Jeffrey Toobin was Hard at Work


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin. Sources tell VICE it’s because he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio."

More to enjoy on Twitter regarding the self-humiliation of this insufferable pompous dumb-ass dickhead at #ZoomDick....currently trending.

i love it. i always thought there was something wrong with him since seeing him on the old Colbert Report (couldn't find it on YT)

"The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin. Sources tell VICE it’s because he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio."

More to enjoy on Twitter regarding the self-humiliation of this insufferable pompous dumb-ass dickhead at #ZoomDick....currently trending.

Another embarrassment for CNN, Tobin is their chief deviant legal analyst, albeit not a very bright one.

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended
by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During
Zoom Call

CNN had no clue Toobins was Jerking Off on Camera because their ratings are so low no one was watching for half the segment until he paused mid sentence to make his 'OH!' face.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

I hope they fire his ass. He's another "police-can-do-no-wrong" bootlicker on the white corporate media

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended
by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During
Zoom Call

CNN had no clue Toobins was Jerking Off on Camera because their ratings are so low no one was watching for half the segment until he paused mid sentence to make his 'OH!' face.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

It was only among co-workers at the New Yorker on a zoom call. What does CNN have to do with this story? Are you spreading fake news?
I don't think I'm going too far here by saying...yikes! What a desperado to not have control over urges. Obviously, he found the political babble (his own most likely) stimulating. Where do they find these people, at sex addicts anonymous meetings? Okay, sorry, that was corny but truly my best guess;)

Well, a good reminder for all who don't already know this: all that will be done will be known...coming soon to a theater near you. We still have time to decide what the line is between privacy rights and freedom to share all knowledge...this guy will lose either way at this point. I honestly feel a bit sorry for him thinking he needs some type of sexual addiction help. Surely, anyone who finds arguing politics is not sane if they find it erotically stimulating! lol

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended
by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During
Zoom Call

CNN had no clue Toobins was Jerking Off on Camera because their ratings are so low no one was watching for half the segment until he paused mid sentence to make his 'OH!' face.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

:auiqs.jpg:Truly hilarious!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended
by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During
Zoom Call

CNN had no clue Toobins was Jerking Off on Camera because their ratings are so low no one was watching for half the segment until he paused mid sentence to make his 'OH!' face.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

It was only among co-workers at the New Yorker on a zoom call. What does CNN have to do with this story? Are you spreading fake news?
What, that he actually had anything to expose?

CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin Suspended
by The New Yorker For Exposing His Penis During
Zoom Call

CNN had no clue Toobins was Jerking Off on Camera because their ratings are so low no one was watching for half the segment until he paused mid sentence to make his 'OH!' face.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

It was only among co-workers at the New Yorker on a zoom call. What does CNN have to do with this story? Are you spreading fake news?

That's Chief Legal Analyst for CNN. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.

"Regarding Justice Clarence Thomas, Toobin has said that his legal views were "highly unusual and extreme", called him "a nut", and said that Justice Thomas was "furious all the time."

"In a 2011 discussion with journalist Fareed Zakaria, Toobin stated that he believes that the United States Constitution should be amended to eliminate the inequities of the United States Electoral College, which allows for a presidential candidate to win the election despite having fewer popular votes than their opponent, and the United States Senate, which grants two senators to every state regardless of population."

"Toobin had a longtime off and on extramarital affair with attorney Casey Greenfield.[22] She is the daughter of American television journalist and author Jeff Greenfield and the ex-wife of screenwriter Matt Manfredi.[23] They had a child in 2009, which Toobin initially resisted acknowledging.[21][24] Ultimately, Toobin's paternity was confirmed with a DNA test and separately, a Manhattan Family Court judge ordered Toobin to pay child support."

Jeffrey Toobin - Wikipedia
"The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin. Sources tell VICE it’s because he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio."

More to enjoy on Twitter regarding the self-humiliation of this insufferable pompous dumb-ass dickhead at #ZoomDick....currently trending.

I'd never heard of Qanon before that debate "moderator" at NBC gave them national air time during a presidential debate, but, what is their core believe again?

New Yorker Suspends Democrat, Jeffrey Toobin for Zoom Dick Incident.

Democrat, Toobin, has been suspended for exposing himself during a zoom call. He does still appear on Lying Fake News CNN where he is the network’s chief legal analyst.

Lying Fake News CNN does not wish to discuss the matter and neither does Anthony Weiner.

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