It's Hip To Be A Single Mom

Is it ok to be a single mother or should we frown on it?

  • Frown

    Votes: 14 100.0%
  • Encourage more women to be single moms bc it's good!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Over the past three decades, skyrocketing numbers of women have chosen to start their families in their late thirties and early forties. In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44.
Stronger family focus: Having achieved many of their personal and career goals, new later moms feel ready to focus on family rather than trying to juggle priorities.

More financial power: New later moms have established careers and make higher salaries.

Greater self-confidence: New later moms have more career experience, and their management skills translate directly into managing a household and advocating for their children.

More stable single-parenting: New later moms who are single have more resources.

High marriage rate: On average, 85 percent of new later moms are married, lending stability to the family structure.

Longer lives: Evidence indicates that new later moms actually live longer than moms who start their families earlier.
Youre assuming they want birth control.
If they want kids they better be able to afford them. And if they come crawling for help, we'll give it. Just put this IUD in your pussy.
When are you going to make your opinion the law?
I think sooner or later the GOP will get this done. This isn't anything us liberals are going to solve.

Snyder signs Michigan 'parental responsibility' law to cut welfare cash if kids miss school

GOP Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

GOP cuts Medicare, food stamps in new budget blueprint

House Republican Budget Whacks Food Stamps And Medicaid

So you are free to have kids but you are also free to starve if you can't afford them. Or they could be taken away.
You think a lot of things but you never seem to understand you dont know what you are talking about. If anyone is going to solve it its going to be liberals. GOP doesnt understand human nature doesnt work like that.
The case for “Leaning In” — prioritizing career over landing a man and starting a family — has some fresh new data to support it: The number of women having kids after age 35 is again on the rise, according to a CDC report.

The average age of women at their first birth has also risen over the past 4 decades, and since 2000, 46 states and DC have experienced a rise in the first-birth rate for women over 35.

The new report also shows that first time older mothers are generally more educated and more likely to have more resources like higher incomes than women of the youngest reproductive ages.

But t
Youre straying from your topic in case you didnt notice Sealy.
Is it okay to be deadbeat dad?
Is it okay to pretend that most often, men are the cause of single mothers?
Is it okay to demonize the women who are raising their children alone?
Is it okay to punish woman and children because there is not a man in their home?

Not surprising that it's the phony christians who are the most judgmental, cruel and vindictive. Not surprising that you'd rather children be in foster care or homeless than in a stable, loving home with only the mother or with two parents of the same sex. What a cold hateful bunch of meddling monsters you are.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?
If they want kids they better be able to afford them. And if they come crawling for help, we'll give it. Just put this IUD in your pussy.
When are you going to make your opinion the law?
I think sooner or later the GOP will get this done. This isn't anything us liberals are going to solve.

Snyder signs Michigan 'parental responsibility' law to cut welfare cash if kids miss school

GOP Budget Could Kick 11 Million Off Food Stamps

GOP cuts Medicare, food stamps in new budget blueprint

House Republican Budget Whacks Food Stamps And Medicaid

So you are free to have kids but you are also free to starve if you can't afford them. Or they could be taken away.
You think a lot of things but you never seem to understand you dont know what you are talking about. If anyone is going to solve it its going to be liberals. GOP doesnt understand human nature doesnt work like that.
The case for “Leaning In” — prioritizing career over landing a man and starting a family — has some fresh new data to support it: The number of women having kids after age 35 is again on the rise, according to a CDC report.

The average age of women at their first birth has also risen over the past 4 decades, and since 2000, 46 states and DC have experienced a rise in the first-birth rate for women over 35.

The new report also shows that first time older mothers are generally more educated and more likely to have more resources like higher incomes than women of the youngest reproductive ages.

But t
Youre straying from your topic in case you didnt notice Sealy.
You altered the direction of the conversation when you said this: Sealy your poll only has 2 options. You need a 3rd option called "mind your own business if you cant be supportive and wont do anything to help the situation".

Won't be so hip to be a single mom if the government cheese goes away. We maybe can't stop poor women from breeding like rats but we can stop paying for the cheese.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?
I am not changing the topic. You ignore a huge and important part of your own topic, instead.
Every child deserves a father..
The child with two parents is going to have a better chance at getting the right foods, best education and growing up without poverty.

I understand that sometimes it happens and society but it certainly shouldn't be the first choice.
Is it okay to be deadbeat dad?
Is it okay to pretend that most often, men are the cause of single mothers?
Is it okay to demonize the women who are raising their children alone?
Is it okay to punish woman and children because there is not a man in their home?

Not surprising that it's the phony christians who are the most judgmental, cruel and vindictive. Not surprising that you'd rather children be in foster care or homeless than in a stable, loving home with only the mother or with two parents of the same sex. What a cold hateful bunch of meddling monsters you are.

Maria Mercedes Vittar (from left), Paola Fiorita and Ana Zappella are all unmarried mothers in Buenos Aries who often spend time together. In Argentina and most other Latin American countries, well over half of all babies are now born to unwed mothers.
When we meet, she has 7-month-old Lupita in her arms. The baby is the product of a short-term relationship Vittar had with a co-worker. Vittar's other daughter, Azul, age 3, is spending the day with her father, Vittar's former boyfriend with whom she had a five-year-relationship, since ended.

So Vittar has two children, with two different fathers, and she is currently unattached. And she's perfectly fine with that.

"I really like Lupita's dad, but we weren't in love. Lupita was a surprise. It never even occurred to me to have a formal relationship. He lives in his house. I live in mine," she says.

And, she adds emphatically, it was her choice.
The New Norm

Sound confusing? It's rapidly becoming the norm

Latin America is now the region that has the highest percentage of children born out of wedlock. In Colombia, 84 percent of all children are born to unmarried mothers. Argentina, Mexico, Chile and other countries throughout the region have similar numbers, with well over half of all children born outside wedlock.

In less than a generation in Argentina (and America) the traditional definition of a family has given way to new interpretations. And it's happening at all economic levels — educated, middle-class women are now among the many choosing to have kids alone or in an informal union.

Fiorita says having a child was far more important than the ritual of getting married, which she sees as just paperwork. She says there are no perfect families anymore.

Widespread Acceptance

"Things have changed so radically that now there is a huge diversity that is deemed acceptable, and it is valued. You don't have to get married like before to have a place in society," she says.

The explanation for those shifts includes the onerous marriage laws here.

Until 2012 in Argentina, you needed to wait a lengthy period for a divorce and give cause, and there were stiff financial penalties for breaking up. Instead of keeping people together, it made a younger generation not want to get married at all.

"The model for the younger generation is to place importance on the content of the relationship and not the form it takes," says Barbara Schmidt, a psychologist who has studied the issue.

Marriage has become so uncommon that there are now fake wedding parties attended by paying guests who want to have the experience of going to a nuptial.

Which isn't to say it's easy to be an unmarried mother.

Back at the apartment, María Mercedes Vittar says, though, that's not the point.

She says there are a lot fewer value judgments about the choices she and other women have made in Argentina.

"We are the families of the future."

Or, actually, the families of today.
Every child deserves a father..
The child with two parents is going to have a better chance at getting the right foods, best education and growing up without poverty.

I understand that sometimes it happens and society but it certainly shouldn't be the first choice.
It's becoming chic to be a single mom both here, in Europe and in Latin America.
I listened to these single ladies with 2 kids from two different men brag about how they prefer being a single independent woman and 2 men paying her bills. Never mind the negative affects it will have on her little bastards. Never mind if she's capable of raising a child as well as 2 parents. She says the fathers are involved in the kids lives financially and emotionally but not like my brother who tucks his kids in every night. THIS is what is wrong with not only America but the world. I trashed black Americans before saying this is what they need to stop doing if they want to get out of poverty but it sounds to me like this is going to be the new norm in the future. Women raising kids on their own is the new hip thing to do, apparently. They aren't the women of the future they are the women of RIGHT NOW.

Even white trash American women are guilty of this.

All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm
There are also men who leave their pregnant girlfriends an go to party with other women while they have to raise the kids.

What a biased topic...
They are no good either. I think of them no differently. The only difference is in most countries the woman raise the kid 5 days and the dad's babysit on weekends.

Don't try to change the subject. Do you even know what the subject is or did you just want to chime in with your feminist bullshit?
I am not changing the topic. You ignore a huge and important part of your own topic, instead.
It is also the woman's responsibility to not get herself knocked up by a deadbeat guy. If she does that, we can put the guy in jail but that's just going to cost us more money. Then we have to pay welfare, food stamps and for his room and board in prison. The one person we won't put in jail is the mom.

I think we all realize the woman is the most important person in a child's life.

And if you can find me a group of guys who are proud and happy to be single fathers and paying child support and basically a babysitter so the mom can go be a whore on weekends. This is what I see in America today. Completely different from how I was raised.

This happens to be one topic I agree with conservatives on. Family values matter.
Is it okay to be deadbeat dad?
Is it okay to pretend that most often, men are the cause of single mothers?
Is it okay to demonize the women who are raising their children alone?
Is it okay to punish woman and children because there is not a man in their home?

Not surprising that it's the phony christians who are the most judgmental, cruel and vindictive. Not surprising that you'd rather children be in foster care or homeless than in a stable, loving home with only the mother or with two parents of the same sex. What a cold hateful bunch of meddling monsters you are.

the OP is a Godless twerp, but yeah...
Is it okay to be deadbeat dad?
Is it okay to pretend that most often, men are the cause of single mothers?
Is it okay to demonize the women who are raising their children alone?
Is it okay to punish woman and children because there is not a man in their home?

Not surprising that it's the phony christians who are the most judgmental, cruel and vindictive. Not surprising that you'd rather children be in foster care or homeless than in a stable, loving home with only the mother or with two parents of the same sex. What a cold hateful bunch of meddling monsters you are.

the OP is a Godless twerp, but yeah...
I may not believe in God but I do agree with conservatives that a two parent home is the best.
Bad for kids.

They need a range of emotions and needs to be met to be mentally and psychologically well adjusted.

This can only be met (in my opinion) in a 2 parent HH, male / female, and best of the female stays home with them until school age (if possible)
Would you rather a single mom and a father that pays child support and visits on weekends or have two gay parents in the home raising the child?
Single mom or dad that visits on the weekends. A child exposed to the gay lifestyle is not healthy at all - in my opinion. I believe it is wrong for children to be handed over to homosexuals. Very wrong.

This thread isn't about homosexuals, idiot. It's about single parenting.

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