Jamaica Moves to Become a Republic as Calls Grow for Slavery Reparations Following UK Royal Visit


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Prince William said he feels "sorrow" for slavery while speaking in Jamaica — but did not meet demands for an apology or reparations.

The British enslaved over 600,000 people in Jamaica. After abolition, the British paid reparations not to enslaved people, but to slave owners.

The UK should pay reparations to American blacks as well, for the slavery they brought to our shores.

Further, William should apologize for the burning of the WH and make appropriate restitution for that war crime.
Personally I think that Africans who sold other Blacks into slavery should be the source of reparations. Also the guarantee for goods sold should cover all costs in freeing slaves both to those who bought the blighted goods and those who, when freed, were discriminated against in any way shape or form especially by the scum sucking DemoKKKrats!!!! Also hit the DemoKKKrat donors (post Civil War and Jim Crow Laws) up to the Civil Rights act of 1967.

Do THAT and you have my support 100%!!!!

The UK should pay reparations to American blacks as well, for the slavery they brought to our shores.

Further, William should apologize for the burning of the WH and make appropriate restitution for that war crime.
The yanks should pay reparations to the English for all the tea they damaged in Boston Harbour. What a waste!!!!!!

I think the Egyptians should pay reparations to all Jews. We all descended from the slaves there.

Speaking for myself, I will take $5, compounded at 5% annual interest over 3,500 years.
I think the Egyptians should pay reparations to all Jews. We all descended from the slaves there.

Speaking for myself, I will take $5, compounded at 5% annual interest over 3,500 years.

I'm gonna need some papers before you go making that claim

Delusional Ashkenazi, hah
The UK should pay reparations to American blacks as well, for the slavery they brought to our shores.
If the British brought slavery to our shores, then they should pay HUGE reparations to WHITE Americans for all the damage caused by blacks in this country during all the years since then:

Endless brainless riots, sky-high crime, ruined businesses, thievery, social problems, destruction of schools - neighborhoods - cities, lowered standards in colleges - business hiring - police fire and responders, etc., etc...
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If the British brought slavery to our shores, then they should pay HUGE reparations to WHITE Americans for all the damage caused by blacks in this country during all the years since then:

Endless brainless riots, sky-high crime, ruined businesses, thievery, social problems, destruction of schools - neighborhoods - cities, lowered standards in colleges - business hiring - police fire and responders, etc., etc...
Baby steps, my friend, baby steps….

Before we can get most (thinking) people to acknowledge that blacks do indeed commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime, for example, we have to get them to admit that blacks are NOT oppressed victims whose problems are due solely, or even primarily, to racism.

Until we are able to do that, leftists will attempt to guilt normal people to develop or maintain racist policies that favor blacks. But we are so far from that, and so marching in the opposite direction, that we have a president who proudly brags that he will not consider whites (or men) for the highest and/or most prestigious positions in the land (such as Vice President or Supreme Court Justice).

Nobody but a diehard leftist could work in higher Ed admissions, for example, and not cringe at the extremes the liberals go to keep out higher-achieving Asians and whites and admit much lower-achieving blacks. The personality test by Harvard designed to score academically gifted Asians low on “like-ability” so they could reject them in favor of blacks who scored much worse academically, but of course got rated higher on ”like-ability,” is the very epitome of racism!
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Baby steps, my friend, baby steps….

Before we can get most (thinking) people to acknowledge that blacks do indeed commit a highly disproportionate amount of crime, for example, we have to get them to admit that blacks are NOT oppressed victims whose problems are due solely, or even primarily, to racism.

Until we are able to do that, leftists will attempt to guilt normal people to develop or maintain racist policies that favor blacks. But we are so far from that, and so marching in the opposite direction, that we have a president who proudly brags that he will not consider whites (or men) for the highest and/or most prestigious positions in the land (such as Vice President or Supreme Court Justice).

Nobody but a diehard leftist could work in higher Ed admissions, for example, and not cringe at the extremes the liberals go to keep out higher-achieving Asians and whites and admit much lower-achieving blacks. The personality test by Harvard designed to score academically gifted Asians low on “like-ability” so they could reject them in favor of blacks who scored much worse academically, but of course got rated higher on ”like-ability,” is the very epitome of racism!
Thanks for your terrific response.

I'm just disgusted by what is happening TO this country. We're blessed to live in the greatest country ever created. The brilliant Founders of America left us an incredible gift, our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Giving us the means to continue improving the lives of Americans as times and circumstances require. Allowing Americans to elevate themselves as high as their abilities allow. All based on hard work, determination, intelligence and MERIT. There are few limits on what an individual can achieve in this country.

On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the non-stop whiners and beggars who will go to any extreme to avoid doing a day's work to earn their own keep. They steal, riot, destroy what others have built, and have been too long trained to live with their hand out, expecting others to support their lazy, worthless asses. This includes a lot of today's liberal democrats, most, if not all BLM scumbags and useless supporters.

It's just sickening to see the "woke" garbage doing everything they can to undermine our country. They seem Hell bent on turning America into a run-down replica of an African shithole. Maybe they're incapable of envisioning any life outside of a shithole. I hope we can find the will to keep them from achieving that goal, while there is still time.
Thanks for your terrific response.

I'm just disgusted by what is happening TO this country. We're blessed to live in the greatest country ever created. The brilliant Founders of America left us an incredible gift, our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Giving us the means to continue improving the lives of Americans as times and circumstances require. Allowing Americans to elevate themselves as high as their abilities allow. All based on hard work, determination, intelligence and MERIT. There are few limits on what an individual can achieve in this country.

On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the non-stop whiners and beggars who will go to any extreme to avoid doing a day's work to earn their own keep. They steal, riot, destroy what others have built, and have been too long trained to live with their hand out, expecting others to support their lazy, worthless asses. This includes a lot of today's liberal democrats, most, if not all BLM scumbags and useless supporters.

It's just sickening to see the "woke" garbage doing everything they can to undermine our country. They seem Hell bent on turning America into a run-down replica of an African shithole. Maybe they're incapable of envisioning any life outside of a shithole. I hope we can find the will to keep them from achieving that goal, while there is still time.
We are SO on the same page on this! I too am sickened by all the whining, laziness, resentment, and sense of entitlement I see today instead of gratitude for living in a country of such opportunity.

All four of my grandparents immigrated here, fleeing persecution, and arrived with the proverbial shirts on their backs and a pair of Shabbos candlesticks. They had NOTHING - no money, no education - other than optimism for the opportunities that were possible In their new country.

Did they cry that they lived in cold-water flats where families had to share the bathroom with other families? That they had to walk up four flights of stairs to get to their tenement apartment? That dinner was watered down soup and a chicken wing? That they had to work 16 hours in a sweatshop? NO. They were happy they were in America.

Into this impoverished world were born my parents, and their siblings. They had nothing except….value for education, the determination to work hard, discipline to stay off the streets and study, and an appreciation for the fact that they lived in America where they could make something of their lives if they were smart and motivated enough.

And this was all in the 40s, under the shadow of Hitler, knowing that their European grandparents, and aunts and uncles, and cousins, were being murdered by Hitler. For a certain period, they didn’t know if they were alive or dead. Yet they pushed forward, under this horrific backdrop of antisemitism, and every last one graduated from college.

What happened to that country? Instead of being thankful for being here, with all its opportunities, all we hear is how horrible whites are, how blacks should be given priority treatment - or worse, reparations! - to “make up for” the fact that their ancestors 150 years ago were slaves, how people should be given other people’s money so they don’t have to work if they don’t want to, how we should eliminate academic testing because it gives the smarter, more studious students - like Asians - an advantage, and how rotten this country is to the point that there is a separate anthem for blacks.

We are in a massive decline, and it is the fault of the liberals - pushing racist policies, encouraging negative attitudes toward America, punishing strivers and rewarding lazy-butts, inciting envy against successful people, and enabling crime. I hope it’s not beyond repair.
All four of my grandparents immigrated here, fleeing persecution, and arrived with the proverbial shirts on their backs and a pair of Shabbos candlesticks. They had NOTHING - no money, no education - other than optimism for the opportunities that were possible In their new country.

So you're grandparents left to go to a country that black people built and fought for ?

OK. Got it.

You're grandparents brought white skin with them too (or certainly not black) What you leave out is that your grandparents got to where they were because of racism.

Yes your grandparents might have worked hard but that hard work was met with doors opening for them. Doors that would have never opened for them had they been black.

Your grandparents did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
Your grandparents could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
Your grandparents qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
Your grandparents could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Your grandparents never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege.

Your grandparents were not subjected to the pass laws, being made to endure life without any running water or electricity being made to feel like non-citizens in a country that they immigrated to when Jim Crow was in full swing.

I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white ppl who want to own victim-hood whilst being steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people

Did they cry that they lived in cold-water flats where families had to share the bathroom with other families? That they had to walk up four flights of stairs to get to their tenement apartment? That dinner was watered down soup and a chicken wing? That they had to work 16 hours in a sweatshop? NO. They were happy they were in America.
Into this impoverished world were born my parents, and their siblings. They had nothing except….value for education, the determination to work hard, discipline to stay off the streets and study, and an appreciation for the fact that they lived in America where they could make something of their lives if they were smart and motivated enough.

Yeah and your grandparents were probably like most other whites immigrants (at that time) who were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War) and joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, opposing school desegregation, and seeking to become white by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly.

We are the ones who survived being bought and sold, to raped, to having our fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods means for nothing.

We are the ones who survived the concerted attempt to destroy our people which says something about the character of those who managed the feat.

We are the ones who lead a struggle for freedom, and the advancement of human dignity and made a substantial contribution to the nation in which we live, and indeed the world?

This in a nation were white people have made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing should be rewarded one million dollars.

What happened to that country?

You just had two terms of Trump. The most pro white POTUS ever and you are still not happy ?

how blacks should be given priority treatment - or worse, reparations! - to “make up for” the fact that their ancestors 150 years ago were slaves, how people should be given other people’s money so they don’t have to work if they don’t want to,

Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS.

Everybody else has got their slice of their cake


Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of €14.34k a month for 5 years

Meanwile North Carolina gave €757.98 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth €2.06 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth €1.52T) got €3.40B in subsidies across the U.S. When people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."


how we should eliminate academic testing because it gives the smarter, more studious students - like Asians - an advantage, and how rotten this country is to the point that there is a separate anthem for blacks.

Please tell me all these colleges and uni's who are just lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?
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All four of my grandparents immigrated here, fleeing persecution, and arrived with the proverbial shirts on their backs and a pair of Shabbos candlesticks. They had NOTHING - no money, no education - other than optimism for the opportunities that were possible In their new country.

So you're grandparents left to go to a country that black people built and fought for ?

OK. Got it.

You're grandparents brought white skin with them too (or certainly not black) What you leave out is that your grandparents got to where they were because of racism.

Yes your grandparents might have worked hard but that hard work was met with doors opening for them. Doors that would have never opened for them had they been black.

Your grandparents did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
Your grandparents could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
Your grandparents qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
Your grandparents could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Your grandparents never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege.

Your grandparents were not subjected to the pass laws, being made to endure life without any running water or electricity being made to feel like non-citizens in a country that they immigrated to when Jim Crow was in full swing.

I think it's grotesque and monumentally repugnant of white ppl who want to own victim-hood whilst being steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people

Did they cry that they lived in cold-water flats where families had to share the bathroom with other families? That they had to walk up four flights of stairs to get to their tenement apartment? That dinner was watered down soup and a chicken wing? That they had to work 16 hours in a sweatshop? NO. They were happy they were in America.
Into this impoverished world were born my parents, and their siblings. They had nothing except….value for education, the determination to work hard, discipline to stay off the streets and study, and an appreciation for the fact that they lived in America where they could make something of their lives if they were smart and motivated enough.

Yeah and your grandparents were probably like most other whites immigrants (at that time) who were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War) and joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, opposing school desegregation, and seeking to become white by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly.

We are the ones who survived being bought and sold, to raped, to having our fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods means for nothing.

We are the ones who survived the concerted attempt to destroy our people which says something about the character of those who managed the feat.

We are the ones who lead a struggle for freedom, and the advancement of human dignity and made a substantial contribution to the nation in which we live, and indeed the world?

This in a nation were white people have made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing should be rewarded one million dollars.

What happened to that country?

You just had two terms of Trump. The most pro white POTUS ever and you are still not happy ?

how blacks should be given priority treatment - or worse, reparations! - to “make up for” the fact that their ancestors 150 years ago were slaves, how people should be given other people’s money so they don’t have to work if they don’t want to,

Black people built the USA. Trump admits this. Reparations in the form of CASH PAYMENTS.

Everybody else has got their slice of their cake


Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned. So the same should be done for the heirs of Black American slaves


The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over 50,000,000 Black people; therefore repatriations is a modest demand.

Reparations Package should start off at 40 Trillion.

That would be $Imillion going to every Foundational Black American who’s lineage traces back to the American slave trade that was enforced by the government Those payments can be dispersed in increments of €14.34k a month for 5 years

Meanwile North Carolina gave €757.98 million in taxpayer funds to white owned and run Apple (worth €2.06 trillion) to build a mainly white campus there. White owned and run Amazon (worth €1.52T) got €3.40B in subsidies across the U.S. When people get free money, it's "welfare." When white corporations do, it's "incentives."


how we should eliminate academic testing because it gives the smarter, more studious students - like Asians - an advantage, and how rotten this country is to the point that there is a separate anthem for blacks.

Please tell me all these colleges and uni's who are just lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?
I skimmed your diatribe, but you just gave proof of what is wrong with this country.

So you say my grandparents never dealt with forced segregation? (“Oh, woe is me…..my black grandparents had it so much worse” IOW .) No….they dealt with RUSSIAN POGRAMS and other antisemitism, you idiot! You’re such a nasty racist that you just can’t admit that other people faced HORRIBLE persecution - why do you think they fled to America? - and yet didn’t whine about it and saw all their children graduate from college! In one generation - from Russian pograms (as children) to the middle class in one generation.

And don’t forget….my grandparents had to listen to the radio of their Jewish parents and siblings being murdered by Hitler, and they STILL had their kids focus on study and getting into college.

And no, my grandparents did not riot in favor of anti-black racism. Are you f’in kidding me? They were in New York and focused on stretching a penny to feed their family - and teaching good values. You just REEK with racism toward whiteys, don’t you?

And stop with that “black people built America“ crap. White people did as well - and more so, because there were more of them.

But again, you demonstrate the point of what is wrong with this country, especially where blacks are concerned. Instead of whining about what segregation from before you were born - again, my grandparents didn’t whine about the pograms - be happy you are in a country where blacks not only can rise as far as their own merit will take them, they actually are favored over whites with all the affirmative action.

Instead of being thankful you were born in America - believe me, my parents were thankful they were Instead of Russia! - you’re back to the “how awful America used to be to blacks”. You have it great now, and any failures on your part isn’t due to your skin color, but to your nasty, hateful, resentful attitude.

Grow up and thank your lucky stars you were born here.
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And P.S. Stop with your pipe dream about $40 trillion in reparations. The Japanese-Americans, the Jewish Holocaust survivors, etc., were DIRECTLY impacted. Blacks living today were not. And besides, affirmative action which rejects high-scoring whites (and Asians) from colleges to give their spot to lower-qualified blacks is enough of reparations.

Just be thankful that your kids can get into prestigious programs they wpuld have been rejected from if they were white, and can get a big advantage starting out. You’ve had TWO generations of this advantage, and if there is still an underclass of of poor criminal blacks, it’s on THEM, not whitey.

All the blacks in my area own nice homes, shop at upscale stores, and eat in expensive restaurants. You think THEY should get reparations too?

Grow up.

Take a look at what that racist Paul Eisen said about my grandparents and how he raged about how horrible America is and how we owe blacks $40T in reparations. He is the very epitome of what we were talking about: whining, ungrateful, self-entitled people who can’t appreciate the countless opportunities available to them in this wonderful country, limited only by their ability (and attitude, I might add).
Prince William said he feels "sorrow" for slavery while speaking in Jamaica — but did not meet demands for an apology or reparations.

The British enslaved over 600,000 people in Jamaica. After abolition, the British paid reparations not to enslaved people, but to slave owners.

Great, black people running their own country without their colonial masters. they should look to Haiti. Worked out well there, eh?
I skimmed your diatribe, but you just gave proof of what is wrong with this country.

Are black people running this country ? No if there is a problem with how this country is run then look at the mirror.

So you say my grandparents never dealt with forced segregation?

Yes and they never.

(“Oh, woe is me…..my black grandparents had it so much worse” IOW .)

Don't sit there and show all this disdain and contempt for what blk ppl have went through but want all this empathy for what you people have went through

No….they dealt with RUSSIAN POGRAMS and other antisemitism, you idiot!

I do know that other people have faced persecution. In fact one of the reason I talk and write the way I do is precisley because my knowledge of European history and how whites have treated each other never mind black people. So I know a lot more about your history than you think.

This is not about trying win gold medal at the oppression olympics.

Any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who is white and someone who isn't is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.
Almost everything in America already celebrates being white. That’s not to say every white person has a charmed life. You can be born white with the misfortune of having abusive, irresponsible, drug-addicted parents. However white ppl's difficulties in life are not due to social constructs engineered by black people.

You’re such a nasty racist that you just can’t admit that other people faced HORRIBLE persecution - why do you think they fled to America? -

No. I do admit it. Funny isn't it ? When it comes to the black struggle you're full of condesending talk an "Oh woe is me" but when it comes to your people. Now everyone should acknowledge their pain and suffering

The reason why everyone knows the black struggle is because we fight for our story to be heard. See the reason why your grandparents story is not as well known is because of the very system you support.

White supremacy.

Those cultures, the traditions and history of Russia have been suppressed and lost in the name of this pan-European unity called whiteness. That's what happened to your grandparents when they came to the USA. They had to get on board this whiteness train

It's white people that want to celebrate this ridiculous notion of whiteness which nobody can actually explain what white culture is.

So suck it up those Russian cultures the languages, the history, the customs have been lost to such an extent that your grasping at straws.

Russian americans don't give their kids Russian names Ilike Olga, Kristina, Wladimir Sergey. No they give them boring anglo names like Jill. Amy, Tanner, Josh. Give your people names instead denoting their ethnic heritage.

That's why you feel deculturated. We didn't do this. Whites have been culturally castrated, not by liberalism or lefties and for sure not by black people

You have been deculturated by whiteness.

And yet didn’t whine about it and saw all their children graduate from college! In one generation - from Russian pograms (as children) to the middle class in one generation.

And they could do all that because they are white.

See this bootstraps straps story is probably the same story the Ukraineans descendants will be saying in 70 or 80 years.


The money just flows when they're white.

Their women will marry white men to "whiten" their names for their children. The men will also marry white USA women and whiten there names or make them more anglo to fit in. Like many white immigants do

Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg
Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz
Tony Bennett = Anthony Benedetto
Jack Benny = Benjamin Kubelsky
Mel Brooks = Mel Kaminsky
George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
Nicolas Cage = Nicolas Coppola
David Copperfield = David Seth Kotkin
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch Demsky
Helen Mirren = Ilynea Lydia Mironoff
Demi Moore = Demetria Guynes
Chuck Norris = Carlos Ray Norris

They will get low interest loans, free housing, food stamps, etc. All from blk tax dollars and Black Americans don’t get anything and in generations to come these American sounding Ukraineans will have surnames like Johnson, Miller, Smith and Williams

They'll then run around and tell black people "My family came over from Ukraine. We were facing persecution and war. But my parents came to the USA, worked hard to provide for their family to make me the person I am today. We didn't moan and complain. Why you can't you blk Americans do the same ?"

And those whites are up there killing each other. They still make time to show contempt for blk ppl.

They're not gonna mistreat black people and we are supposed to feel sorry for them

And I'll say this to any Ukrainean coming to America


We are not just gonna punch you in the face. It's gonna go REAL LEFT if these Ukraineans think they're come here and put there hands on black Americans

See they won't be able to join the police force right away because that's what a lot of cowardly punk white supremacists do to get government and miltary protection.

So if they think they can come to the USA and jump on black ppl indiscriminetely they're gonna learn the hard that we will respond with maximum retalihation

And don’t forget….my grandparents had to listen to the radio of their Jewish parents and siblings being murdered by Hitler

I hear that and because the Jews are white they demand that they have a monopoly on suffering. No one plays the holocaust down. No one tells jews to "get over it" "stop complaining" "stop living in the past" "stop playing the victim" No one says “My family never killed any Jews!” .

But whites do all that with blk ppl.

Getting ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blks who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are routinely viewed as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

Because even when white people are enemies they will put all that to one side when it comes to black people. That's why in WW2, when the USA used to capture German POW's on the ships, despite USA being at war with the Germans. The German POW's were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white USA Americans soldiers but the black Americans soldiers weren't
And they STILL had their kids focus on study and getting into college.

Because they were white and allowed to.

And no, my grandparents did not riot in favor of anti-black racism. Are you f’in kidding me? They were in New York and focused on stretching a penny to feed their family - and teaching good values. You just REEK with racism toward whiteys, don’t you?

Cmon. Now let's be serious now. This is what ? 1940's and 50's America. A white person had to be racist almost by law back then.

And stop with that “black people built America“ crap. White people did as well - and more so, because there were more of them.

No. they didn't. If I'm wrong then why did every slave colony that whites try to build on their own fail ?

But again, you demonstrate the point of what is wrong with this country, especially where blacks are concerned. Instead of whining about what segregation from before you were born - again, my grandparents didn’t whine about the pograms - be happy you are in a country where blacks not only can rise as far as their own merit will take them, they actually are favored over whites with all the affirmative action.

I'm pretty sure you know that white criminals have more of a chance of getting the job over black people that are clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this

White people need a system of white supremacy that gives them an advantage because they know they can't compete on an equal playing field

After all how do you explain white people bribing their way into America's most prestigious universities ?

White people have mothers, fathers who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S.

Everyone knows the education system is rigged in favor of white people.

These college cheating scandals are not new.

White people hate competing the right way. So they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.

Instead of being thankful you were born in America - believe me, my parents were thankful they were Instead of Russia! - you’re back to the “how awful America used to be to blacks”. You have it great now, and any failures on your part isn’t due to your skin color, but to your nasty, hateful, resentful attitude.

Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a “certain neighborhood,” which can reduce our access to investment, reduce the quality of their children’s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Black ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once they’re there.

Black people can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Black people can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice system—even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

This will happen even if black people are doing everything right.

God forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.

But thats just whining. Right?
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Prince William said he feels "sorrow" for slavery while speaking in Jamaica — but did not meet demands for an apology or reparations.

The British enslaved over 600,000 people in Jamaica. After abolition, the British paid reparations not to enslaved people, but to slave owners.

The Brits should cut them lose and let them soar or more likely CRASH AND BURN then. Jamica of the all the island nations has the best people--atleast they have more work ethic than say Pueto Rico and far less violent than the Haitians.

Cut them loose---sink or swim.

Take a look at what that racist Paul Eisen said about my grandparents and how he raged about how horrible America is and how we owe blacks $40T in reparations. He is the very epitome of what we were talking about: whining, ungrateful, self-entitled people who can’t appreciate the countless opportunities available to them in this wonderful country, limited only by their ability (and attitude, I might add).

I've had Paul Essien on my Sambo List for a long time (along with IM2 and a few more congenital whiners). These days I just avoid them as much as possible. They never change. Never grow. Blacks have wallowed in self-pity for so long that it's possible that they'll never be able to assimilate into any advanced society.

They've chosen to be monumental losers, and that might be the one area in which they truly excel.

The "Blacks built America" pipe dream is ridiculous on every level. If they were so capable of "building" countries, then why is Africa filled with shitholes? Hell, they couldn't even build the one product they needed most desperately in Africa: a fucking fly swatter. They were brought here for one reason: to follow instructions and provide labor. Period.

The only "builders" of America were the Founding Fathers. Without their brilliant vision, intellect, drive, ambition, ideas, determination, and willingness to put their lives on the line, there would never have been a country like America. And their willingness and ability to gather the very best ideas available from across the globe and incorporate them, along with their own ideas and desires, into our Constitution is what truly made this country possible.

If blacks were so great at country-building, they would have run back to Africa and built themselves a paradise of their very own. That didn't happen, and it never will. Why? Because it's impossible to build anything more than a shithole, when your eyes are filled with tears of self-pity, and you're too fucking lazy to do anything but riot, bitch, and moan.

Hopefully theParser will come along and, with his beautiful control of our language, lend a softer tone to the conversation.

I wish I could be nicer about these topics, but I'm truly sick of the whining, and calls for undeserved reparations (read, "handouts"), and over-used excuses, and endless accusations of wacism, privilege, and all the other whine crutches.
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I've had Paul Essien on my Sambo List for a long time (along with IM2 and a few more congenital whiners). These days I just avoid them as much as possible. They never change. Never grow. Blacks have wallowed in self-pity for so long that it's possible that they'll never be able to assimilate into any advanced society.

They've chosen to be monumental losers, and that might be the one area in which they truly excel.

The "Blacks built America" pipe dream is ridiculous on every level. If they were so capable of "building" countries, then why is Africa filled with shitholes? Hell, they couldn't even build the one product they needed most desperately in Africa: a fucking fly swatter. They were brought here for one reason: to follow instructions and provide labor. Period.

The only "builders" of America were the Founding Fathers. Without their brilliant vision, intellect, drive, ambition, ideas, determination, and willingness to put their lives on the line, there would never have been a country like America. And their willingness and ability to gather the very best ideas available from across the globe and incorporate them, along with their own ideas and desires, into our Constitution is what truly made this country possible.

If blacks were so great at country-building, they would have run back to Africa and built themselves a paradise of their very own. That didn't happen, and it never will. Why? Because it's impossible to build anything more than a shithole, when your eyes are filled with tears of self-pity, and you're too fucking lazy to do anything but riot, bitch, and moan.

Hopefully theParser will come along and, with his beautiful control of our language, lend a softer tone to the conversation.

I wish I could be nicer about these topics, but I'm truly sick of the whining, and calls for undeserved reparations (read, "handouts"), and over-used excuses, and endless accusations of wacism, privilege, and all the other whine crutches.
You‘re correct of course, and the lie that “blacks built this country” is designed with one purpose: to get whites to give up a portion of their earnings to blacks via reparations.

They always bring up how Holocaust survivors got reparations from Germany, but they pretend not to understand that payments (which were modest) went only to those who suffered directly under Hitler yet managed to survive, often impaired for life.

But those who had close relatives who were KILLED received nothing. my grandmother, for instance, lost her own mother, her sister, her brother-in-law, and four young nieces and nephews. Did she receive anything for her unspeakable loss, right in her own lifetime with relatives she knew and loved? NO. So why do blacks think they should be compensated for what happened generations before their birth, to people they never knew?

It’s all about ”what more can the whites give us?” That hateful racist Paul, for example, threw out $40T. He wants it so blacks will never have to work a day in their lives, and whites will have to forsake a nice lifestyle because they have to fork over so much money to Paul’s “people”.

Ain't never going to happen. Again, blacks should be happy they live in a country of such wonderful opportunities. My father was grateful to his dying day that he was born in America, despite the antisemitism here that forced him to relocate because they weren’t hiring Jews where he lived, and was able to use his brains and good values to achieve the American Dream. RIP, Dad.
You‘re correct of course, and the lie that “blacks built this country” is designed with one purpose: to get whites to give up a portion of their earnings to blacks via reparations.

They always bring up how Holocaust survivors got reparations from Germany, but they pretend not to understand that payments (which were modest) went only to those who suffered directly under Hitler yet managed to survive, often impaired for life.

But those who had close relatives who were KILLED received nothing. my grandmother, for instance, lost her own mother, her sister, her brother-in-law, and four young nieces and nephews. Did she receive anything for her unspeakable loss, right in her own lifetime with relatives she knew and loved? NO. So why do blacks think they should be compensated for what happened generations before their birth, to people they never knew?

It’s all about ”what more can the whites give us?” That hateful racist Paul, for example, threw out $40T. He wants it so blacks will never have to work a day in their lives, and whites will have to forsake a nice lifestyle because they have to fork over so much money to Paul’s “people”.

Ain't never going to happen. Again, blacks should be happy they live in a country of such wonderful opportunities. My father was grateful to his dying day that he was born in America, despite the antisemitism here that forced him to relocate because they weren’t hiring Jews where he lived, and was able to use his brains and good values to achieve the American Dream. RIP, Dad.
I'm finally beginning to believe blacks will NEVER stand on their own two feet. It's almost as if they have a genetic defect that forces them to expect other people to feed, clothe, and support them forever.

Consider the countries in Africa where black governments stole land from white farmers, then gave the farms to other blacks. The farms soon failed, the blacks were again near starvation, and forced to import food and, as always, beg for outside assistance.

It never changes. Wherever they go, whatever they do, they fail (on the whole). Then they do the predictable horseshit: blame whitey - and, of course, make brainless demands, and beg for ever more free shit.

There has to be some reason that they are the only group on the planet that seems to fail, where ever they go.

It's time for them to stop with the excuses and accusations. Time to learn to educate, WORK, and support themselves. No one owes them a fucking living, reparations, or any other damned thing.
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