Jack Posobiec claims Justice Kennedy will retire next week

It would be a great thing to replace a middle of the roader with a real Conservative, peferable a young White guy.

Then, when that Libtard Ginsberg bitch kicks the bucket, we can replace her commie ass with another Conservative and then we will go a long way to undo the damage that Obama did by appointing those two stupid Moon Bat bitches.
I don't care what his color or his religion is. I do, however; want him or her to be a Constitutional Constructionist.
I disagree, we don't need any more minorities, or Jews on the bench. Minorities tend to become tribal and turn against anything that favors White Christians, the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790..
No. I don't care what color, gender, or religion anyone nominated has. What they think and believe the purpose of the Constitution is all that matters. I oppose the whole notion of tribal mentality, be it White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or other. Be an American and adhere to the Constitution, or get the fuck out.
If this is true my vote for Trump is paying off uuuuuuge!
Your vote for trump. LOL. Who the fuck are you kidding. If Chester The Molester was running for president --- or any other office for that mater --- and he had a R in front of his name, you would have voted for him, you pathetic, partisan hack.
I think you are mixing her up with Democrats. :)
President Trump is going to have Ted Cruz's name 'leaked' to the WAPO.
Bank on it!
Just to troll the LIB MSM.
Watch the fucking idiots spend five days 24/7 'speculating' on the 'leak'.
Meanwhile President Trump will be having a third scoop of ice cream. HAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Schumer will be standing in front of the cameras bawling his eyes out threatening to move to his mansion in Kits.
The Leftist/Media frenzy over this is already laughable. Sites like The Daily Kos and The HuffPost are all but banging their accumulated heads against the padded walls.

As for Cruz, he's not under consideration and has already said he doesn't want it.
President Trump will pick from the list he already released and the Senate Repubs will go to work on the confirmation in a record pace.
Sure, there are dozens of respected jurists who are probably more than "qualified" to become a Supreme. But since things have worked out the way they have over the last ten years, I see no reason to pick another lawyer for the job. Don't we have enough of them? We HATE lawyers don't we? You bet we do. So if a Manhattan billionaire who never held office can become president, why can't a noted celebrity and vaunted advocate for the 2nd Amendment become a Supreme? Therefore, I nominate a man we all know and love or love to hate for the seat....Ladies and Gents....Uncle Ted! :thup:

if you ask a snow flake something like,,,,,How Do You Feel About Justice John F Kennedy retiring from the supreme court,,,,you know they will answer it as if its actually his real name
Sure, there are dozens of respected jurists who are probably more than "qualified" to become a Supreme. But since things have worked out the way they have over the last ten years, I see no reason to pick another lawyer for the job. Don't we have enough of them? We HATE lawyers don't we? You bet we do. So if a Manhattan billionaire who never held office can become president, why can't a noted celebrity and vaunted advocate for the 2nd Amendment become a Supreme? Therefore, I nominate a man we all know and love or love to hate for the seat....Ladies and Gents....Uncle Ted! :thup:

Why stop there? Let's go full throttle stupid! Kardashian for prez!
I really hope this Kennedy rumor is true. Trump getting 2 Justices in there, is absolutely UUUGE. I'm even starting to get more optimistic about the prospect he may possibly get 3 Justices on the Court. If he gets 3 in there, that would amount to a Coup. Democrats and Globalists would be derailed for years. Go Trump! :thup:
A sign of things to come?


The man who didn't bathe and lived in shitty pants to get out of the Nam war, yes he and DT have a lot in common, potty mind and mouth, and potty mouth, body and mind, both LOSERS. Look at their handholding, who would touch either with a hundred foot pole, gross.

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