It's Not Barrett....It's Horino

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
It's been a real revelation to many as we've watched the left completely destroy the hope that our leaders actually lead.

Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.

Barrett had a life before this and questions if it would be worth it. I can see why.

There have been all kinds of accusations made against her.

And the entire reason for fighting her had nothing to do with her role as a justice.

The left continues to want to protect their vaunted legislation and they don't want the SCOTUS to call it unconstitutional.

But that is what the SCOTUS does. It rules on contested legislation.

That is their role.

Barrett simply said as much during the hearings.

And legitimate commentators gave her high marks for her answers.

What was more revealing were the morons in the senate who don't understand how the USC works.

And when faced with a confluence of conditions that they don't like, they turned into the shitheads they are.

Mazie Horino embarrassed herself with her questions and her general behaviour. How Hawaii sees her as legitimate raises questions about what is being grown over there.

Stolen Valor Blumenthal pitched a major fit because he isn't in control. And threatened "retribution" for the GOP following established constitutional protocols.

All democratic senators voted no with Hirono voting Hell no.

Someone asked if the Republic has died.

It probably has. And if not, it is on life support.

Given the total fuck ups we have (especially these two...) in does not seem people are very interested in preserving it.

Barrett has done nothing.

She has not ruled on any cases. Roe is still in place (and it does not matter to anyone with a brain for reasons explained 100 times) and the ACA is still in place. When she rules against them, the left can whine. It will be interesting to see if they read the logic or just whine.

Hirono and Blumenthal have already demonstrated their asshatery.

Barrett isn't the issue.

It's these morons who've already shown us what they are.
Disgusting creature.

If Horono were male.

Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.
Yes, the sexist Republicans asked her if she did the laundry at home, and how homeschooling the kids was going. Real important judicial questions!
Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.
Yes, the sexist Republicans asked her if she did the laundry at home, and how homeschooling the kids was going. Real important judicial questions!
At least she does the laundry, where Joe Biden has illegals doing his laundry. See how that works.
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Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.
Yes, the sexist Republicans asked her if she did the laundry at home, and how homeschooling the kids was going. Real important judicial questions!

If Horino has asked those same questions, it might have come out as:

How is homeschooling your black tokens going ?

Given the fucked up pandemic bullshit the left is pulling the question was one many people get asked.

BTW: Did he follow up with questions about her judicial philosophy ? Or did he ask if she'd rule on specific cases (something the democrats did ad nauseum) which they should not be doing ?
It's been a real revelation to many as we've watched the left completely destroy the hope that our leaders actually lead.

Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.

Barrett had a life before this and questions if it would be worth it. I can see why.

There have been all kinds of accusations made against her.

And the entire reason for fighting her had nothing to do with her role as a justice.

The left continues to want to protect their vaunted legislation and they don't want the SCOTUS to call it unconstitutional.

But that is what the SCOTUS does. It rules on contested legislation.

That is their role.

Barrett simply said as much during the hearings.

And legitimate commentators gave her high marks for her answers.

What was more revealing were the morons in the senate who don't understand how the USC works.

And when faced with a confluence of conditions that they don't like, they turned into the shitheads they are.

Mazie Horino embarrassed herself with her questions and her general behaviour. How Hawaii sees her as legitimate raises questions about what is being grown over there.

Stolen Valor Blumenthal pitched a major fit because he isn't in control. And threatened "retribution" for the GOP following established constitutional protocols.

All democratic senators voted no with Hirono voting Hell no.

Someone asked if the Republic has died.

It probably has. And if not, it is on life support.

Given the total fuck ups we have (especially these two...) in does not seem people are very interested in preserving it.

Barrett has done nothing.

She has not ruled on any cases. Roe is still in place (and it does not matter to anyone with a brain for reasons explained 100 times) and the ACA is still in place. When she rules against them, the left can whine. It will be interesting to see if they read the logic or just whine.

Hirono and Blumenthal have already demonstrated their asshatery.

Barrett isn't the issue.

It's these morons who've already shown us what they are.
Hirono will be remembered for dragging the Amy Barrett SCJ hearing into the gutter when she asked:

“Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”
It's been a real revelation to many as we've watched the left completely destroy the hope that our leaders actually lead.

Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.

Barrett had a life before this and questions if it would be worth it. I can see why.

There have been all kinds of accusations made against her.

And the entire reason for fighting her had nothing to do with her role as a justice.

The left continues to want to protect their vaunted legislation and they don't want the SCOTUS to call it unconstitutional.

But that is what the SCOTUS does. It rules on contested legislation.

That is their role.

Barrett simply said as much during the hearings.

And legitimate commentators gave her high marks for her answers.

What was more revealing were the morons in the senate who don't understand how the USC works.

And when faced with a confluence of conditions that they don't like, they turned into the shitheads they are.

Mazie Horino embarrassed herself with her questions and her general behaviour. How Hawaii sees her as legitimate raises questions about what is being grown over there.

Stolen Valor Blumenthal pitched a major fit because he isn't in control. And threatened "retribution" for the GOP following established constitutional protocols.

All democratic senators voted no with Hirono voting Hell no.

Someone asked if the Republic has died.

It probably has. And if not, it is on life support.

Given the total fuck ups we have (especially these two...) in does not seem people are very interested in preserving it.

Barrett has done nothing.

She has not ruled on any cases. Roe is still in place (and it does not matter to anyone with a brain for reasons explained 100 times) and the ACA is still in place. When she rules against them, the left can whine. It will be interesting to see if they read the logic or just whine.

Hirono and Blumenthal have already demonstrated their asshatery.

Barrett isn't the issue.

It's these morons who've already shown us what they are.
Hirono will be remembered for dragging the Amy Barrett SCJ hearing into the gutter when she asked:

“Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

This was the low point.

But Camel-A Harris asking her is she agreed smoking causes cancer was the start of a 7th grade level question.
It's been a real revelation to many as we've watched the left completely destroy the hope that our leaders actually lead.

Amy Coney Barrett was nominated, questioned, confirmed to the Supreme Court. Much like Brett Kavennaugh, she was subjected to some ridiculous questions by people who sit as senators in our federal legislature.

Barrett had a life before this and questions if it would be worth it. I can see why.

There have been all kinds of accusations made against her.

And the entire reason for fighting her had nothing to do with her role as a justice.

The left continues to want to protect their vaunted legislation and they don't want the SCOTUS to call it unconstitutional.

But that is what the SCOTUS does. It rules on contested legislation.

That is their role.

Barrett simply said as much during the hearings.

And legitimate commentators gave her high marks for her answers.

What was more revealing were the morons in the senate who don't understand how the USC works.

And when faced with a confluence of conditions that they don't like, they turned into the shitheads they are.

Mazie Horino embarrassed herself with her questions and her general behaviour. How Hawaii sees her as legitimate raises questions about what is being grown over there.

Stolen Valor Blumenthal pitched a major fit because he isn't in control. And threatened "retribution" for the GOP following established constitutional protocols.

All democratic senators voted no with Hirono voting Hell no.

Someone asked if the Republic has died.

It probably has. And if not, it is on life support.

Given the total fuck ups we have (especially these two...) in does not seem people are very interested in preserving it.

Barrett has done nothing.

She has not ruled on any cases. Roe is still in place (and it does not matter to anyone with a brain for reasons explained 100 times) and the ACA is still in place. When she rules against them, the left can whine. It will be interesting to see if they read the logic or just whine.

Hirono and Blumenthal have already demonstrated their asshatery.

Barrett isn't the issue.

It's these morons who've already shown us what they are.
Hirono will be remembered for dragging the Amy Barrett SCJ hearing into the gutter when she asked:

“Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

This was the low point.

But Camel-A Harris asking her is she agreed smoking causes cancer was the start of a 7th grade level question.
The left can't see the stable of morons they have in the senate and house.

Harry Reid was a total embarrassment and had not committment to the truth.

Chuck Schumer is the one throwing the tantrum right now.

This despinte having his hipocrisy demonstrated on almost a daily basis.

They don't care about the truth. They only care about power.

And yet they give nobody confidence they can handle it.
Here is another example of the left that fuels these morons.

Look at all the pejoratives.

One big problem with Warren's statement....she doesn't say which rules were broken. That's because NO rules were broken. As far as legitimacy is concerned...Amy C Barrett is quite possibly the most qualified, and therefore legitimate candidate to receive nomination to the Supreme Court.

“The reason the Republicans were willing to break every rule to jam through an illegitimate nomination eight days before the election is that they have realized a truth that shakes them down to their core: The American people are not on their side,” explained Senator Elizabeth Warren.
If everything was on the up & up what was the rush to push her through at the speed of light??????
Mazie Horino embarrassed herself with her questions and her general behaviour.

Mazie once again proved that democrats are entirely incapable of experiencing the emotion of embarrassment.

How Barrett didn't walk out on her, I don't know.

Hawaii could send a coconut and get better results.
If Mazie were a coconut, forced monkey labor would refuse to pick her ugly ass. Trumpy made a great pick in Barrett so why not just let it be.
If everything was on the up & up what was the rush to push her through at the speed of light??????
According to Senate records, Justices Ginsburg, John Paul Stevens, and Sandra Day O’Connor were all confirmed in a short period of time. Stevens’s confirmation in 1975 took 19 days, O’Connor’s confirmation in 1981 took 33 days, and Ginsburg’s confirmation in 1993 took 42 days.
I watched part of those hearings and I must say. The questions the Dems were asking were downright ridiculous. Hell a 10th grader could have asked better questions.

These people are Govt. Legislators?? Hell they sounded like dumbasses.

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