Israel Is An Open Air Oven and Other Fun Tweets

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Really? So it should be pretty easy for you to list the exact steps that Israel must take to make the Arab Muslims not want to kill Jews anymore. List them. Go on. Would it look something like this?
Which parts of not destroying Arab villages in Israel and ceasing to blockade and occupy Palestinian territory, among other things, escaped your attention?
Which part of the Jews are back in the ancient religious, spiritual, cultural, and ancestral homeland and they are there to stay, escaped your attention, Abdul?
cnm, et al,

I would invite you to revisit this.

Clearly, there are those that will never be convinced differently. And while many continue to argue with them for peace solutions, there are those for which clearly ā€” oppose sovereign equality, the principle of equal rights and self-determination, and political independence. They will never be convinced unless they are held the exception.

Clearly, there are those that claim they are above concept of settling disputes by peaceful means; and promote conflict as the preferred means of resolution.

cnm said:
Which parts of not destroying Arab villages in Israel and ceasing to blockade and occupy Palestinian territory, among other things, escaped your attention?

It is rather absurd for the Hostile Arab Palestinian to assume that they can engage in a one-sided Jihad, Deadly Fedayeen Action, a series of Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Acts of Violence ā€” AND NOT ā€” suffer any retaliation; or PAY THE PRICE for ignoring the general accepted Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States.

There is no reason to assume that Israel will adopt the most effective and practical measures for the prevention of the acts of Jihad, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence directed against the nation of Israel or its citizens, just as any other nation might respond. IT IS more reasonable to assume that Israel will pursue a course of action for the prosecution and punishment of their perpetrators ā€” and ā€” the nation and leadership and citizenry that support such act.

IF the family, the farm, the people the business/corporation (etc, etc, etc) are found in material support of the Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamists, and Asymmetric Fighters, they should not assume it will not come under destruction when a significant military objectives or advantage is involved.

cnm said:
And you seem surprised Israel is regarded as a pariah nation.

ā€œPariahā€ (or outcast) is just a word used to invoke diplomatic and social trauma on a people that have throughout history been outcasts, victims to the pillage and plundering by nearly the entire civilized world, subjected to the religious torture, persecution and murder throughout the Catholic Inquisition, suffering the mass expulsion as a people all across Europe, ā€” and ā€” later herded by the millions into death camps. Today those same civilizations and more ā€” claim the moral right and have the audacity to call the Jewish people the ā€œPariah.ā€ I suppose you will not be surprised if the ā€œPariahā€ finally stands-up for itself and establishes it safe haven to protect themselves against all those civilized countries of the world that leave them in the hands of people that wold further persecute them in the name of their religion and deity (PBUH).

Today, the big plan being pushed like a hungry used car salesman is the Saudi Plan (Arab Peace Initiative) based on the Arab and Palestinian interpretation of UN Resolutions 242 and 338. It is a two-fold plan:

ā€¢ To basically a set-up Israelis to abandon their practical defensive perimeter to indefensible positions so that the Arab League may once again mount an attack on Israel.

ā€¢ To initially recover territorial losses from previous acts of aggression such that the Arab suffer no penalty for their violations of international law.

ā€¢To set the conditions to plunder the wealth of the Jewish People, the most developed country in the entire regions and replace it with leaders that have proven themselves total losers in the past.​

The incentive for Israel ā€” ā€œfull diplomatic and normal relationsā€ with the entire Arab World, in exchange for a ā€œcomprehensive peace agreementā€ with the Palestinians.

The Saudi Plan suggests that it holds the "respect for the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries.ā€ Who actually believes that? While it is possible that it is true ā€” there is no past history that suggest that.

Withdrawal to the pre-1967 Lines is actually the withdrawal to the 1949 Armistice Lines; which as you know was never intended to be permanent boundaries.

Finally, the rub to this all is that it makes the salacious assumption that the principle responsibility for peace rests with the Israelis; as if the Israelis took control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the Hostile Arab Palestinians. Nothing could be further from the truth.

ā€¢ The West Bank was taken from the Jordan after Jordan opens fire on Israeli Territory in 1967.

ā€¢ The Gaza Strip was taken from Egyptian Military Control after Egypt pushed the UN Emergency Force (Peace Keepers) out of the way under the threat of force, and moved 100,000 troops and a 1000 tanks right up to the Israeli Border. A clear intent to incite and incident; which it did.

The Arab Palestinians had no real political involvement in the basic issues. They were not party to the conflict. Nor were they recognized under the Vienna Convention as being competent to be a party to a treaty.

In fact, in 1967, there was no formed Provisional Government that represented the Palestinian People. And even today, the question of the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian People remains a question.

Most Respectfully,

Why Israel is Burning?
Israelā€™s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region. The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ā€˜reclaim the landā€™ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history.

Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ā€˜Little Switzerlandā€™. By now, there is no much left of ā€œLittle Switzerland.ā€

However, the facts on the ground were pretty devastating for the JNF. The pine tree didnā€™t adapt to the Israeli climate as much as the Israelis failed to adapt to the Middle East.

Why Israel is Burning?
Apparently #israelisburning is trending in Arabic and not because they are sympathetic. One example in the title, here are a few more:

(with image) "Beautiful view"

"Let the mother&*^%er burn"

"Allah is great."

"I hope every country against Islam burns too"

"I think this is a triumph for Palestine"

"(this) is the Lord Almighty's punishment upon the heathen cursed people"

"burn Israel pigs burn"

"Allah wants the Israeli people to try hell before they go to it"

To be fair, there is the odd Muslim who is condemning these tweets. At least in English.

The truly terrifying thing, in my mind, is that if this becomes a new intifada, these fires are being set within Israel by Israeli citizens.

How can you possibly combat that sort of hostile and sinister citizen within your borders?

We now wait for the islamonazi terrorist supporting scum on here to come out of the closet and condemn the arab muslims as loudly and as often as they demanded the Israeli supporters condemn the Jews for their comments.
Its a nice thought, but what does it MEAN? What would "justice" look like? Be specific. I mean, really specific.

Definition of JUSTICE

  1. 1 a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b : judge c : the administration of law; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity

  2. 2 a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c : the quality of conforming to law

  3. 3 : conformity to truth, fact, or reason

So Israel in a nutshell, and definitely not anything like islam
Why Israel is Burning?
Israelā€™s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region. The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ā€˜reclaim the landā€™ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history.

Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ā€˜Little Switzerlandā€™. By now, there is no much left of ā€œLittle Switzerland.ā€

However, the facts on the ground were pretty devastating for the JNF. The pine tree didnā€™t adapt to the Israeli climate as much as the Israelis failed to adapt to the Middle East.

Why Israel is Burning?
Maybe, just maybe, it's Palestinian terrorist animals setting fire to the forests? Waddaya think, can you say arson Intifada, Achmed?

Palestinians, Arab World Celebrate, Take Credit for Israeli Fires With #IsraelIsBurning Hashtag

'Non-Jews' blamed for wildfires ravaging Israel as Palestinians celebrate 'arson intifada'

Wildfire blamed on 'terror' roars through Israeli city
Why Israel is Burning?
Israelā€™s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region. The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ā€˜reclaim the landā€™ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history.

Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ā€˜Little Switzerlandā€™. By now, there is no much left of ā€œLittle Switzerland.ā€

However, the facts on the ground were pretty devastating for the JNF. The pine tree didnā€™t adapt to the Israeli climate as much as the Israelis failed to adapt to the Middle East.

Why Israel is Burning?
Maybe, just maybe, it's Palestinian terrorist animals setting fire to the forests? Waddaya think, can you say arson Intifada, Achmed?

Palestinians, Arab World Celebrate, Take Credit for Israeli Fires With #IsraelIsBurning Hashtag

'Non-Jews' blamed for wildfires ravaging Israel as Palestinians celebrate 'arson intifada'

Wildfire blamed on 'terror' roars through Israeli city
Take captured arsonists on a helicopter ride to see their handiwork. It worked in Vietnam.
Why Israel is Burning?
Israelā€™s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region. The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ā€˜reclaim the landā€™ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history.

Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ā€˜Little Switzerlandā€™. By now, there is no much left of ā€œLittle Switzerland.ā€

However, the facts on the ground were pretty devastating for the JNF. The pine tree didnā€™t adapt to the Israeli climate as much as the Israelis failed to adapt to the Middle East.

Why Israel is Burning?
Maybe, just maybe, it's Palestinian terrorist animals setting fire to the forests? Waddaya think, can you say arson Intifada, Achmed?

Palestinians, Arab World Celebrate, Take Credit for Israeli Fires With #IsraelIsBurning Hashtag

'Non-Jews' blamed for wildfires ravaging Israel as Palestinians celebrate 'arson intifada'

Wildfire blamed on 'terror' roars through Israeli city
Take captured arsonists on a helicopter ride to see their handiwork. It worked in Vietnam.
Or just drop them right into the fires and let them suffer the consequences of their actions. That would work too. :clap2:
Must all your topics be antisemitic?

As long as anti-semitism exists in the world, I am going to illuminate it and challenge people on it. This thread gives numerous examples of Arabic/Muslim anti-semitism of the most horrific kind -- suggesting that the Jewish people be burned to death in ovens for being Jewish.

Are you going to take a stand against this sort of thing? Or are you going to be like the millions of people in Nazi Germany who stood by and watched while their neighbors were taken away?

In fact, no one on Team Palestine has yet taken a moment to mention how horrific these tweets are. Someone should step up.
Its a nice thought, but what does it MEAN? What would "justice" look like? Be specific. I mean, really specific.

Definition of JUSTICE

  1. 1 a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b : judge c : the administration of law; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity

  2. 2 a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c : the quality of conforming to law

  3. 3 : conformity to truth, fact, or reason

I think Susha is talking practicalities, not dictionary definitions. I've lived in Israel. There are Israeli Arab doctors, lawyers, university students, etc.

Whenever I read the apologist's nonsense I am reminded of this 1989 article written in defense of Apartheid South Africa:

South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out

"Income in South Africa is higher for blacks than in any other African state. In reality, there is a strong emerging black middle class. There is a steady increase in the number of dentists, doctors, lawyers and other senior positions. South Africa's black prosperity and emerging black middle class is rarely mentioned...."

Let's take the gloves off.

No more justifications.

No more legal pretense.

Vae victus.

The Jews won.

The Muslims lost.

Get the phukk out.


While you still can.

Or eat chit and die.

Either way is fine.

Your choice.
Apparently Netanyahu will be revoking the citizenship or residency of arsonists.
Must all your topics be antisemitic?

As long as anti-semitism exists in the world, I am going to illuminate it and challenge people on it. This thread gives numerous examples of Arabic/Muslim anti-semitism of the most horrific kind -- suggesting that the Jewish people be burned to death in ovens for being Jewish.

Are you going to take a stand against this sort of thing? Or are you going to be like the millions of people in Nazi Germany who stood by and watched while their neighbors were taken away?

In fact, no one on Team Palestine has yet taken a moment to mention how horrific these tweets are. Someone should step up.
You illuminate very well in your hatred of the semitic Arabs.
You illuminate very well in your hatred of the semitic Arabs.

Wait. What? So, if I copy and paste the horrific words of Arab Muslims calling for the Jewish people to be burnt to death in ovens -- I'M the hateful one?!
Why Israel is Burning?
Israelā€™s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region. The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ā€˜reclaim the landā€™ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history.

Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ā€˜Little Switzerlandā€™. By now, there is no much left of ā€œLittle Switzerland.ā€

However, the facts on the ground were pretty devastating for the JNF. The pine tree didnā€™t adapt to the Israeli climate as much as the Israelis failed to adapt to the Middle East.

Why Israel is Burning?
Maybe, just maybe, it's Palestinian terrorist animals setting fire to the forests? Waddaya think, can you say arson Intifada, Achmed?

Palestinians, Arab World Celebrate, Take Credit for Israeli Fires With #IsraelIsBurning Hashtag

'Non-Jews' blamed for wildfires ravaging Israel as Palestinians celebrate 'arson intifada'

Wildfire blamed on 'terror' roars through Israeli city
Muslims say Inshallah , Gods will, Jews say, Mooslims did it
You illuminate very well in your hatred of the semitic Arabs.

Wait. What? So, if I copy and paste the horrific words of Arab Muslims calling for the Jewish people to be burnt to death in ovens -- I'M the hateful one?!

Evidently, Shusha, Eloy seems to find it convenient to overlook the Muslims and their hatred of others, even if the others are Muslims who belong to a different sect. Meanwhile, with him as with the other anti-Semites, it is always the Jews who are hateful. Perhaps he should tell this to the Muslims who have had their mosques and shrines destroyed and , of course, their relatives murdered by other Muslims.
Inthe last three days, 166 people were injured. 163 civilians and 3 fire fighters. All civilians, except an elderly woman- suffered minor injuries, two of the firefighters suffered more serious burns, but thankfully, not lifethreatening injuries.

In a fire near Jerusalem tonight, we seem to count our first casualties
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