Its all a failure...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011

The competition model does not work. People competing with each other for jobs and money, nations competing with each other for dominance and resources. It simply is not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet, as evidenced by our current predicament. - Caitlin Johnstone
What other viable model is there? It's called survival of the fittest for a reason. There are finite resources on this planet and an ever-increasing global population vying for those resources. Like it or not, humans will always be competing with one another for access to those resources. As a whole, we are not an altruistic species. We can at times put others first (our children), but overall, we're the same species that walked out of the caves and when push comes to shove, we will put the interests of ourselves and our families above everyone else competing for a better quality of life. In that way, we're no different than most other species in the animal kingdom (save for ants and bees and other drone-type species).

To that end, economic models predicated on treating human populations like ants or bees are antithetical to human nature, which is why they never work. And hell, even ants and bees require all members of the colony to work, they don't have a "freeloader" class that reaps the benefits of the resources and infrastructure provided by the workers while contributing nothing.

We are the only species on earth that entertains the notion of a nanny state, where members of the population can simply opt out of competing for their own resources or working for the betterment of the colony, and instead, expect to be provided for, from cradle to grave, by allocating resources generated by the work of other members of the colony. And of course, this system has always been a miserable failure, prone to abuse and perpetuation of class disparities, among other causally-connected burdens on societal advancement as a whole.
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Caitlin Johnstone is known to be a bit on the left, and influenced heavily by socialist thought.

On the one hand, the cooperative model has it's place, OTH, competition is natural. We see it throughout the natural world. To claim that nature is dysfuntional is pretty short sighted. I have a feeling she is an atheist who believes that humans can rise above their nature and solve all of their problems.

A balance must be struck. Going to either extreme generally leads to dysfunction.

To claim that competition is, "not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet," does not take a realistic view of history or biology. Certainly, the predictions of Malthus would have come to pass long ago without competition.
Competition should never go away.
I do wish we could all come together one day. I HOPE we grow up eventually.
Now excuse me while i go sing kumbaya
Buy Coke, not Pepsi!
,o1 a-3.jpg

Nothing wrong with competition. What's wrong is the sadistic need for someone else to lose in order to feel like a winner.

The competition model does not work. People competing with each other for jobs and money, nations competing with each other for dominance and resources. It simply is not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet, as evidenced by our current predicament. - Caitlin Johnstone
Haha, no not true at all. Our current predicament is caused by greed, lies and corruption... not competition

The competition model does not work. People competing with each other for jobs and money, nations competing with each other for dominance and resources. It simply is not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet, as evidenced by our current predicament. - Caitlin Johnstone
Haha, no not true at all. Our current predicament is caused by greed, lies and corruption... not competition

I never thought I would finally see you come out in favor of abolishing the government too!


The competition model does not work. People competing with each other for jobs and money, nations competing with each other for dominance and resources. It simply is not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet, as evidenced by our current predicament. - Caitlin Johnstone
Haha, no not true at all. Our current predicament is caused by greed, lies and corruption... not competition

I never thought I would finally see you come out in favor of abolishing the government too!

You don’t know me very well then ;)

you know I’m not in favor of abolishing the Gov though right??

The competition model does not work. People competing with each other for jobs and money, nations competing with each other for dominance and resources. It simply is not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet, as evidenced by our current predicament. - Caitlin Johnstone
There is on other, fair way to do it. Resources are scarce because Chinse, Indian, and Mexican men have been doing way too much unprotected fucking.

War is the only solution.
What other viable model is there? It's called survival of the fittest for a reason. There are finite resources on this planet and an ever-increasing global population vying for those resources. Like it or not, humans will always be competing with one another for access to those resources. As a whole, we are not an altruistic species. We can at times put others first (our children), but overall, we're the same species that walked out of the caves and when push comes to shove, we will put the interests of ourselves and our families above everyone else competing for a better quality of life. In that way, we're no different than most other species in the animal kingdom (save for ants and bees and other drone-type species).

To that end, economic models predicated on treating human populations like ants or bees are antithetical to human nature, which is why they never work. And hell, even ants and bees require all members of the colony to work, they don't have a "freeloader" class that reaps the benefits of the resources and infrastructure provided by the workers while contributing nothing.

We are the only species on earth that entertains the notion of a nanny state, where members of the population can simply opt out of competing for their own resources or working for the betterment of the colony, and instead, expect to be provided for, from cradle to grave, by allocating resources generated by the work of other members of the colony. And of course, this system has always been a miserable failure, prone to abuse and perpetuation of class disparities, among other causally-connected burdens on societal advancement as a whole.
Unfortunately competition has lead to the fascist rapacious oligarchy we see today. When government is in bed with wealthy transnational capitalists and big corporations, making sure the playing field is tilted to their benefit, we’ve become a failed state.

By any objective analysis, failure is evident. When a handful of greedy psychopaths can attain enormous wealth and political power while millions languish in poverty or near poverty, it’s a failure.
competition=healthy, it's where they have none that has no drive and will and thus fail is called the Communist social system.

On competition systems, the problem is group affiliation behavior and gang mentality and in politics the abuse of controlling, so no 3rd and forth and more parties have equal rights and platform, which includes adding other parties to yours to steal their supporters and voters only to succumb to that radical party swallowing up it's host party and destroying it. In politics it got so bad that 1 party wants full control and won't even give a second party equal rights, that there is where the system fails and we let it happen by not reigning in the medias involvement against healthy fcc guidelines. We let political abuse occur against OCE guidelines and political corruption against DOJ, FBI, and constitutional guidelines.
We failed in just about every protective agency because we let it (affiliation pride) spread worse then how we handle covid.

Vanity unto thee, whiles “they divine a lie unto thee”, to bring thee upon the necks of [them that are] slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity [shall have] an end.
-Ezekiel 21:29

They will be shameless and arrogant, (Midrash Rabbah on Song of Songs 2:29 )
truthfulness will all but disappear. (Mishnah Sota 9:15)
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What other viable model is there? It's called survival of the fittest for a reason. There are finite resources on this planet and an ever-increasing global population vying for those resources. Like it or not, humans will always be competing with one another for access to those resources. As a whole, we are not an altruistic species. We can at times put others first (our children), but overall, we're the same species that walked out of the caves and when push comes to shove, we will put the interests of ourselves and our families above everyone else competing for a better quality of life. In that way, we're no different than most other species in the animal kingdom (save for ants and bees and other drone-type species).

To that end, economic models predicated on treating human populations like ants or bees are antithetical to human nature, which is why they never work. And hell, even ants and bees require all members of the colony to work, they don't have a "freeloader" class that reaps the benefits of the resources and infrastructure provided by the workers while contributing nothing.

We are the only species on earth that entertains the notion of a nanny state, where members of the population can simply opt out of competing for their own resources or working for the betterment of the colony, and instead, expect to be provided for, from cradle to grave, by allocating resources generated by the work of other members of the colony. And of course, this system has always been a miserable failure, prone to abuse and perpetuation of class disparities, among other causally-connected burdens on societal advancement as a whole.
Unfortunately competition has lead to the fascist rapacious oligarchy we see today. When government is in bed with wealthy transnational capitalists and big corporations, making sure the playing field is tilted to their benefit, we’ve become a failed state.

By any objective analysis, failure is evident. When a handful of greedy psychopaths can attain enormous wealth and political power while millions languish in poverty or near poverty, it’s a failure.
The problem is letting government get too powerful.

Weaken that bitch and make Mexicans, Chinese, and Indians stop breeding, and maybe things will balance out.
Caitlin Johnstone is known to be a bit on the left, and influenced heavily by socialist thought.

On the one hand, the cooperative model has it's place, OTH, competition is natural. We see it throughout the natural world. To claim that nature is dysfuntional is pretty short sighted. I have a feeling she is an atheist who believes that humans can rise above their nature and solve all of their problems.

A balance must be struck. Going to either extreme generally leads to dysfunction.

To claim that competition is, "not conducive to the thriving of our species or our planet," does not take a realistic view of history or biology. Certainly, the predictions of Malthus would have come to pass long ago without competition.
I agree. Competition has its benefits, when done correctly and fairly. Unfortunately our current economic situation is far from correct and fair.

It’s evident our government is all about satisfying the demands of the ultra wealthy and the corporations they own. The people’s demands are mostly ignored.

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