Jan 6 Committee SUBORNED PERJURY.. Stunning Information of Closed-Door Testimony Revealed.

Oh, I have no doubt there's much you think you know that isn't so.
That's all we ever get from you dumbass fucktards.


Well guess what, no one's listening anymore. People just watch what you do. And what you do, is front and center.

The only way you're going to get what you want, is with agitation and violence, and Stalinist monkey trials.

You think you're so smart, but you're really a dumb fucking asshole. Anything you dish out is going to come back to you ten times over.
That is more of your FAKE NEWS.
It was not "all heresay and lies.
The link between the Trump campaign and Russia were in fact very real.
The Mueller Report clearly shows a dangerous pattern of the Trump campaign's contact with the SAME hostile foreign adversary (coincidentally) at the SAME time this enemy of the U.S. was attacking our election with the goal of putting Trump in power AND at the same time Trump and his campaign lackeys were publicly LYING about having no contact with Russia.

But I doubt you've even read The Mueller Report....have you?
You just like to talk out your ass quoting what other people have told you it does or does not say.

Right Skippy?
Wrong Dufus, you're the one talking out your ass:

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice."

"The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

The story was circulating in the Secret Service ranks for over a year. It happened. Whether you like it or not.
I notice that the Secret Service agents were willing to swear under oath that what Hutchinson testified to was not true....until
Liz Cheney said the committee would welcome testimony under oath (ie called their bluff).

It's gotten noticeably silent. Wonder why? :)
Please post a link to a story that describes these events.
Another republican/ Russian tactic...............projection

Another dumb fucking leftard that thinks I'm a Republican. ^^^

No, shit for brains, EVERYONE hates your guts.

You fuckers are social outcasts now.

So much for inclusiveness and diversity.

lol :p

Your gullibility and stupidity isn't funny at all, how in the fuck did you dumbasses get that gullible?
Asking you for proof is now gullibility?

Not believing a word coming out of your sorry mouth is now gullibility?

What a fucking idiot. ^^^

The righties are going to wipe their butts with you fools in November.
You still don't understand it's possible it didn't happen yet her testimony could still be truthful. Who knows why you think those two things are mutually exclusive?

The box gets very fucking smaller.

You're toast.
You will not see me participating in the multiple bogus Bombshell threads. Have not for days. They are fake.
Now that the glaring reality has been revealed in this thread I will watch the libs and lib staff desperately wallow in trying to censure and obliterate the fact and reality of the matter.
I feel the same way about the inconsequential, meaningless attacks on Cassidy's testimony. Who cares if Don lunged at the wheel or didn't? All the important elements of the incident have nothing to do with that detail.
The story was circulating in the Secret Service ranks for over a year. It happened. Whether you like it or not.
I notice that the Secret Service agents were willing to swear under oath that what Hutchinson testified to was not true....until
Liz Cheney said the committee would welcome testimony under oath (ie called their bluff).

It's gotten noticeably silent. Wonder why? :)
LIE. She said they could AMEND their testimony. Not testify as to the truth. In other words simpleton, she won’t allow them to testify unless they say what SHE tells them to. Fail.
They don't have to subpoena members of the secret service. Unlike Trump and his orbiting bodies, they said they will fully comply with the committee's requests.
But there have t been any requests, dumbass


Bennie Thompson could make the request TODAY, but he's not interested in doing that.

Because he doesn't want any more egg on his face than he already has.

These Democrats are SCUM. I hope they choke on their own bullshit. Individually and collectively
Your nitpicking about hearings versus trials is bullshit
The rules of evidence, truth, witnessing and testimony apply for all venues like this .
There are many more rules of due process that don't apply. I'll give some examples. Due process includes for instance double jeopardy, right? The rule is that someone can't get charged multiple times for the same crime. There were 8 separate investigations into Benghazi.

It is simply unheard of that a juror consults with the accused about trial strategies. Trump got together with Graham during his first impeachment trial to do exactly that. Etc. Etc.

I do not doubt you understand the difference between a trial and what congress does in those instances.

The difference is that although some rules apply. A lot don't, and quite honestly they shouldn't because a trial and congress handle very different questions.
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OR her current lawyers are trying to manipulate her testimony? But, then again, her testimony IS all hearsay anyway.
Most of her testimony was first-hand, spot on.
Thus far she is the closest person to Trump that day to testify to the committee.
That is why the MAGAT Trumptard minions are shitting themselves trying to pick apart something....ANYTHING they think might "discredit" her whole testimony.
It can't be done though.
Too bad
So sad!
Most of her testimony was first-hand, spot on.
Thus far she is the closest person to Trump that day to testify to the committee.
That is why the MAGAT Trumptard minions are shitting themselves trying to pick apart something....ANYTHING they think might "discredit" her whole testimony.
It can't be done though.
Too bad
So sad!
I keep on putting it like this. If someone is called a racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, pedophile who litters, and the person denies it by insisting he always picks up his garbage, the denial is telling by itself.
Wrong Dufus, you're the one talking out your ass:

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice."

"The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

Shoulda just listened to the REAL winner of the 2016 election in the first place!

Did ALL RWNJ's get their grade school "degrees" from the Trump U. correspondence course?

Hutchinson was asked did this person say this?
Hutchinson's reply was yes.

Cassidy didn't say Trump tried to grab the steering wheel, she said that's what someone said, which is true and NOT hearsay.
Shut the fuck up you moron. ALL hearsay and ALL debunked. Keep crying.
Because I'm not saying that happened. You're making a claim you can't prove -- which proves you're full of shit.
So it didn't happen? Good, that's what I and the SS have said. So why do you think they even put the woman on to testify to it?

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