ISRAEL is our ONLY ALLY in the Mid East.

I don't remember that. Who was the President, Premier, or King of the great state of Palestine prior to 1948?

Is there a law saying you have yo have one?

Please provide link.

well, pf ucktard, generally when a country actually exists, they have leaders... elected, appointed or born.

there isn't any such thing as a palestinian. there are transjordanians, but jordan doesn't want them either.

Some people are hung up on Palestinian leaders. Of course they have leaders. Everyone has leaders.
What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!

You have it exactly backwards.. We are their only ally in the Mideast.
[Iraq was not our ally before the war.

Iraq is not our ally now.

However, we have to do everything we can to keep Iran from getting Iraqi oil.

And, even though Iraq is NOT our ally now.....or before the war........SOME Iraqis still have enough hatred for Iran so that we can still milk that hatred for our own benefit.
Iraq was an ally and a rather valuable one in our conflict with Iran during the Hostage Crisis era. But H.W. Bush, as a favor to his Saudi friends, put an end to that by setting Hussein up for a fall when he invaded Kuwait.

There is little question in terms of pure political expediency that if H.W. Bush had remained allied with Iraq Hussein's next move would have been on Saudi Arabia. And if we had supported that invasion, assuming a dominant position once concluded, we would be in the catbird seat today at relatively little cost to us in blood and treasure, we would be paying .50 a gallon for gas and the World Trade Towers would still be standing.

It amazes me how the American public can be so dense as to never have focused attention on the extremely close relationship of the Bush dynasty and the Saudi Royal Family.


What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!

It depends on the side you are on totalitarianism or liberty
Israel can't put boots on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan because of the way it would look, Muslims are pissed that Israel even exists, if it looks like the Israelis are invading other Muslim countries the situation would be 100 times worse. Israel doesn't have to put Military on the ground to help the US.

so what does israel do to help us?

Intelligence on the ground and votes in the UN.
Israel has one vote in the U.N. One. And if the losses we've suffered both in Iraq and Afghanistan, along with the ten years it took to catch up with bin Laden, are examples of the value of Israeli intelligence to our effort, I'd say we are paying much too high a price.
I find the people of Israel as a bigger victim in our connection than the people of the US.

They pay taxes for a government that's sovereingty isn't and hasn't been taken seriously by the United States. They pay taxes just to have the leaders they elect bought off by our government, look at Netanyahu's 30% approval rating, sure seems like the Israeli people aren't a fan of what their taxes and votes are getting them.

I agree.

Unfortunately for the people of Israel, most of whom are indirectly victimized by aggressive, war-mongering egotists like this sonofabitch Netanyahu, there is little hope for peace in spite of the wishes of many Israelis who oppose the tactics of their government.

But in the same way as many Americans oppose the tactics of their government in the Middle East, our position is not taken into consideration by those Muslims who hate America. Bombs dropped in war kill the innocent as well as the guilty, the good along with the bad.
The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them.
Such as?

Even if all the Jews packed their bags and moved to Finland tomorrow, we would still be in the Middle East because we have assets there and for counter terrorism.
Have you ever examined the state of affairs between the U.S. and the Muslim world prior to 1947 when we chose to organize and arm what has become the IDF? That was the first step toward the existing situation between us and those who regard us as the Great Satan.
Turkey? Sure the relationship is a little strained but for the most part they love America. Same with Jordan and Qatar. Not so sure about Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
Saudi Arabia is the hotbed of anti-American Islamic antagonism. Fifteen of the nineteen shahids who carried out the 9/11 attack were Saudi. Osama bin Laden was a Saudi.

As far as the Mossad goes they are right up there with the best intell agencies in the world, sometimes they have to make moves that even upset us because unlike the US, Israel isnt thousands of miles away from the Middle East, they are right across the street from countries that despise them and want them dead, sometimes they may have to do things that upset people, even us.
Such as conduct the Jonathan Pollard Affair, the most damaging espionage operation ever deployed against us.
Which is to say our "ally," Israel, can't function as an ally because it would piss off too many Moslems. How about Vietnam? No Moslems. What was the problem there?

you know, mike. i know there are a lot of terrorist apologists out there, but israel is pretty busy defending itself from missile strikes from terrorists who use civilians as shields and then cry when they get hit back. but israel has been specifically asked, at least three times not to retaliate for strikes against THEM at OUR behest.

Perhaps Israel should just defend itself like we would, despite our wishes.

nothing is as black and white as the terrorist supporters, who confuse terrorists with freedom fighters, like to pretend.

and before you answer, let me know what other country we've asked not to defend itself so we wouldn't be inconvenienced.
I'm aware of none. I do agree with you that Israel should defend itself to the best of its ability but my only position in the conflict is our participation in it must end.

I believe the best thing the U.S. can do is invite all Israelis who wish to migrate here to do so, then sever all diplomatic relations and disengage from the Middle East to the best of our ability -- even if it means rationing gasoline and energy usage. Because this insanity is going to go on forever if we don't get the hell out of there.

Israel's existence is not America's problem. We've already invested too much in it and it's time to stop.
If Israel is our ally, why are there no Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan? So this notion that Israel is our "ally" is utter nonsense and anyone who believes it is simply ignorant, or harbors a religious or cultural bias, or has been brainwashed by generations of repetitious deception by Israel supporters and American politicians corrupted by AIPAC money and fear of being accused of anti-Semitism.

Israel is a protectorate. And according to Osama bin Laden's own admonition to us in 1998, our support of that aggressive, troublesome little nation is the main reason we were attacked on 9/11.

I think 9/11 was a result of American Troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia prior to the First Gulf War, a result of Saddam Husein's invasion of Kuwait.

Had nothing to do with Israel.

According to Osama bin Laden you are half right. And he's the guy who did it!

As you know there was an earlier attack on the World Trade Center. Here's what the fellow who did that one has to say about it:

On Ramseh Youssef:

". . . .So, then, what motivated him? Here, Mr. Reeve mistakenly argues that Yousef had no real ideology - no clear or definable political goals" and a generalized hatred of the United States. This analysis, however, overlooks Mr. Reeve's own plentiful evidence in "The New Jackals" that Yousef, who called himself "Pakistani by birth, Palestinian by choice," made anti-Zionism the core belief of his wretched existence.

In another note found on his computer, for example, he threatened more attacks on American targets "in response to the . . . assistance given to the Jewish State by the American government."

Yousef did have a clear and definable goal: the destruction of Israel. Finding Israeli installations too well defended, he attacked American ones instead. In short, he is an independent terrorist motivated by his hatred of Israel and Jews.

(Excerpted from Sunday Times Book Reviews article, by Jonathan Abbott, 9/4/94, p.21A)
If Israel is our ally, why are there no Israeli boots on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan? So this notion that Israel is our "ally" is utter nonsense and anyone who believes it is simply ignorant, or harbors a religious or cultural bias, or has been brainwashed by generations of repetitious deception by Israel supporters and American politicians corrupted by AIPAC money and fear of being accused of anti-Semitism.

Israel is a protectorate. And according to Osama bin Laden's own admonition to us in 1998, our support of that aggressive, troublesome little nation is the main reason we were attacked on 9/11.

I think 9/11 was a result of American Troops being stationed in Saudi Arabia prior to the First Gulf War, a result of Saddam Husein's invasion of Kuwait.

Had nothing to do with Israel.

According to Osama bin Laden you are half right. And he's the guy who did it!

As you know there was an earlier attack on the World Trade Center. Here's what the fellow who did that one has to say about it:

On Ramseh Youssef:

". . . .So, then, what motivated him? Here, Mr. Reeve mistakenly argues that Yousef had no real ideology - no clear or definable political goals" and a generalized hatred of the United States. This analysis, however, overlooks Mr. Reeve's own plentiful evidence in "The New Jackals" that Yousef, who called himself "Pakistani by birth, Palestinian by choice," made anti-Zionism the core belief of his wretched existence.

In another note found on his computer, for example, he threatened more attacks on American targets "in response to the . . . assistance given to the Jewish State by the American government."

Yousef did have a clear and definable goal: the destruction of Israel. Finding Israeli installations too well defended, he attacked American ones instead. In short, he is an independent terrorist motivated by his hatred of Israel and Jews.

(Excerpted from Sunday Times Book Reviews article, by Jonathan Abbott, 9/4/94, p.21A)

Mike K(rap),

If anything is clear, it is that you are the surrogate fart of the crazed Osama Bin Arsehole and his fanatical stooges.

It wouldn't come to me as a surprise if you were the next pusillanimous "shahid" leaving a bomb in addition to your K(rap) in some busy American mall's bathroom.
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Intelligence on the ground and votes in the UN.

i really have to ask the question - would we have the need for intelligence if we weren't in bed with israel, and if we did would we not be able to get it elsewhere? also, how reliable or valuable is this intelligence we're getting? finally, for the money we spend on israel we could train a hell of a lot of intelligence operatives.

as to the vote in the UN - again, could we not get those elsewhere (when needed because face it, that's a really, really, small contribution to us. can't think of one time when we needed israel's vote on something in the UN to get anything done)

The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them. Even if all the Jews packed their bags and moved to Finland tomorrow, we would still be in the Middle East because we have assets there and for counter terrorism.

The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them.

Standing the terrorist propaganda crap on its head.

Jews spend the day in Gaza.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Codepink built a playground at beach camp in Gaza‬‏[/ame]
What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!
Why did our "ONLY ALLY in the Mid East" attack the USS Liberty?

"The USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy torpedo boats, on June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War.[2]

"The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 170 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.[3] At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.[1][4]"
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you think "our only ally in the Mid-East's" attack had anything to do with Operation Northwoods?
i really have to ask the question - would we have the need for intelligence if we weren't in bed with israel, and if we did would we not be able to get it elsewhere? also, how reliable or valuable is this intelligence we're getting? finally, for the money we spend on israel we could train a hell of a lot of intelligence operatives.

as to the vote in the UN - again, could we not get those elsewhere (when needed because face it, that's a really, really, small contribution to us. can't think of one time when we needed israel's vote on something in the UN to get anything done)

The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them. Even if all the Jews packed their bags and moved to Finland tomorrow, we would still be in the Middle East because we have assets there and for counter terrorism.

The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them.

Standing the terrorist propaganda crap on its head.

Jews spend the day in Gaza.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Codepink built a playground at beach camp in Gaza‬‏[/ame]

GHook, why don't you like this post?
The people in the Middle East have so many reasons to hate us, Israel is just one of them.
Such as?

Even if all the Jews packed their bags and moved to Finland tomorrow, we would still be in the Middle East because we have assets there and for counter terrorism.
Have you ever examined the state of affairs between the U.S. and the Muslim world prior to 1947 when we chose to organize and arm what has become the IDF? That was the first step toward the existing situation between us and those who regard us as the Great Satan.

People in countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen etc all blame the US because they see us supporting their oppressive governments with moneys and Military arms, so when they are being repressed and not given any human rights they blame us for supporting their governments, and I thought it was the Ayotollah Khomeini who started the whole Great Satan thing after the Iranian revolution?
Mike K(rap),

If anything is clear, it is that you are the surrogate fart of the crazed Osama Bin Arsehole and his fanatical stooges.

It wouldn't come to me as a surprise if you were the next pusillanimous "shahid" leaving a bomb in addition to your K(rap) in some busy American mall's bathroom.
The two most redundantly obnoxious participant categories in this or any other forum are adolescents who have the intelligence to post useful messages but not the maturity and the kind of adults who wouldn't dare speak offensively in face-to-face transactions so they compensate for their cowardice from the safety of anonymity.

I don't know which of the two categories you inhabit but I do know you are comparable to monkeys in zoo cages who shit in their paws and toss it at the public. It is their only means of expressing their frustration and the comparison fits you perfectly. So it's time to add you to my ignore list and be rid of you.

Because you serve no purpose other than wasting time and space I would recommend that others who have had enough of you do the same. Doing so will be analogous to stepping over dogshit on a sidewalk without breaking stride.
Mike K(rap),

If anything is clear, it is that you are the surrogate fart of the crazed Osama Bin Arsehole and his fanatical stooges.

It wouldn't come to me as a surprise if you were the next pusillanimous "shahid" leaving a bomb in addition to your K(rap) in some busy American mall's bathroom.
The two most redundantly obnoxious participant categories in this or any other forum are adolescents who have the intelligence to post useful messages but not the maturity and the kind of adults who wouldn't dare speak offensively in face-to-face transactions so they compensate for their cowardice from the safety of anonymity.

I don't know which of the two categories you inhabit but I do know you are comparable to monkeys in zoo cages who shit in their paws and toss it at the public. It is their only means of expressing their frustration and the comparison fits you perfectly. So it's time to add you to my ignore list and be rid of you.

Because you serve no purpose other than wasting time and space I would recommend that others who have had enough of you do the same. Doing so will be analogous to stepping over dogshit on a sidewalk without breaking stride.

Mike K(rap),

Your post, or a reasonable facsimile of it, would be something I would expect from an "ENEMY WITHIN".....i.e., a TRUE Muslim.

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