Jesus was right, of course.

It's in the Bible. Have you ever read it? Considering all the stupid questions you've been asking I'm guessing you haven't. You are making statements about something you don't know anything about. That makes you a fool.

Wrong again. I've read the Bible cover to cover three times. Then I put it down and studied the source of the material therein, including the books that were discarded by the church when the Bible was first codified. Then, I moved on to Dr. Seuss.
The nice thing about the internet is that you can say anything about yourself. Doesn't make it true. Even if you had read the Bible, you did not understand it. Or maybe you did. Maybe that's why you reject it. It convicted you of your sin, which you refuse to give up. You know God exists. You simply reject Him. You're just like the Pharisees of Jesus' time. They saw him perform miracles and they still rejected Him. I might be able to drum up some sympathy for someone who never heard the Gospel message and dies without Christ. But you have been inundated with it, and you just dig in your heels, like a stubborn mule. You have heard the Word and you still refuse to give God his due. Maybe there is still hope for you. Maybe, somehow, you can fid the humility to accept that you just aren't good enough and need Jesus to forgive you and make you new.

Nice try, RW, but no cigar. i not only do not believe in god, i am absolutely sure of it, and find it difficult to understand why anyone does. I do grant that, to some, their faith is comforting. But, that has nothing to do with me.
The fool says there is no God. You'll learn the truth some day. But it will probably be too late. Your unbelief does not change the fact of the existence of God. "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an Angry God" Sucks to be you. And it will suck a whole lot more after you die. You poor fool.

Is that all you got? An attempt to scare us into believing? What a weak religion you have if you have to resort to scaring people into listening to you. The more you do that though the more I am sure your religion is a joke.

Isn't the basis of all religions?

That's why religions were invented - the fear of death, the lack of understanding of natural events and so on.

Believe in god in order to be protected from god.
Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.

I'm probably wasting my time because I suspect you're one of those that thinks the universe came from nothing and that life created itself. We are all imperfect and born with the affliction of sin. We will be cured and purified of that sin before entering Jesus' kingdom.


Vandalshandle is right.

Of all the screwy beliefs, that's got to be the most repugnant and evil.

Repugnant? Unfortunately also logical and even correct.

That a newborn has sinned?


I really hate this about christians. And, logical and correct?

What is the matter with people that they could believe their perfect little baby is full of sin?

smh and disgusted
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

So, that explains the foreskin?

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.

What makes you think that a child is innocent? Who wrote that and where? At best it is an assumption. And a very weak one at that, as soon as you look what children usually do to each other. Nobody is innocent. You are only innocent if Christ says so. Assumption debunked.

What sin has any one year old child ever committed, that Jesus did not commit?

This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.
Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.

I'm probably wasting my time because I suspect you're one of those that thinks the universe came from nothing and that life created itself. We are all imperfect and born with the affliction of sin. We will be cured and purified of that sin before entering Jesus' kingdom.


Vandalshandle is right.

Of all the screwy beliefs, that's got to be the most repugnant and evil.

Repugnant? Unfortunately also logical and even correct.

That a newborn has sinned?


I really hate this about christians. And, logical and correct?

What is the matter with people that they could believe their perfect little baby is full of sin?

smh and disgusted

Yes. Reality bites. May I propose some babtism for you? Not much but maybe a start?
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

So, that explains the foreskin?


I don't exactly understand your question. I think the foreskin is there on the dick, because skin is of a constant elasticity, but the dick varies in size a lot. So, to fit a skin on a variable size object, you need to size the skin to the maximum expansion, then let it stay there for the minimum expansion.
What makes you think that a child is innocent? Who wrote that and where? At best it is an assumption. And a very weak one at that, as soon as you look what children usually do to each other. Nobody is innocent. You are only innocent if Christ says so. Assumption debunked.

What sin has any one year old child ever committed, that Jesus did not commit?

This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.
What sin has any one year old child ever committed, that Jesus did not commit?

This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.
Could you please quote who you are replying to? Half of a conversation does no one any good.
This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.
Could you please quote who you are replying to? Half of a conversation does no one any good.
OK. In this post, you are the outermost quote, so you you are the primary addressee for the reply, but then again, so is everyone else.
What sin has any one year old child ever committed, that Jesus did not commit?

This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.

Well, if that works for you, fine, but I could only follow a religious philosophy that made sense, and "born with sin", does not. Frankly, it sounds kind of like a heavy metal rock band name.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.
Is this the traditional Jesus or the new "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" Jesus. The one who cherishes the sick and the poor or the new one who cherishes billionaires? The one that had no political affiliation or the new right wing Jesus who has the morals of a Republican?
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.

This satan?

"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We are born sinners. It's in the Bible. Perhaps you should read it.
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
How can you doubt the Trinity? In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image" Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also states that all things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In Revelation, Jesus is declared to be King of kings and Lord of lords. There are many verses that declare that Jesus and God are one and the same. To say that you do not believe in the Trinity is to declare that you do not believe Gods word.
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
How can you doubt the Trinity? In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image" Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also states that all things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In Revelation, Jesus is declared to be King of kings and Lord of lords. There are many verses that declare that Jesus and God are one and the same. To say that you do not believe in the Trinity is to declare that you do not believe Gods word.

This is interesting from the point of view of the Quran, where the Holy Trinity is considered blasphemy. Usually religions converge, or at least admit agnosticism. But the Quran openly fights against the Trinity. So it looks like that the God of the Quran is not a real God.

The Holy Trinity also proves that Jesus is a supreme being, and prohibits lying. On the other hand, the Quran (as well as the Tora/Talmud) openly encourage lying on a religious basis which they call Teqiyya.

A supreme being needs no lie as he cannot lose. But Satan does, which puts the Quran, the Talmud, and the Atheists in the same category.
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
How can you doubt the Trinity? In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image" Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also states that all things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In Revelation, Jesus is declared to be King of kings and Lord of lords. There are many verses that declare that Jesus and God are one and the same. To say that you do not believe in the Trinity is to declare that you do not believe Gods word.

This is interesting from the point of view of the Quran, where the Holy Trinity is considered blasphemy. Usually religions converge, or at least admit agnosticism. But the Quran openly fights against the Trinity. So it looks like that the God of the Quran is not a real God.

The Holy Trinity also proves that Jesus is a supreme being, and prohibits lying. On the other hand, the Quran (as well as the Tora/Talmud) openly encourage lying on a religious basis which they call Teqiyya.

A supreme being needs no lie as he cannot lose. But Satan does, which puts the Quran, the Talmud, and the Atheists in the same category.

I'm glad that someone brought up the Trinity. That is another concept of Christianity that is utterly ridiculous.

The Jews were the first to declare that god is one. Christianity is an offshoot of judaism. But right away, they had a problem. If Jesus is the son of god, that makes him a god too. That makes two gods. Also, god the creator was not the same as god the father, so now we have three gods! Holy Multitheism, Batman, Christianity is reverting back to the days of the Romans who had all kinds of gods, like apollo, and mercury, zeus, etc.

Christian scholars thought this over for a couple of hundred years, and then decided, that the three gods are actually one god! Now, anyone who understands anything will likely say, "Uh......, excuse me, but you are just passing the issue by with semantics". But, in the end, the scholar's won (partly by wiping out the Christians who rejected the concept of the trinity). So, now, according to Christianity, three is actually one!


9 Faith Groups that Deny the Trinity Doctrine
This is immaterial because you cannot say to even human courts that you should be pardoned because your neighbor did the same. The problem of sin remains, regardless.

Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.

Well, if that works for you, fine, but I could only follow a religious philosophy that made sense, and "born with sin", does not. Frankly, it sounds kind of like a heavy metal rock band name.

A baby has not sinned. They have been born into a world of sin. They are born with the capacity to sin and, inevitably, will. If you disagree, then give me an example of an adult who has never sinned, aside from Jesus Christ and his mother Mary.
"original sin" is a "doctrine of demons" that was created and taught by men who are now deemed "saints" by Roman and the "Orthodox" "churches".
Men generally looked up to and respected by most all Trinitarians (Trinitarianism a major, possibly THE major, "doctine of demons")

We are born ignorant, neither good nor bad .... but we are born into a toxic environment due to Satan's influence on the world.

So ... all end up "sinning" .... however, all get opportunity to be saved/forgiven.
How can you doubt the Trinity? In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image" Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also states that all things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In Revelation, Jesus is declared to be King of kings and Lord of lords. There are many verses that declare that Jesus and God are one and the same. To say that you do not believe in the Trinity is to declare that you do not believe Gods word.

This is interesting from the point of view of the Quran, where the Holy Trinity is considered blasphemy. Usually religions converge, or at least admit agnosticism. But the Quran openly fights against the Trinity. So it looks like that the God of the Quran is not a real God.

The Holy Trinity also proves that Jesus is a supreme being, and prohibits lying. On the other hand, the Quran (as well as the Tora/Talmud) openly encourage lying on a religious basis which they call Teqiyya.

A supreme being needs no lie as he cannot lose. But Satan does, which puts the Quran, the Talmud, and the Atheists in the same category.

I'm glad that someone brought up the Trinity. That is another concept of Christianity that is utterly ridiculous.

The Jews were the first to declare that god is one. Christianity is an offshoot of judaism. But right away, they had a problem. If Jesus is the son of god, that makes him a god too. That makes two gods. Also, god the creator was not the same as god the father, so now we have three gods! Holy Multitheism, Batman, Christianity is reverting back to the days of the Romans who had all kinds of gods, like apollo, and mercury, zeus, etc.

Christian scholars thought this over for a couple of hundred years, and then decided, that the three gods are actually one god! Now, anyone who understands anything will likely say, "Uh......, excuse me, but you are just passing the issue by with semantics". But, in the end, the scholar's won (partly by wiping out the Christians who rejected the concept of the trinity). So, now, according to Christianity, three is actually one!


9 Faith Groups that Deny the Trinity Doctrine

It sounds like you're a great theologian and should start a new religion. ;)
Fortunately for all of us, Canon Law was abandoned after the Middle Ages, or the church would still be turning witches over to the state to burn for heresy. mankind realized hundreds of years ago that the church's definition of "sin" was arbitrary, and lacked even common sense.

The Biblical definition of sin as everyone is born with, is not affected by the church politicizing it and making whitch trials out of it. Modern criminal law is politicized too and therefore made quite arbitrary.

Being born with sin is a ridiculous concept. It is not even rational. That is a major reason that I reject christianity.

Christianity, like a scientific subject, tries to keep true to reality. Even if it bites. The sin at birth is one of those things. You may not like it, but there is no point to fool yourself that it is something else. Same as science.

Well, if that works for you, fine, but I could only follow a religious philosophy that made sense, and "born with sin", does not. Frankly, it sounds kind of like a heavy metal rock band name.

A baby has not sinned. They have been born into a world of sin. They are born with the capacity to sin and, inevitably, will. If you disagree, then give me an example of an adult who has never sinned, aside from Jesus Christ and his mother Mary.
Mary was also a sinner. Don't know where you got that Mary is sinless BS. It's not in the Bible.

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