It is bizarre to me that republican voters want this tax bill

4) Um no the median wage went up under Obama. It just wasn’t nearly enough.


As for job growth, it's true that we got more jobs--part time jobs under DumBama.

God that’s dumb.

Glad you see you know what you are. BTW, while you try to tout Obama's "stimulus package" (QE1?), keep in mind that the almost 800 billion that Barry spent, much of it was lost, stolen and/or given away to his buddies. Obama's "Stimulus" was the savage raping of the American Taxpayer of the 21st Century.

One only needs look at how the stock market, jobs growth and consumer confidence have soared to record levels under just Trump's first year so far to see the folly of your lie-infused brainwashing.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

Republican govenors

2) The stock market soared under Obama

Quantitive easing 85 billion pumped into the economy a month

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.


4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama


Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer? Republican economics have always failed. Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway. It’s just incredible to me how conservatives just blindly trust anything the GOP does. The poor and middle class will only suffer with this tax bill. will wake blue cities up to 400 grand a year school super, 150 grand a year dog catchers.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy, there is no incentive for them to invest in labor. Are you comprehending this yet?

We are smart enough to know the difference between $4 bucks a pack of smokes and $12 bucks a pack of smokes.

Are you?

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Quit being pawns about this shit.

That takes jobs


So why the fuck you retarded left keep running them away with your high taxes ..
The SALT provision is intended to destroy the Blue Wall and make wealthy the mostly red states that voted Trump in. Jobs and the mobile wealthy will go to the low SALT states. The poor will head to the bigger benefit high SALT blue states especially felons. what's not to like about this tax bill if you live in or can afford to move to a low Salt red state?
God that’s dumb.

Glad you see you know what you are. BTW, while you try to tout Obama's "stimulus package" (QE1?), keep in mind that the almost 800 billion that Barry spent, much of it was lost, stolen and/or given away to his buddies. Obama's "Stimulus" was the savage raping of the American Taxpayer of the 21st Century.

One only needs look at how the stock market, jobs growth and consumer confidence have soared to record levels under just Trump's first year so far to see the folly of your lie-infused brainwashing.

The thing is they want to brag about the stock market when more and more Americans were going on the dole. The stock market normally reflects our economy, and even when the stock market soared, people were still not doing too well.

The poverty level didn't start to level off or decrease until long after the phony stimulus plan. It started to decrease when the price of fuel decreased.

The SALT provision is intended to destroy the Blue Wall and make wealthy the mostly red states that voted Trump in. Jobs and the mobile wealthy will go to the low SALT states. The poor will head to the bigger benefit high SALT blue states especially felons. what's not to like about this tax bill if you live in or can afford to move to a low Salt red state?

This is gerrymandering on the hugest scale possible...but really it's a fiscal wake up call to the states

Best States for Fiscal Stability
Fiscal Stability Rank State
#1 ND
#2 WY
#3 TX
#4 NC
#5 SD
#6 VT
#7 TN
#8 IN
#9 UT
#10 FL
#11 VA
#12 ID
#13 DE
#14 GA
#15 WI
#16 IA
#17 MD
#18 WA
#19 SC
#20 NH
#21 MO
#22 NY
#23 NE
#24 CO
#25 AK
#26 OK
#27 MN
#28 AR
#29 MA
#30 WV
#31 MI
#32 AZ
#33 MT
#34 AL
#35 OR
#36 KS
#37 RI
#38 ME
#39 NM
#40 PA
#41 HI
#42 OH
#43 CA
#44 NV
#45 MS
#46 LA
#47 CT
#48 KY
#49 NJ
#50 IL
4) Um no the median wage went up under Obama. It just wasn’t nearly enough.

View attachment 166160

As for job growth, it's true that we got more jobs--part time jobs under DumBama.

View attachment 166161
I never said the median wage was the highest under Obama. I said that it rose under Obama.

And no shit about the part time jobs. I never denied this. Either way, you’re too much of a wuss to admit Bush’s job growth was pathetic and included even fewer full time jobs. Of course it’s also ridiculous you somehow think a president decides how many hours a worker works in a week.
It's not popular among Republican voters either.

It's popular with Republican DONORS.
IMO It's very popular with people who pay taxes. It's unpopular with those who live off the sweat of taxpayers.

I'm not so sure about that.

Here are some of the polls on it (I chose theHill because it's usually regarded as a decent source by both sides):
Democratic poll shows tax bill hurts GOP incumbents
Poll: Majority oppose GOP tax bill

Those that pay the most taxes probably sweat the least when you come right down to it.

It is interesting though...lots of opposition to lowering corporate taxes. That's one I'm willing to go along with to see how it plays out.

That's better numbers than Reagan had, only 18% approved of his tax bill. But in the end it got him reelected.

Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer? Republican economics have always failed. Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway. It’s just incredible to me how conservatives just blindly trust anything the GOP does. The poor and middle class will only suffer with this tax bill.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy, there is no incentive for them to invest in labor. Are you comprehending this yet?

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Quit being pawns about this shit.

Barack Obama had nothing to do with what economic growth there is in this country. It shows how resilient the US economy is. That being said, I do not give Trump any credit either.

That being said, I think this tax bill is awful. The upper middle class will be the ones who suffer. Essentially what Republicans did was raise taxes on 1 group of people to lower taxes on other groups. To say this is simplification is a joke. The pass through provision is something that is ripe for fraud and abuse by the wealthy. There are many loopholes used by the rich that should be eliminated in return for lower tax rates. The carried interest provision is something that Trump said he would get rid of but is allowed in the tax bill.

I have no problem with lowering taxes on businesses providing that business tax breaks are eliminated in return for lower rates. Yet the AMT was eliminated which means some businesses could pay nothing in taxes. If we are going to have business taxes then everybody should pay something.

Ben Stein said that he was proud to have never voted for a Democrat. Yet he said he had no idea what Republicans were doing. There will be plenty of horror stories connected with this. The media will use this to bury Republicans and they deserve it.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds

They only control a small slice of it. The largest portion will go to the wealthy.
Here are some basic facts about the economy under Obama. Repubs can pretend they don’t exist, but that does nothing to change them.

1) There was an unprecedented string of job growth under Obama.

2) The stock market soared under Obama

3) The recession that started under Bush ended 6 months into Obama’s administration.

4) Corporations became wealthier than ever before under Obama

Why in the hell do you think this tax bill will accomplish anything besides rich people richer? Republican economics have always failed. Bush’s tax cuts were enormous but the recession happened anyway. It’s just incredible to me how conservatives just blindly trust anything the GOP does. The poor and middle class will only suffer with this tax bill.

You people just aren’t smart enough to understand economics I guess. Because major corporations are already wealthier than ever before from previous republican policy, there is no incentive for them to invest in labor. Are you comprehending this yet?

This is the actual way you grow the economy: strengthing the middle class. The middle class’s buying power is the key to economic growth. That is the real way you inject money into the economy.

Quit being pawns about this shit.
Speaking about, understanding economics, quit giving presidents credit for what happens economically. Can presidents influence the economy? Of course. Are they the sole reason? Of course not. Look at your 4 points.

1. Employment growth. After a bloodbath is it really surprising that growth went up? There was another way to go?
2. See nos 1.
3. Obama ended a recession in 6 months? You can't really believe that.
4. So much for the hero of the little guy. Not to mention see nos 1.
There are only a couple of means by which a majority of Citizens would oppose a Tax CUT.

1) A Majority do not pay Taxes to begin with and hate the idea of a Tax Cut, because such outrageous notions may one day morph into a cut in the FREE SHIT they have come to hold so dear...generation after generation...illegal alien or not.

2) The people have been violently mislead about the Tax Bill....mislead by Schumer and other Marxists, or near Democrat/Socialists who fear what the Citizens will think when, in February the current workers see a raise in their Take Home, and in June they see actual raises because the Economy is booming like it did when Kennedy did the same thing in the 1960's and Reagan did the same thing in the 1980's...and those who want to work can find jobs where they could not before.

I hope it is the latter; Democrats hope it is the former.

The Reagan and Kennedy tax cuts were across the board tax cuts. This is a mess of a bill in which taxes are raised on some groups to lower taxes on others. Even McConnell has said that some in the middle class will pay more in taxes. That does not sound like a tax cut to me. This has been so poorly thought out that there will be horror stories. There are plenty of jobs out there but the problems are things like a skills mismatch or a inability to move.
God that’s dumb.

Glad you see you know what you are. BTW, while you try to tout Obama's "stimulus package" (QE1?), keep in mind that the almost 800 billion that Barry spent, much of it was lost, stolen and/or given away to his buddies. Obama's "Stimulus" was the savage raping of the American Taxpayer of the 21st Century.

One only needs look at how the stock market, jobs growth and consumer confidence have soared to record levels under just Trump's first year so far to see the folly of your lie-infused brainwashing.

Job growth is in the same range as it was when Obama left office. The low 200,000. Trump had no more to do with it than Obama did.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds
Since Trump was elected, my wife's 401K has risen from a deficit of -$25 thousand under Obama to a +$25 thousand as of this week. Economically, that's fantastic. I could but I won't post statements.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.
From what I have read these sort of changes seldom lead to more jobs because the main reason for job loss today is automation. It will benefit the largest conglomerates and the personal wealth of their shareholders. Right now, the economy has been growing steadily for some 8 years, unemployment has likewise been going down, job creation has been going up....BUT the new jobs are not the good well paying jobs that can move a worker into the midddle class and wages remain stagnant with no comparable rise.

The problem is not new jobs but the right kind of new jobs. The other worrisome economic aspect is loss of economic mobility with increasingly fewer people able to move up and a hardening economic stratification. The gap between poverty and wealth is wider and harder to surmount. My worry is this tax bill is going to cement that.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds

They only control a small slice of it. The largest portion will go to the wealthy.

As a 401k holder and a also a private mutual fund holder who would benefit, do you really think I give a shit if wealthier people are getting more? The alternative is handing it all over to the government via taxation so they blow on all of their special interests, which you folks appear to feel is more acceptable.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds

They only control a small slice of it. The largest portion will go to the wealthy.

As a 401k holder and a also a private mutual fund holder who would benefit, do you really think I give a shit if wealthier people are getting more? The alternative is handing it all over to the government via taxation so they blow on all of their special interests, which you folks appear to feel is more acceptable.
It should be popular to those still seeking a JOB. $2T-$4T is parked offshore. A good portion of that will flow back here for investment...that is the hope.

Could mean more new jobs? Raises for those in jobs to keep them on.

Except it usually does not translate into "investment" and jobs - it's returned to shareholders.

Shareholders which include 401K recipients and union pension funds

They only control a small slice of it. The largest portion will go to the wealthy.

As a 401k holder and a also a private mutual fund holder who would benefit, do you really think I give a shit if wealthier people are getting more? The alternative is handing it all over to the government via taxation so they blow on all of their special interests, which you folks appear to feel is more acceptable.

1) don't smarten up a chump

2) don't interfere with an opponent's error.

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