Israel has 80-90 nukes, where is Trump?

Uh, I've seen it claimed on multiple occasions on this very forum.....
No you never have

You dreamed it up because you have no intelligent argument

There's been multiple users on this very forum who've claimed Arabs in Palestine were mostly Nomads who didn't own a heck of a lot if any land there.
That's clearly BS, especially considering that Ancient Hebrews were definitely more Nomadic than that.
No there has not been any one saying that until now.

It has never been a claim about Palestinians

Uh yeah I've seen it quite a few times.

Keep failing.
No you never have you dreamed it up and have nothing to back it up

3 years ago.

Where is palestine
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Uh, I've seen it claimed on multiple occasions on this very forum.....

They were nomads and now they are just mad.

Yeah, it's never been claimed on this forum, that Palestinians were Nomads. LOL

Wow, what a joke, really, really now?
True your claim is a joke and until now no one has made that claim

The claim has been stated by quite a few "Zionists" on this forum, in the past, and present, that Palestinians were Nomads, I'm so sorry your side is a joke.
Zionists aren't all too honest, moral, or smart, if you ask me.
An easily countered position, at best.
No one ever made such a claim till now

I am making this claim. So called Palestinians were nomads, aliens from Mars, raging plumbers and haters of Poland. Then the evil Jews destroyed them all with their death rays. Bad bad Jews. We should nuke them, right Sobieski!?
The OP's thread; This would be like complaining that the most responsible qualified ethical surgeon had 20 scalpels, so why is the Police picking on MS13 gang for beheading and stabbing a few people, why don't they focus on the surgeons(is what the OP is saying).

Or let's use this analogy; do you want to let mentally unstable and violent criminals with past criminal behavior register for guns? No?
You allow police to have guns as deterrent and security, and so who is the ethical and moral partner in the region who is the arm of that lawfullness?
Why would I allow Iran to have nukes? To defend themselves against aggressors. They saw what we did to Iraq for reasons still unknown.
Far from reasons unknown, Iraq invaded a country, yes there was a supposed peace treaty after it was supposed to be over, but it was broken by Saddam.
In legal terms, the war never ended, that second war was a continuation of the first.
YOU PROBABLY WANT TO IGNORE THE FACT THAT Saddam's son Uday was a sociopath that would have been worse then his father, so getting rid of the lot probably saved millions of lives and kept the psychos out of our own backyard and drew them into a controlled region.
We record history for a reason, to learn and avoid past mistakes.
And it's easy to see how quickly they forgot history like the Holocaust. Everyone who dares to ask why we went into Iraq both forgets the bible stories thuslearn from thr past of Nebuchadnezar (who Saddam admitted being an emulation of) and his son or predecessor Belshazadar, while also forgeting the phrase never again when seeing Sunni's rage genocidal sadistic ethnic cleansing of Kurds.
Everytime the world looked away when Hezbollah and hamas lobed rockets at Israel or blamed them for defending themselves, they forgot.
When they allowed Nato to give Hamas back the rockets they found hidden in schools and hospitals, they forgot the Holocaust. When people hesitated to protect the sect that was being attacked by Isis in more Sunni lead attrocities of ethnic cleansing of that sect of Kurds, they showed how quickly they forget.
The Baath party is the one with lofty goals to infiltrate Europe, you may ask why we went to war in Iraq yet you saw that same left over Baath party regroup & try an carry out that goal in a new name called Isis.
Not many people understand anything going on because our news sources covered it up, or ignored the deeper darker story because
1)they had heavy amounts of
investments in CNN from various Sheiks.
2)they did not want to make Bush validated.
3)they are sociopaths too, if you haven't notice they have no ethical or moral standards, hence they do pure evil.
The second war was sold as self defense against Saddam`s mythical WMDs. You`re not allowed to make up our own history here. Saddam was convicted of killing people in 1982 and 1988. 2003 was a little bit late for liberating anyone in Iraq. Bush #1 denutted Saddam and he was no longer a threat to his neighbors let alone the U.S. Bible stories? That`s really lame as are all of your wild conspiracy theories. Baath party`s lofty goal of infiltrating Europe. Jeezus, you`re nuts!

You still trying to push that myth that WMDs was not found?

ISIS found them and used them

US military found them and got hurt by them.

Don't embarrass yourself, now was the 2nd war a ruse? Of course it was anyone could tell when they watched it live that Powell bullshitted the UN.

I hate to inform you, but most of the World is going to see the USA / Israel as the Axis of Evil too..

Iran's not perfect by a long shot, even so they don't have the kind of war crimes, and mass-murders, that the Americans, and Israelis have under their belts in the modern era.

Iran has provided support to many kinds of terrorist groups, not merely Islamic militants. For example, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has been tied to the Japanese Red Army, the Armenian Secret Army, the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Da'wah Party in Iraq, the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain, and many other groups.
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Israel has 80-90 nukes

Prove it ... Israel has never 'officially' stated they have nuclear weapons.

Obama ratted them out while blacking out I think it was ( France ??) Nukes.


Mordechai Vanunu ratted out Israel's Nukes decades ago, Israel kidnapped him from Italy, (Despite being a fellow Jew) and put him in prison.

Who the heck is he? Everyone knew Israel had Nukes but it wasn't till Obama made it official, hence he back stabbed an Allie to the US.

Israel has 80-90 nukes

Prove it ... Israel has never 'officially' stated they have nuclear weapons.

Obama ratted them out while blacking out I think it was ( France ??) Nukes.


Mordechai Vanunu ratted out Israel's Nukes decades ago, Israel kidnapped him from Italy, (Despite being a fellow Jew) and put him in prison.

Why are you people ignoring me? Jews are the epitome of evil and must be vanquished to Saturn!!!
Israel has 80-90 nukes

Prove it ... Israel has never 'officially' stated they have nuclear weapons.

Obama ratted them out while blacking out I think it was ( France ??) Nukes.


Mordechai Vanunu ratted out Israel's Nukes decades ago, Israel kidnapped him from Italy, (Despite being a fellow Jew) and put him in prison.

Vanusha means shithead in Russian. Vanunu was a poopyhead.
Uh, I've seen it claimed on multiple occasions on this very forum.....
No you never have

You dreamed it up because you have no intelligent argument

There's been multiple users on this very forum who've claimed Arabs in Palestine were mostly Nomads who didn't own a heck of a lot if any land there.
That's clearly BS, especially considering that Ancient Hebrews were definitely more Nomadic than that.
No there has not been any one saying that until now.

It has never been a claim about Palestinians

Uh yeah I've seen it quite a few times.

Keep failing.

Nomads, vampires, personification of evil.
Silly arguments! And you wonder why you can't win any of them.
Insane Trump almost started WWIII, fortunately moron stopped his purpose. Why Trump does not punish Israel for possessing of almost 100 nukes?
USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, lot of other countries, anyone on behalf of Israel erecting the Great Israel.
How long Israel's lobby in Knesse...sorry in Congress will ignite new and new wars?
Any acquisition of Iran is a blatant lie born by presstitutes and Deep State.
GOP badly needs a new candidate for POTUS, Trump sooner or later finishes the world as we know it

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

It is US taxpayers paying and US troops dying for
No problem when new millions of innocent people die.
Only Israel's interest matters

They used them already in their genocide against the native peoples.
It's difficult to plan how war with Iran would go.

But, there's a lot of similarities between Iran & Vietnam.

A.) Iran has a huge population, and land area size, much more like Vietnam, than like Iraq.
B.) Unlike in Iraq, and more like Vietnam, Russia, and China support Iran.

So, if we really do go to war with Iran, don't expect another Iraq, expect far worse.

Besides, Iraq was a mistake in the first place.

For various reasons, the biggest one being Iran, and ISIS spread into Iraq, due to the fall of Saddam.

Besides, more Americans died from the war in Iraq, than in 9/11.

Yet, oil didn't go down, the economy didn't boom.

Iraq killed 100's of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis.

Here's the kicker, in recent months Iraq has expressed solidarity with Iran.

Insane Trump almost started WWIII, fortunately moron stopped his purpose. Why Trump does not punish Israel for possessing of almost 100 nukes?
USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, lot of other countries, anyone on behalf of Israel erecting the Great Israel.
How long Israel's lobby in Knesse...sorry in Congress will ignite new and new wars?
Any acquisition of Iran is a blatant lie born by presstitutes and Deep State.
GOP badly needs a new candidate for POTUS, Trump sooner or later finishes the world as we know it

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

It is US taxpayers paying and US troops dying for
No problem when new millions of innocent people die.
Only Israel's interest matters

Where's Trump?

If he was up your ass you'd know.
No you never have

You dreamed it up because you have no intelligent argument

There's been multiple users on this very forum who've claimed Arabs in Palestine were mostly Nomads who didn't own a heck of a lot if any land there.
That's clearly BS, especially considering that Ancient Hebrews were definitely more Nomadic than that.
No there has not been any one saying that until now.

It has never been a claim about Palestinians

Uh yeah I've seen it quite a few times.

Keep failing.

Nomads, vampires, personification of evil.
Silly arguments! And you wonder why you can't win any of them.

You’re not an American. You’re as smart as a plunger. Your next smart post will be your first. You agree with me that Jews are evil and must be exterminated. Yes?
It's difficult to plan how war with Iran would go.

But, there's a lot of similarities between Iran & Vietnam.

A.) Iran has a huge population, and land area size, much more like Vietnam, than like Iraq.
B.) Unlike in Iraq, and more like Vietnam, Russia, and China support Iran.

So, if we really do go to war with Iran, don't expect another Iraq, expect far worse.

Besides, Iraq was a mistake in the first place.

For various reasons, the biggest one being Iran, and ISIS spread into Iraq, due to the fall of Saddam.

Besides, more Americans died from the war in Iraq, than in 9/11.

Yet, oil didn't go down, the economy didn't boom.

Iraq killed 100's of thousands, if not millions of Iraqis.

Here's the kicker, in recent months Iraq has expressed solidarity with Iran.


That looks like your avatar!
Insane Trump almost started WWIII, fortunately moron stopped his purpose. Why Trump does not punish Israel for possessing of almost 100 nukes?
USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, lot of other countries, anyone on behalf of Israel erecting the Great Israel.
How long Israel's lobby in Knesse...sorry in Congress will ignite new and new wars?
Any acquisition of Iran is a blatant lie born by presstitutes and Deep State.
GOP badly needs a new candidate for POTUS, Trump sooner or later finishes the world as we know it

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

It is US taxpayers paying and US troops dying for
No problem when new millions of innocent people die.
Only Israel's interest matters

Israel is a Western Democracy. It doesnt threaten the world.

Hmm, and yet Iran ranked higher than Israel in the Peace Index, Gee I wonder why?

The Peace Index? That sounds like a load of shit.

SobieskiSavedEurope simply pulls what he thinks will annoy Republicans the most and throws it up against the wall. He knows it isn't true but it serves his purpose. Playing the fool.
Insane Trump almost started WWIII, fortunately moron stopped his purpose. Why Trump does not punish Israel for possessing of almost 100 nukes?
USA destroyed Iraq, Syria, lot of other countries, anyone on behalf of Israel erecting the Great Israel.
How long Israel's lobby in Knesse...sorry in Congress will ignite new and new wars?
Any acquisition of Iran is a blatant lie born by presstitutes and Deep State.
GOP badly needs a new candidate for POTUS, Trump sooner or later finishes the world as we know it

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

Israel has 80-90 nukes, SIPRI report says, as Tel Aviv continues to accuse Iran of nuclear obsession

It is US taxpayers paying and US troops dying for
No problem when new millions of innocent people die.
Only Israel's interest matters

Israel is a Western Democracy. It doesnt threaten the world.

Hmm, and yet Iran ranked higher than Israel in the Peace Index, Gee I wonder why?

The Peace Index? That sounds like a load of shit.

SobieskiSavedEurope simply pulls what he thinks will annoy Republicans the most and throws it up against the wall. He knows it isn't true but it serves his purpose. Playing the fool.

I'm not really a Democrat, or Republican.

But, rather I research my values, rather than just fitting into political cliques.

I can't think of much if any favorable part of having Israel as an US Ally.

It's not an American position, not a moral one, not a logical one, not an honest one.

Basically Zionists aren't doing the right thing.
It wasn't their land, period.

Arabs / Palestinians owned more land, and made up the majority of Palestine well into the 1940's.

Israel was created by theft, why is it so hard for Zionists to admit such truthful facts?
It was not created by theft it was created by UN decision

Hmm, and yet the Nakba expulsions, and massacres say something different.
No they do not as the Palestinians struck first.

Israel's declaration was an act of war, plain & simple.

Not a heck of a lot of people wouldn't fight back.

If Israel was formed say in New York rather than Palestine, I'm sure we as New Yorkers would fight back too.

Israel's declaration was an act of war, plain & simple.


Who was it a declaration of war against?
Then why would we blame Iran, or any country for that matter for having them? What makes one country more special to have nukes while preventing another country from having them ? Now with Trump, our government is as radical as it has ever been. How come we are so special? Why should we have them? Trump, bolton, and Pompeo are fools with power. Who are we again?

You're just being facetious...aren't you?
Arabs / Palestinians owned more land, and made up the majority of Palestine well into the 1940's.

Israel was created by theft, why is it so hard for Zionists to admit such truthful facts?
It was not created by theft it was created by UN decision

Hmm, and yet the Nakba expulsions, and massacres say something different.
No they do not as the Palestinians struck first.

Israel's declaration was an act of war, plain & simple.

Not a heck of a lot of people wouldn't fight back.

If Israel was formed say in New York rather than Palestine, I'm sure we as New Yorkers would fight back too.

Israel's declaration was an act of war, plain & simple.


Who was it a declaration of war against?

Against Palestine, because it was to create a Jewish nation on their soil.

It does no good to ask for common sense,honesty etc from the zionist conservatives...they care more about Israhell than they do about Americans or America. A few thousand American sons and daughters to die for Israel pft who cares! That's their mindset.

Still sad your Jewish boyfriend dumped you?
Still sucking that kosher cock surprise. So has jeebus told you when he is coming back for the rapture? ROFLMAO...pathetic ziocon pussy.


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