Jan 6 Committee SUBORNED PERJURY.. Stunning Information of Closed-Door Testimony Revealed.

You will not see me participating in the multiple bogus Bombshell threads. Have not for days. They are fake.
Now that the glaring reality has been revealed in this thread I will watch the libs and lib staff desperately wallow in trying to censure and obliterate the fact and reality of the matter.
Why? Because the MSM has been going after Trump ever since 2016. They hate the fact that Trump nailed them as fake news. Nothing in her testimony matters because it went unchallenged in that committee. There is not one eye witness.

Another interesting factoid:

"Before the hearings began on June 6th, Hutchinson changed her lawyer. She was previously represented by Stefan Passantino, who is well connected with Trump’s circle and served as a White House ethics lawyer from 2016-2018."

Why would she do this?
Because he was trying to manipulate her testimony?
Nothing in her testimony matters because it went unchallenged in that committee. There is not one eye witness.
There was plenty of evidence backing up the more serious testimony.

Maybe you missed the SS audio noting guns were found?

There text messages and e-mails as well
There was plenty of evidence backing up the more serious testimony.

Maybe you missed the SS audio noting guns were found?

There text messages and e-mails as well
Guns are legal in America. Look up the 2nd amendment. Texts and emails from who or whom? But wait!! What about all those emails from Hillary and Hunter Biden? Do you stand by those too?
Guns are legal in America. Look up the 2nd amendment. Texts and emails from who or whom?
Point being that there were guns at the rally and at the Capitol

Point being that Trump wanted metal detectors removed

Point being that Trump's staff TOLD him he faced legal consequences if he went anywhere near the Capitol
You want me to research your posts in that era..................You swallowed the Mueller thing whole self loathing person
It has been asserted hundreds of times by occupants of Trumpworld........the collusion hoax. It comes up in all manner of contexts. Most recently as a way to dismiss the 1/6 committee's work. Let's see what the facts say.

Manafort conspired with Kilimnik to give the Kremlin internal polling data. US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016
Polling data that could have been useful for Putin in targeting Americans with the social media campaign he used to help Don get elected.

Russian fake accounts showed posts to 126 million Facebook users
Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will all be appearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on Tuesday.

Donnie J entered in to a conspiracy with Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary he was told was in the possession of the Russian government. Mueller Confirms: Don Jr. Was Too Stupid to Collude

Those two incidents alone prove a conspiracy.

There's this.. FBI documents reveal communication between Stone, Assange

Which coincides with this...Trump talked to Roger Stone about WikiLeaks, Rick Gates says in testimony contradicting the president

Not to mention this...............Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and this.......A Collusion Reading Diary: What Did the Senate Intelligence Committee Find?
and this in regard to the evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation. Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map
and this......

Hundreds of former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president

President Donald Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation if he did not hold the nation's highest office, nearly 700 former federal prosecutors argued in an open letter published on Medium on Monday.

The ex-prosecutors — who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower — said Attorney General William Barr's decision not to charge Trump with obstruction "runs counter to logic and our experience."


All of which creates, for Trump's minions, the same level of cognitive dissonance Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony has created. Shattering the duplicitous narrative right wing media has pushed from the beginning about the events surrounding 1/6.

It's why The Following will employ every tool for denial, deflection, and of course gratuitous insults (their stock and trade) in response to this thread.
OR her current lawyers are trying to manipulate her testimony? But, then again, her testimony IS all hearsay anyway.
Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really learn about the difference between a congressional hearing and a trial.

Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really, REALLY learn what hearsay actually is.

But in the interest of fairness. The problem with hearsay is that it is unreliable right? So I'm guessing you guys wouldn't object to all the people that Hutchinson named appearing before the committee and testifying right? If she's lying they will confirm that under oath and you all can "own the libs"? win, win?
Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really learn about the difference between a congressional hearing and a trial.

Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really, REALLY learn what hearsay actually is.

But in the interest of fairness. The problem with hearsay is that it is unreliable right? So I'm guessing you guys wouldn't object to all the people that Hutchinson named appearing before the committee and testifying right? If she's lying they will confirm that under oath and you all can "own the libs"? win, win?
Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really learn about the difference between a congressional hearing and a trial.

Every single one of you who's crying hearsay should really, REALLY learn what hearsay actually is.

But in the interest of fairness. The problem with hearsay is that it is unreliable right? So I'm guessing you guys wouldn't object to all the people that Hutchinson named appearing before the committee and testifying right? If she's lying they will confirm that under oath and you all can "own the libs"? win, win?
Your nitpicking about hearings versus trials is bullshit
The rules of evidence, truth, witnessing and testimony apply for all venues like this .
Fake dossier for one. The FBI claimed under oath to the court it was verified when it was not. It was all hearsay and lies.
That is more of your FAKE NEWS.
It was not "all heresay and lies.
The link between the Trump campaign and Russia were in fact very real.
The Mueller Report clearly shows a dangerous pattern of the Trump campaign's contact with the SAME hostile foreign adversary (coincidentally) at the SAME time this enemy of the U.S. was attacking our election with the goal of putting Trump in power AND at the same time Trump and his campaign lackeys were publicly LYING about having no contact with Russia.

But I doubt you've even read The Mueller Report....have you?
You just like to talk out your ass quoting what other people have told you it does or does not say.

Right Skippy?
That is more of your FAKE NEWS.
It was not "all heresay and lies.
The link between the Trump campaign and Russia were in fact very real.
The Mueller Report clearly shows a dangerous pattern of the Trump campaign's contact with the SAME hostile foreign adversary (coincidentally) at the SAME time this enemy of the U.S. was attacking our election with the goal of putting Trump in power AND at the same time Trump and his campaign lackeys were publicly LYING about having no contact with Russia.

But I doubt you've even read The Mueller Report....have you?
You just like to talk out your ass quoting what other people have told you it does or does not say.

Right Skippy?
Wrong Sloppy . Muller did not deliver your goods so you lie and say he did .

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