It’s Time to Realize that Putin Is at War With America


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion
Last edited:
Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion
This globalist propaganda can't be taken seriously by any patriotic American.
When Putin does something to hurt us that not even the most ardent Trumpbot can ignore there will be a chorus of "No one could have predicted this". I seriously hope that the NSA can hold the line against Putin's cyber weapons in spite of having a Russian plant as a president.
The article reads like the DNC handbook.........and don't you already have another thread about this?
Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion

"As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates"....

Globalists want us to go to war with Russia over the Ukraine. Never mind the fact that the rightfully elected Ukrainian President had to flee Ukraine or be killed, simply because he rejected the globalist Agenda and decided they weren't going to follow the path to EU mandate. Globalist pigs like Soros interfered in Ukrainian internal matters and funded the coup. The rebels then failed to remove the President legally through their own constitution, so they decided to create their own new government. So much for the rule of law and accepting the results of democratic elections, and of course Obama and Hillary chose to side with the new government that completely disregarded the rule of law. The new government then decided to persecute ethnic Russians in Crimea, and the rightful President asked for Russia's help to defend them.

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates what length the globalist pigs will go in undermining democracy, the rule of law, and imposing their own will and Agenda on the free world.
The Globalists want us to continue to be....

The world police, they live inside of my head
The world police, they come to me in my bed
The world police, they're coming to arrest me, oh, no

Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion

"As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates"....

Globalists want us to go to war with Russia over the Ukraine. Never mind the fact that the rightfully elected Ukrainian President had to flee Ukraine or be killed, simply because he rejected the globalist Agenda and decided they weren't going to follow the path to EU mandate. Globalist pigs like Soros interfered in Ukrainian internal matters and funded the coup. The rebels then failed to remove the President legally through their own constitution, so they decided to create their own new government. So much for the rule of law and accepting the results of democratic elections, and of course Obama and Hillary chose to side with the new government that completely disregarded the rule of law. The new government then decided to persecute ethnic Russians in Crimea, and the rightful President asked for Russia's help to defend them.

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates what length the globalist pigs will go in undermining democracy, the rule of law, and imposing their own will and Agenda on the free world.
And Don't forget to include McCain's efforts in that mess
Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion
This globalist propaganda can't be taken seriously by any patriotic American.
your AMERICAN the most important democratic institute got under brutal attack of Foreign thugs and you support the thugs and call yourself a "patriot" LOL

Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion

"As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates"....

Globalists want us to go to war with Russia over the Ukraine. Never mind the fact that the rightfully elected Ukrainian President had to flee Ukraine or be killed, simply because he rejected the globalist Agenda and decided they weren't going to follow the path to EU mandate. Globalist pigs like Soros interfered in Ukrainian internal matters and funded the coup. The rebels then failed to remove the President legally through their own constitution, so they decided to create their own new government. So much for the rule of law and accepting the results of democratic elections, and of course Obama and Hillary chose to side with the new government that completely disregarded the rule of law. The new government then decided to persecute ethnic Russians in Crimea, and the rightful President asked for Russia's help to defend them.

The conflict in Ukraine illustrates what length the globalist pigs will go in undermining democracy, the rule of law, and imposing their own will and Agenda on the free world.
And Don't forget to include McCain's efforts in that mess

McStain is just as big a globalist pig as Hillary or Soros.
Its a great article, a lot of information and facts, so question is very simple, does Trump Realize, it ("that Putin Is at War With America")? if not why ?...

While the United States, along with its Western allies, became preoccupied with post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, global counterterrorism operations, and the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, it largely took its eye off what was happening in its Cold War foe, Russia.

In 2000, a teetotaling KGB man and his associates took control from Russia’s first post-Soviet president, the boozy Boris Yeltsin. The new president, Vladimir Putin, initially struck an amicable tone with the West, offering up words of support to then U.S. president George W. Bush after 9/11.

Despite this, Putin and his colleagues, many of whom came from the Soviet security services, were set on rebuilding Russia as a great power in accord with their own vision.

By the time Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych was ousted as president of Ukraine in 2014, Moscow had long turned its focus toward combatting what it saw as a Washington-led effort to hold Russia subservient.

Against the U.S., the KGB’s president saw an opportunity to employ the dark arts that Russian security services mastered decades ago, but updated for the social media age.

Putin’s regime focused on pushing back against what it saw as America threatening Moscow’s power after humiliating it following the Cold War, while we, and our expanding number of European allies, focused on terrorism, demographic change, and economic volatility.

Putin watched the U.S. expanding NATO up to Russia’s doorstep and decided U.S. pro-democracy efforts were sowing chaos among Kremlin-friendly governments in the former Soviet Union in a way that threatened Russia. In response, Moscow launched an unrelenting campaign to use the foundations of open democracy against itself.

This consisted of mass-media manipulation, working with unsavory Western lobbyists and political operatives, potentially compromising western government officials and elected office-seekers — all of which relied on stirring the pot of popular discomfort and discontent which was emerging in many Western nations.

In other words, Putin’s government did what the KGB (now known as the FSB and SVR) does. It looked at the West’s psychological profile and used it against itself, exploiting the very real problems and divides the U.S. and other nations are wrestling with in order to stop the West from threatening Russia’s power.

(It’s worth noting that creating a bogeyman out of the West was also a convenient tool for the increasingly autocratic Putin-government to gin up popular domestic support by distracting from economic woes, corruption, and human rights abuses at home.)

From the now obvious attempts to subvert the West through blatant interference with the 2016 presidential election, propaganda networks like Russia Today (employing Larry King and Ed Schultz ) and Sputnik News, Internet troll armies, and working with U.S. political operatives, lawmakers, and campaign officials like Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, California Republican Congressman Dana Rorbacher (told by the FBI in 2012 that Russian spies were trying to turn him into an “agent of influence”), Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, California secessionists, etc., to lesser known efforts such as attempts to buy U.S. journalists’ influence, Russia has been waging an assault on the underlying foundations of western democracy.

Then there are the more subtle, softer examples of Russian interests being advanced by prominent figures on the American right: From right wing media such as Fox News and its on-air personalities like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson’s strange treatment of all things surrounding the Trump administration and Russia (see here, here, here, and here for just a sampling), to the pro-Russia praise sung by far-right extremists from Richard Spencer to David Duke (the latter allegedly once kept a Moscow apartment) and their followers.

Finally, there’s Trump’s own attitude toward Russia. None of these are as blatant as the first group of examples, but they often smack of a perhaps unwitting willingness on behalf of some Americans to advance Russia’s interests at the expense of the West’s for any number of reasons.

RELATED: Inside Putin's Campaign to Destroy US Democracy
All of this fits an age-old KGB modus operandi of using a variety of asymmetric methods to turn rivals’ internal weaknesses against themselves. The Russian security services embrace a fluid and confusing form of physical warfare which aims to take advantage of adversaries’ social, political, and economic weakness through what the 2016 NDAA describes as “activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, or guerrilla force in a denied area.”

We saw this geopolitical judo used to great success in Ukraine following Yanukovych’s ouster, where Russia has employed “hybrid” warfare to seize territory and lock the nation in a state of chaos with a simmering part-covert, part-overt war.

Per NATO’s own magazine:

As the conflict in Ukraine illustrates, hybrid conflicts involve multilayered efforts designed to destabilise a functioning state and polarize its society. Unlike conventional warfare, the “centre of gravity” in hybrid warfare is a target population.

The adversary tries to influence influential policy-makers and key decision makers by combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts. The aggressor often resorts to clandestine actions, to avoid attribution or retribution. Without a credible smoking gun, NATO will find it difficult to agree on an intervention.

The Russian government is doing the same thing to the West in the world of ideas as it has done to Ukraine in the physical realm.

This assault is larger than Donald Trump and larger than interference in the 2016 election. We are in a dangerous place, facing a rival that is playing for the accretion of power, and only helping make our very real problems even worse.

Amid all of the focus on the immediate and important questions surrounding Trump and his associates’ corruption and potential ties to Russia, let’s turn back to the bigger picture."

It’s time to realize that Putin is at war with America | Opinion
This globalist propaganda can't be taken seriously by any patriotic American.
your AMERICAN the most important democratic institute got under brutal attack of Foreign thugs and you support the thugs and call yourself a "patriot" LOL

I'm not going to watch an hour and an half of globalist propaganda.

Here is the "about" on the Hudson institute.

"Herman Kahn, Max Singer, and Oscar Ruebhausen founded Hudson Institute in 1961 in Croton-on-Hudson. Herman Kahn set Hudson’s mission: to think about the future in unconventional ways, which generated several noteworthy accomplishments and reports."
Hudson Institute

When we research Herman Kahn, we get this from Wiki;
"Herman Kahn (February 15, 1922 – July 7, 1983) was a founder of the Hudson Institute and one of the preeminent futurists of the latter part of the twentieth century. He originally came to prominence as a military strategist and systems theorist while employed at the RAND Corporation. He became known for analyzing the likely consequences of nuclear war and recommending ways to improve survivability, making him one of three historical inspirations for the title character of Stanley Kubrick's classic black comedy film satire Dr. Strangelove.[1]"
Herman Kahn - Wikipedia

Jesus, anyone that knows anything about fascism, corporatism, and globalism knows how menacingly evil the RAND corp. is, and how one should know what their agenda is. Everything they say is to further the Anglo-American's global domination corporatization, of a planetary socialist police state enslavement agenda.

For pity's sake, weren't we just making fun of your OP with Dr. Strangelove meme's? Don't you get it, your war mongering posts are really aren't welcome here. After sixteen years of war, I don't think anyone on the planet wants any of the oligarchs plans for needless and useless wars, either everyday ordinary Americans or Russians. We're all tired of it.

Go away.

It's all just propaganda.

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