It's Hip To Be A Single Mom

Is it ok to be a single mother or should we frown on it?

  • Frown

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • Encourage more women to be single moms bc it's good!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The sexual revolution started in the 1960s in large part because of the pill. Women could have sex without getting pregnant and thus having to support their children. LBJ's Great Society program stepped in and changed everything. Women could then have kids without the fathers and their support.

The result is people like Freddy Gray and the masses of kids the state has to clothe, shelter and feed before they spend their lives in prison, where once again the state has to do the same.

And all this because their ding bat mothers can't take one government-subsidized pill a day.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?
I am not changing the topic. You ignore a huge and important part of your own topic, instead.
It is also the woman's responsibility to not get herself knocked up by a deadbeat guy. If she does that, we can put the guy in jail but that's just going to cost us more money. Then we have to pay welfare, food stamps and for his room and board in prison. The one person we won't put in jail is the mom.

I think we all realize the woman is the most important person in a child's life.

And if you can find me a group of guys who are proud and happy to be single fathers and paying child support and basically a babysitter so the mom can go be a whore on weekends. This is what I see in America today. Completely different from how I was raised.

This happens to be one topic I agree with conservatives on. Family values matter.
It is the responsibility of two. Who is the culprit in this repeating story? Mostly, it is the guy. He can run away. Simple as it can be. But women who use babies as source of income, are nothing new, either. The question here is, who should pay, the father(s) or the state?

However, if you see a single mother, you don´t know, if she´s a victim or a freeloader.
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...

Ask the chinese or arabs what they do. .

Children are particularly likely to live in two-parent families in Asia and the Middle East, compared with other regions of the world. Children are more likely to live with one or no parent in the Americas, Europe, Oceania, and sub-Saharan Africa than in other regions.

  • Marriage rates are declining in many regions. Adults are most likely to be married in Asia and the Middle East, and are least likely to be married in Central/South America, with Africa, Europe, North America, and Oceania falling in between. Cohabitation (living together without marriage) is more common among couples in Europe, North America, Oceania, and—especially—in Central/South America.
  • Childbearing rates are declining worldwide. The highest fertility rates are in sub-Saharan Africa. A woman gives birth to an average of 6.1 children in Uganda. Moderate rates of fertility are found in the Middle East, and levels of fertility that are sufficient to replace a country’s population in the next generation (about 2.1) are found in the Americas and Oceania. Below replacement-level fertility is found in East Asia and Europe.
  • Given the decline in marriage rates, childbearing outside of marriage—or nonmarital childbearing—is increasing in many regions. The highest rates of nonmarital childbearing are found in Central/South America and Western Europe, with moderate rates found in North America, Oceania, and Eastern Europe, varied rates found in sub-Saharan Africa, and the lowest rates found in Asia and the Middle East.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

This is what Americans invited into their lives when they decided we needed child support laws, alimony laws, and a government welfare state "for the children." It's a bit ironic to hear you complain about it.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

This is what Americans invited into their lives when they decided we needed child support laws, alimony laws, and a government welfare state "for the children." It's a bit ironic to hear you complain about it.
And I said I tend to agree with conservatives on this one.

Never said you were 100% wrong just not 100% right.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?

"..feminist bullshit?"

Why is it that so many people are terrified of treating women as equals?
That IS what "feminism".
Why are you against that?

Why are you blaming women for what is often the fault of others?

Single mothers should be worshiped for what they do, what they live with, the incredibly hard work they do for their children.

Same is true of men raising children alone.
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...


Its easy to bitch and whine about child welfare but so far, all I've ever seen from the child haters is "mom is wrong so the kid should starve".

Aren't we humans better than that?
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?

"..feminist bullshit?"

Why is it that so many people are terrified of treating women as equals?
That IS what "feminism".
Why are you against that?

Why are you blaming women for what is often the fault of others?

Single mothers should be worshiped for what they do, what they live with, the incredibly hard work they do for their children.

Same is true of men raising children alone.
No they shouldn't be worshipped for subjecting kids to poverty.

Women who wait to get married or out of poverty first should be worshipped.
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...


Its easy to bitch and whine about child welfare but so far, all I've ever seen from the child haters is "mom is wrong so the kid should starve".

Aren't we humans better than that?
Not when the social safety net is being abused or used as an income source for the masses.

Of course we don't want kids starving but I'm thinking too many women with one kid on welfare end up having a second as if they can afford it.
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...


Its easy to bitch and whine about child welfare but so far, all I've ever seen from the child haters is "mom is wrong so the kid should starve".

Aren't we humans better than that?
Not when the social safety net is being abused or used as an income source for the masses.

Of course we don't want kids starving but I'm thinking too many women with one kid on welfare end up having a second as if they can afford it.

No, sealybobo - you're not "thinking". You can't think because you're too busy judging and hating.

The idea that there is profit to be made by having more children is absurd. Why don't you look up the $ amount a single mother or father gets compared to what it costs to feed, clothe and educate each child.
Idiotic poll is idiotic.

Let's see someone come up with a practical solution to single-parent households. I'm not holding my breath...


Its easy to bitch and whine about child welfare but so far, all I've ever seen from the child haters is "mom is wrong so the kid should starve".

Aren't we humans better than that?
Not when the social safety net is being abused or used as an income source for the masses.

Of course we don't want kids starving but I'm thinking too many women with one kid on welfare end up having a second as if they can afford it.

No, sealybobo - you're not "thinking". You can't think because you're too busy judging and hating.

The idea that there is profit to be made by having more children is absurd. Why don't you look up the $ amount a single mother or father gets compared to what it costs to feed, clothe and educate each child.
What does a corporation care? Sounds like cheap labor to me.

You're changing the subject. And maybe it should be frowned apon again, instead of praising the women who selfishly had kids they can't afford
Sealy your poll only has 2 options. You need a 3rd option called "mind your own business if you cant be supportive and wont do anything to help the situation".
This story on NPR was of a woman who has 2 men who who do spend time with their two kids. Think about all the single ladies who's baby daddies are deadbeats. All those single moms in the supermarket with foodstamps because baby daddy won't or can't pay.

Oh it is my business when most of these single ladies can't afford their kids and need handouts, or when these latin American women come across the border or try to send their little bastards here.
Youre still trying to legislate the sex drive, the instinct to reproduce and I told you before that never works. You dont get compliance using holier than thou opinions.
IUDs are amazingly effective birth control. Why are they shunned in the US?
Mirena Lawsuit Settlement - Compensation IUD Complications

That's why.
Bad for kids.

They need a range of emotions and needs to be met to be mentally and psychologically well adjusted.

This can only be met (in my opinion) in a 2 parent HH, male / female, and best of the female stays home with them until school age (if possible)
Best is obviously one father and 1 mother. Preferably the biological parents.

2nd best is 2 mothers or 2 fathers

3rd best is a single parent doing it alone. Even if the dad is paying child support and visits on weekends.

umm, no.
Seems like a lot of women prefer it to traditional marriage.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

You should look up machismo and marianismo. It's a byproduct of Catholicism. It's accepted that you will get married and your husband will carry on affairs and can be physically abusive and your job as the wife is to put up with it. Your value is determined by the amount of shit that you put up with.
Seems like a lot of women prefer it to traditional marriage.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

You should look up machismo and marianismo. It's a byproduct of Catholicism. It's accepted that you will get married and your husband will carry on affairs and can be physically abusive and your job as the wife is to put up with it. Your value is determined by the amount of shit that you put up with.
True. NPR also did a story on how unfair things are for Indian women too. The more free and liberated women in places like the the middle East get, the more divorces and breakdown of families.

I guess I don't blame those women for not wanting to live that way.
Seems like a lot of women prefer it to traditional marriage.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

You should look up machismo and marianismo. It's a byproduct of Catholicism. It's accepted that you will get married and your husband will carry on affairs and can be physically abusive and your job as the wife is to put up with it. Your value is determined by the amount of shit that you put up with.
True. NPR also did a story on how unfair things are for Indian women too. The more free and liberated women in places like the the middle East get, the more divorces and breakdown of families.

I guess I don't blame those women for not wanting to live that way.

I can't think of anyone that would blame them. I have friends of mine that are second and third generation Americans of Mexican descent and when they visit extended relatives they are blown away.

I am a single parent. It is neither bragging rights nor an excuse. In fact, it irritates the hell out of me when I hear single parents use it as an excuse. It simply is.

Friday before last I went to work. My son's father decided that he was going to have him spend the night for his weekend. Note that he did not contact me---he contacted our son. His father was drunk. His father continued to drink. I received a phone call from my kid asking me to pick him up after work. His father caught him. His father refused to allow him to leave. His father is currently at the point that he cannot function without alcohol. The courts cannot stop it and the cops cannot stop it.

He became recently involved in my son's life (after a 2 year absence) due to the fact that I had decided to move. He was willing not to fight it providing that he did not have to pay child support. Note that he did not contact me---he told this to our son. I had previously requested the courts not to have him pay child support but it was not allowed.

My attorney drew up the papers and I picked them up. I withdrew my son from school so that he did not disappear and kept him with me. My ex agreed to meet me at a bar to sign them. He signed them and I dropped them off at the lawyer's office and we rolled out of town before he could get hammered and the 1:00 in the morning phone calls started.

At no point in time have I ever used state aid. I do not date. I will not remarry. There are a host of issues that come with that step-parent thang and I have zero desire to invite them into my son's life. I care way more about showing my son all of the cool stuff that life has to offer than I do about pursuing some little fairy tale that American society has decided to continue to shove down the throats of children.

You can call me every name in the book. You can criticize me up and down. I don't care. I did not owe you an explanation. There is only one person that I have to make 100% sure that I did everything in my power to make happy and keep safe.
Seems like a lot of women prefer it to traditional marriage.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

You should look up machismo and marianismo. It's a byproduct of Catholicism. It's accepted that you will get married and your husband will carry on affairs and can be physically abusive and your job as the wife is to put up with it. Your value is determined by the amount of shit that you put up with.
True. NPR also did a story on how unfair things are for Indian women too. The more free and liberated women in places like the the middle East get, the more divorces and breakdown of families.

I guess I don't blame those women for not wanting to live that way.

I can't think of anyone that would blame them. I have friends of mine that are second and third generation Americans of Mexican descent and when they visit extended relatives they are blown away.

I am a single parent. It is neither bragging rights nor an excuse. In fact, it irritates the hell out of me when I hear single parents use it as an excuse. It simply is.

Friday before last I went to work. My son's father decided that he was going to have him spend the night for his weekend. Note that he did not contact me---he contacted our son. His father was drunk. His father continued to drink. I received a phone call from my kid asking me to pick him up after work. His father caught him. His father refused to allow him to leave. His father is currently at the point that he cannot function without alcohol. The courts cannot stop it and the cops cannot stop it.

He became recently involved in my son's life (after a 2 year absence) due to the fact that I had decided to move. He was willing not to fight it providing that he did not have to pay child support. Note that he did not contact me---he told this to our son. I had previously requested the courts not to have him pay child support but it was not allowed.

My attorney drew up the papers and I picked them up. I withdrew my son from school so that he did not disappear and kept him with me. My ex agreed to meet me at a bar to sign them. He signed them and I dropped them off at the lawyer's office and we rolled out of town before he could get hammered and the 1:00 in the morning phone calls started.

At no point in time have I ever used state aid. I do not date. I will not remarry. There are a host of issues that come with that step-parent thang and I have zero desire to invite them into my son's life. I care way more about showing my son all of the cool stuff that life has to offer than I do about pursuing some little fairy tale that American society has decided to continue to shove down the throats of children.

You can call me every name in the book. You can criticize me up and down. I don't care. I did not owe you an explanation. There is only one person that I have to make 100% sure that I did everything in my power to make happy and keep safe.
Not trying to bash people like you. Just the fact that single parent homes are not ideal and this NPR story suggested that it's becoming chic or cool or popular to be a single mom and the fact is, you can't do as good a job for the kid as two parents can do. Assuming they are two GOOD parents. Your kid only has one, and god bless you for it.
Seems like a lot of women prefer it to traditional marriage.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

You should look up machismo and marianismo. It's a byproduct of Catholicism. It's accepted that you will get married and your husband will carry on affairs and can be physically abusive and your job as the wife is to put up with it. Your value is determined by the amount of shit that you put up with.
True. NPR also did a story on how unfair things are for Indian women too. The more free and liberated women in places like the the middle East get, the more divorces and breakdown of families.

I guess I don't blame those women for not wanting to live that way.

I can't think of anyone that would blame them. I have friends of mine that are second and third generation Americans of Mexican descent and when they visit extended relatives they are blown away.

I am a single parent. It is neither bragging rights nor an excuse. In fact, it irritates the hell out of me when I hear single parents use it as an excuse. It simply is.

Friday before last I went to work. My son's father decided that he was going to have him spend the night for his weekend. Note that he did not contact me---he contacted our son. His father was drunk. His father continued to drink. I received a phone call from my kid asking me to pick him up after work. His father caught him. His father refused to allow him to leave. His father is currently at the point that he cannot function without alcohol. The courts cannot stop it and the cops cannot stop it.

He became recently involved in my son's life (after a 2 year absence) due to the fact that I had decided to move. He was willing not to fight it providing that he did not have to pay child support. Note that he did not contact me---he told this to our son. I had previously requested the courts not to have him pay child support but it was not allowed.

My attorney drew up the papers and I picked them up. I withdrew my son from school so that he did not disappear and kept him with me. My ex agreed to meet me at a bar to sign them. He signed them and I dropped them off at the lawyer's office and we rolled out of town before he could get hammered and the 1:00 in the morning phone calls started.

At no point in time have I ever used state aid. I do not date. I will not remarry. There are a host of issues that come with that step-parent thang and I have zero desire to invite them into my son's life. I care way more about showing my son all of the cool stuff that life has to offer than I do about pursuing some little fairy tale that American society has decided to continue to shove down the throats of children.

You can call me every name in the book. You can criticize me up and down. I don't care. I did not owe you an explanation. There is only one person that I have to make 100% sure that I did everything in my power to make happy and keep safe.
Not trying to bash people like you. Just the fact that single parent homes are not ideal and this NPR story suggested that it's becoming chic or cool or popular to be a single mom and the fact is, you can't do as good a job for the kid as two parents can do. Assuming they are two GOOD parents. Your kid only has one, and god bless you for it.

I think it was relative to location. At any rate---we're cool.

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