Jemele Hill Says Asians ‘Carried the Water for White Supremacy' by Backing Affirmative Action Decision

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This woman can never get five words out of her mouth without getting to race. Even ESPN washed their hands of her, and that's saying something.

*Podcaster and columnist for The Atlantic, Jemele Hill is raising eyebrows over her tweet saying those Asian Americans praising the US Supreme Court for declaring affirmative action to be unconstitutional "carried the water" for white supremacy

As the world knows by now, this past Thursday (06-29-23), the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision, ruled that using race as a factor in college admissions violated the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause. A lot of Asian Americans, including Asian Wave Alliance President Yiatin Chu, were thrilled over the decision and called it a step towards equal treatment at major universities.

The Left always talks about white supremacy and racism, however, they ignore the fact that Asians make more money on average and get better grades in school than any other race.

Why? Are they racially superior or is there mass Asian racism against all the other races?

They dare not ever answer that question.

Of course, the answer is neither.

The facts is that the Asian culture cultivates the drive towards education more than other cultures in other races, but the race baiters will NEVER admit to this.

Jemele Hill Says Asians ‘Carried the Water for White Supremacy'​

That's raciss!!!!!
FDR hated Asians as well.

And Hollywood hates them

Leftists just don't like their squinty eyes or something.

And how many Asians are in the Biden administration?

None, that is how many.
This woman can never get five words out of her mouth without getting to race. Even ESPN washed their hands of her, and that's saying something.

Why would anybody bother to care about anything an asshole by the name of Jemele had to say?

That is a filthy dumbass Negro name.
These Neegras are hateful nasty creatures. We should have gotten Mexicans to pick our cotton.
This woman can never get five words out of her mouth without getting to race. Even ESPN washed their hands of her, and that's saying something.

what a racist statement…she really thinks Asian a are so stupid that they would simply be conned like that…i think she protest too much
No, Asians had a enough of generally being superior to blacks but were put in the back seat in favor of blacks so they finally stood up to them. It had nothing to do with whites.

All Asians did in the decision was make it so if blacks were equal to everyone then they need to prove it instead relying on a system that said, blacks are everyone's equal because we will put non blacks at a disadvantage so blacks will appear to be equal.
Hill is a moron whose “white aupremacist” bullshit got her canned from ESPN. Cost her co-host his job too. So were those Asians “carrying water” when they got assaulted by those blacks?
This woman can never get five words out of her mouth without getting to race. Even ESPN washed their hands of her, and that's saying something.

In a way she is kinda wrong....

Since not a single Asian testified on behalf of striking down AA....which is would think there would be tons of them....but not a single Asian testified for it....

However, Asians testified on behalf of keeping AA as a policy......weird....

"Blum had first cast two white women, most notably Abigail Fisher, to craft lawsuits intended to end affirmative action. Blum is not a lawyer but according to the American Civil Liberties Union, he has a "long history of crafting legal attacks on civil rights." While [Blum] produced no students to testify against affirmative action in their trials, Chen was one of eight Asian American students — current and former — who spoke on behalf of Harvard and affirmative action. "Pitting Asian American communities against, in particular, Black and Latinx communities," Chen says, "is about undermining the accomplishments of a lot of Black and Latinx students."
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