ISIS revives cannibalism as terror tactic


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
This is why I don't like to travel.

I like to have my 45ACP by my side at all times 24/7/365 and my 5.56x45 carbine within reach at as well.

The airlines don't give a sh!t if you live or if you die -- they only care that they make money off you and they won't let you bring your guns with you on the plane either. Ungrateful b@stards.

Akmed, Akmed-bin-Akmed, and Akmed-abu-Akmed have got you then as easy meat for their lunch.
Last edited:
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
During the Viet Nam War it was not uncommon for U.S. Marines to eat NVA flesh too when they could find them. Usually the NVA dragged off all their dead. But sometimes if you wiped them all out there would be dead bodies everywhere.

Fresh meat has more vitamins in it. Tastes a lot better than C-rats too.

It's better rare but not cold -- that way you get more vitamins from the blood in the meat.

A fellow Catholic drill instructor explained that to us in boot camp.
Last edited:
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
Naw ... theliq just does not appreciate good fresh meat and does not know where to find it.

The liver and heart are the best part. Although after a napalm run it all tastes good and bbq-ed.
If you catch and kill an Arab make sure none of the camel shit from his d!ck gets on the rest of the meat as you butcher it.
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
Naw ... theliq just does not appreciate good fresh meat and does not know where to find it.

I hear they have an island just off the main islam full of muslim meat they won't let on the mainland...
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
I am guessing that you theliq are just obsessed with keeping Kosher.

Catholics gave up all that Kosher sh!t around 35 A.D. You can read about it in Acts Of The Apostles in the Greek New Testament.
JUST FOR YOU.....moron......Siege of Ma'arra - Wikipedia

Moreover the Crusaders requested from the Great Khan,Ghengis to help them against Saladin....The Khan replied "We Never Deal With CANNIBALS"

so there you go Moron,Never contradict H.I.M. Theliq.......Your have neither the brain or the intellect....You Ignorant Bum,and your possee:ahole-1:
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
I am guessing that you theliq are just obsessed with keeping Kosher.

Catholics gave up all that Kosher sh!t around 35 A.D. You can read about it in Acts Of The Apostles in the Greek New Testament.
what a Runt You R
We should have an all out offensive against these beasts like we did in Operation Desert Storm...
Jihadis have been “taking a bite” of infidels from the beginning…
March 9, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim

In light of recent revelations that the Islamic State is teaching its followers to eat non-Muslims, surely we can now all agree that, at least in this, ISIS is truly not Islamic?

Alas, no. Even the eating of “infidels” has precedents throughout Islamic history, especially as a terror tactic. Two well-documented anecdotes come to mind:

The first concerns that jihadi par excellence, Khalid bin al-Walid (d.642). Dubbed the “Sword of Allah” by Muhammad for his prowess, he holds a revered position among jihadi groups (ISIS’ black flag with white Arabic writing is a facsimile of the banner Khalid carried in battle). During the Ridda—or “apostasy wars” on several Arab tribes that sought to break away from Islam following Muhammad’s death—Khalid falsely accused Malik bin Nuwayra, a well-liked Arab chieftain, of apostasy. After slaughtering him, Khalid raped—Muslim sources call it “married”—Malik’s wife. Not content,

He [Khalid] ordered his [Malik’s] head and he combined it with two stones and cooked a pot over them. And Khalid ate from it that night to terrify the apostate Arab tribes and others. And it was said that Malik’s hair created such a blaze that the meat was so thoroughly cooked [from Muslim historian al-Tabari’s multi-volume chronicle, al-bidaya w’al nihaya (“the Beginning and the End”; Arabic excerpt here).


A final note: one school of thought maintains that in the aforementioned historical anecdotes, Muslims did not just pretend to devour their victims; they really did. However, later Muslim chroniclers, embarrassed by the bestial savagery of their coreligionists, portrayed the cannibalism as only pretend. If true, this further validates why ISIS isn’t merely teaching Muslims to pretend to devour their infidel victims, but to eat them in reality—as when one jihadi cut out and dug his teeth into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier, after saying “I swear to Allah, soldiers of Bashar, you dogs—we will eat your heart and livers! Allahu Akbar!” (Yes, video here.)

This may also shed light on the unsatisfactory explanation given by the Daily Mail on why ISIS is promoting cannibalism. According to Haras Rafiq, the Daily’s authority whom it describes as a “practicing Muslim,” ISIS is promoting cannibalism “if there are no food supplies available during what they describe as a time of jihad.” Under such circumstances, “terrorists were encouraged to kill non-Muslims or Muslims who do not share their version of Islam for food.”


Cannibalism: ISIS Revives Islam's Old Terror Tactic
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
I am guessing that you theliq are just obsessed with keeping Kosher.

Catholics gave up all that Kosher sh!t around 35 A.D. You can read about it in Acts Of The Apostles in the Greek New Testament.
what a Runt You R
So it IS that you keep Kosher, aye mate ?!
So like the Christians during the CRUSADES then
I guess when you live at the bottom of the world you have shit for brains or your just plain stupid...:cuckoo:
I am guessing that you theliq are just obsessed with keeping Kosher.

Catholics gave up all that Kosher sh!t around 35 A.D. You can read about it in Acts Of The Apostles in the Greek New Testament.
what a Runt You R
So it IS that you keep Kosher, aye mate ?!
w.a.funny Runt u r
I'll bet these Arabs stink so bad they taste just like wild boar.

The wild boar is the smelliest muskiest animal on this Earth.

The females are not as bad as the males.

That is probably true of Arabs as well.

Best parts:

- liver

- heart

- kidneys

- tongue

- back straps

- loins (inside back straps)

- hams.
I'll bet these Arabs stink so bad they taste just like wild boar.

The wild boar is the smelliest muskiest animal on this Earth.

The females are not as bad as the males.

That is probably true of Arabs as well.

Best parts:

- liver

- heart

- kidneys

- tongue

- back straps

- loins (inside back straps)

- hams.
again your ignorance is showing because Wild Boar is a delicacy in places like France,Germany,Spain and throughout Europe......BUT WHAT WOULD A DOPE LIKE YOU enlighten you,, the most eaten meat in the world is infact GOAT
I'll bet these Arabs stink so bad they taste just like wild boar.

The wild boar is the smelliest muskiest animal on this Earth.

The females are not as bad as the males.

That is probably true of Arabs as well.

Best parts:

- liver

- heart

- kidneys

- tongue

- back straps

- loins (inside back straps)

- hams.
again your ignorance is showing because Wild Boar is a delicacy in places like France,Germany,Spain and throughout Europe......BUT WHAT WOULD A DOPE LIKE YOU enlighten you,, the most eaten meat in the world is infact GOAT
California wild boar stinks and is really musky.

I have shot it and ate it and have given a lot of it away.

If you are going to shoot a wild pig the females are better meat.

I've had goat meat in Mexico and it is really tangy -- the Mexicans have a red pepper sauce that tastes really good on top of it.

Save your insults for yourself moron.
I'll bet these Arabs stink so bad they taste just like wild boar.

The wild boar is the smelliest muskiest animal on this Earth.

The females are not as bad as the males.

That is probably true of Arabs as well.

Best parts:

- liver

- heart

- kidneys

- tongue

- back straps

- loins (inside back straps)

- hams.
again your ignorance is showing because Wild Boar is a delicacy in places like France,Germany,Spain and throughout Europe......BUT WHAT WOULD A DOPE LIKE YOU enlighten you,, the most eaten meat in the world is infact GOAT
California wild boar stinks and is really musky.

I have shot it and ate it and have given a lot of it away.

If you are going to shoot a wild pig the females are better meat.

I've had goat meat in Mexico and it is really tangy -- the Mexicans have a red pepper sauce that tastes really good on top of it.

Save your insults for yourself moron.
I'll bet these Arabs stink so bad they taste just like wild boar.

The wild boar is the smelliest muskiest animal on this Earth.

The females are not as bad as the males.

That is probably true of Arabs as well.

Best parts:

- liver

- heart

- kidneys

- tongue

- back straps

- loins (inside back straps)

- hams.
again your ignorance is showing because Wild Boar is a delicacy in places like France,Germany,Spain and throughout Europe......BUT WHAT WOULD A DOPE LIKE YOU enlighten you,, the most eaten meat in the world is infact GOAT
California wild boar stinks and is really musky.

I have shot it and ate it and have given a lot of it away.

If you are going to shoot a wild pig the females are better meat.

I've had goat meat in Mexico and it is really tangy -- the Mexicans have a red pepper sauce that tastes really good on top of it.

Save your insults for yourself moron.


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