs who have given up looking, the so-called "underemployment" rate rose to 16.5 percent from 16.2 percent.

Economy added 103,000 jobs in September - Yahoo! Finance

Obama needs to blame this on something other than his job-killing policies, so he has chosen Congress.. .:lol: :lol:
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Despite this fact, TM will be along any moment declaring that the recovery is well under way!

No, that is if she can find some bullshit story somewhere out there internet land, then she will claim Obama saved us. In this case she will claim the Republicans destroyed the recovery... The recovery that once she finds good news will be back in full swing... I'm still trying to figure out how that is possible. How does a recovery get destroyed and then weeks later manage to come back full force 1 to 2 times a month according to TM?

What is more amazing is TM makes predictions, is wrong for something like 3 years strait now and when others tell her things won’t get better and in fact might get worse she tells them they are all wrong, that they hate America and want to see poor people starving yet we get it right time after time and her predictions fall flat.

Prediction: Over the course of the next 6 months TM will claim many times (open ended amount) that the economy is surging due to Obama and Democrats and then is crashing due to Republicans.
Oh those wall street bulls looking for anything to excuse a rally.
September "added" 103,000 jobs...which is 41,000 better than expected - so it is wonderful news.
But well...45,000 of the 103,000 is Verizon employees ending their strike and placed back on the rolls of the unemployed.
So in reality - the nation only added 58,000 jobs...7000 LESS than expected.

And 58,000 is an awful number.

Despite this fact, TM will be along any moment declaring that the recovery is well under way!

No, that is if she can find some bullshit story somewhere out there internet land, then she will claim Obama saved us. In this case she will claim the Republicans destroyed the recovery... The recovery that once she finds good news will be back in full swing... I'm still trying to figure out how that is possible. How does a recovery get destroyed and then weeks later manage to come back full force 1 to 2 times a month according to TM?

What is more amazing is TM makes predictions, is wrong for something like 3 years strait now and when others tell her things won’t get better and in fact might get worse she tells them they are all wrong, that they hate America and want to see poor people starving yet we get it right time after time and her predictions fall flat.

Prediction: Over the course of the next 6 months TM will claim many times (open ended amount) that the economy is surging due to Obama and Democrats and then is crashing due to Republicans.

Gotta love the entertainment value of it...when I first got here, I hadn't been here for a week when I noticed the irony in her screen name.
No shortage of love for this person TM, is there?

I, for one, am pleased that the jobs report showed any increase at all. September was my best month of the year so far. I have seen a little more activity in the past few months, in fact.

Do me a favor, folks. It won't hurt a bit, I promise. Tell someone you know IRL that you think the jobs report for September was a positive sign. You don't have to commit to anything......just take a fucking second off from your 3 year downer-fest and brighten someone's day.

No shortage of love for this person TM, is there?

I, for one, am pleased that the jobs report showed any increase at all. September was my best month of the year so far. I have seen a little more activity in the past few months, in fact.

Do me a favor, folks. It won't hurt a bit, I promise. Tell someone you know IRL that you think the jobs report for September was a positive sign. You don't have to commit to anything......just take a fucking second off from your 3 year downer-fest and brighten someone's day.


3 year downer fest is what happens when the economy has sucked...for three years.
It's what happens.
Whaddya want - lies?
Then watch MSNBC
Nope. Not looking for lies. Looking for all of my fellow Americans to HONESTLY root for the country to recover quickly. That's all.

And what makes you think anyone doesn't want it to?
Close to 40% of my earnings is profit based think I am enjoying this??
Upon my recommendation the company invested $2.2 mil in production expansion in think I don't want that to start panning out better??

It is like this...I tell it as I see it. And what I see is no end to this. Sorry, but you tell me what you see that is going to turn the economy around and I will be more than happy to celebrate with you, until then - I will stay on this side of the land of Oz.
You are not willing to state that the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?

And ....I'd like to suggest that you try a different road when it comes to characterizing my grip on reality. I'm just as human as you....and there are ample times when I ain't singing and dancing over the economic news. But......unlike you.....I understand the NEED FOR OUR CONSUMER BASE TO GAIN PSYCHOLOGICAL CONFIDENCE IN THE ECONOMY.

Oz? You are funny. You say you see no end to this.......maybe you need to take a few steps down off of fucking Mt. Doom, Gollum.
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Nope. Not looking for lies. Looking for all of my fellow Americans to HONESTLY root for the country to recover quickly. That's all.

No. You asked for lies. You asked for people to say the jobs report is a positive sign when they don't believe it is a positive sign .

I'm honestly rooting for the country to recover quickly. I'm relieved that the number wasn't negative.

But it's not a reason to stop holding my breath long enough to tell anyone anything nice about it. That would be dishonest. All this jobs report has earned from me is a "let's wait and see". Nothing more.

So, it sort of earned me not saying anything negative about it by not commenting about it at all ... until I saw you asking me to say something I don't believe and then say you weren't asking me to lie.
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You are not willing to state that the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?

And ....I'd like to suggest that you try a different road when it comes to characterizing my grip on reality. I'm just as human as you....and there are ample times when I ain't singing and dancing over the economic news. But......unlike you.....I understand the NEED FOR OUR CONSUMER BASE TO GAIN PSYCHLOGICAL CONFIDENCE IN THE ECONOMY.

Oz? You are funny. You say you see no end to this.......maybe you need to take a few steps down off of fucking Mt. Doom, Gollum.

58,000 new jobs for the entire nation Lone is in abysmal.
Sorta like a guy falling 250ft down a pit, in a months worth of work he has managed to climb 6ft. - Not good. Ok he is not still sliding....but it is going to take him three and a half f*cking years to get out of the hole!!!
Same thing guy...58,000 new jobs across the entire nation is less than a doesn't even compensate for population growth.
If the number were negative, I'd say it was bad news...a negative sign. Wouldn't you?

That would be definitely negative.

This number on the face is positive but it's a net negative since it is not big enough to keep up with the number of people who aged into the work force last month.

That is why it has earned from me a "Don't say anything bad about it aloud because I don't want to be a downer and I kinda hope people who know less than I do will be fooled by it and start spending money again." But I can't call it positive.

And I would have stuck to not saying anything bad about it aloud or in print if your post about saying it was positive when I didn't really believe that hadn't rubbed me the wrong way. :doubt:

p.s., thanks for the rep. ( :
You are not willing to state that the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?

And ....I'd like to suggest that you try a different road when it comes to characterizing my grip on reality. I'm just as human as you....and there are ample times when I ain't singing and dancing over the economic news. But......unlike you.....I understand the NEED FOR OUR CONSUMER BASE TO GAIN PSYCHLOGICAL CONFIDENCE IN THE ECONOMY.

Oz? You are funny. You say you see no end to this.......maybe you need to take a few steps down off of fucking Mt. Doom, Gollum.

58,000 new jobs for the entire nation Lone is in abysmal.
Sorta like a guy falling 250ft down a pit, in a months worth of work he has managed to climb 6ft. - Not good. Ok he is not still sliding....but it is going to take him three and a half f*cking years to get out of the hole!!!
Same thing guy...58,000 new jobs across the entire nation is less than a doesn't even compensate for population growth.

Yep. And I imagine that he'd probably be pleased about that fact. Might even give this unlucky fucker a reason to crack a smile for a few moments.

Carry on with your doom and gloom. I sure hope you ain't the person my next customer is talking to just before I call on him for that order.
If the number were negative, I'd say it was bad news...a negative sign. Wouldn't you?

That would be definitely negative.

This number on the face is positive but it's a net negative since it is not big enough to keep up with the number of people who aged into the work force last month.

That is why it has earned from me a "Don't say anything bad about it aloud because I don't want to be a downer and I kinda hope people who know less than I do will be fooled by it and start spending money again." But I can't call it positive.

And I would have stuck to not saying anything bad about it aloud or in print if your post about saying it was positive when I didn't really believe that hadn't rubbed me the wrong way. :doubt:

p.s., thanks for the rep. ( :

next time....I'll consider that you might join a thread after I post my comments and I'll try and predict what you'd have said if I had not made my comments. My bad.
You are not willing to state that the jobs report released today is a bit of good news?

And ....I'd like to suggest that you try a different road when it comes to characterizing my grip on reality. I'm just as human as you....and there are ample times when I ain't singing and dancing over the economic news. But......unlike you.....I understand the NEED FOR OUR CONSUMER BASE TO GAIN PSYCHLOGICAL CONFIDENCE IN THE ECONOMY.

Oz? You are funny. You say you see no end to this.......maybe you need to take a few steps down off of fucking Mt. Doom, Gollum.

58,000 new jobs for the entire nation Lone is in abysmal.
Sorta like a guy falling 250ft down a pit, in a months worth of work he has managed to climb 6ft. - Not good. Ok he is not still sliding....but it is going to take him three and a half f*cking years to get out of the hole!!!
Same thing guy...58,000 new jobs across the entire nation is less than a doesn't even compensate for population growth.

Yep. And I imagine that he'd probably be pleased about that fact. Might even give this unlucky fucker a reason to crack a smile for a few moments.

Carry on with your doom and gloom. I sure hope you ain't the person my next customer is talking to just before I call on him for that order.

You better hope not...I would take that customer from you and you would never see another order from them. :razz:
As far as business, I am significantly better than industry average. I will put our margins up against anyones...but then so many others are under water - so that isn't saying a whole lot.

Look...I am not trying to be an ass. But if you want all smiles then watch a good comedy. But if you want the truth, then be prepared to hear it and appreciate that it is unpolished.

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