ISIS releases ‘Kill List’ of US cities

Yea, Texas is not Paris either. Criminal hit soft targets like gun free zones and open borders.

Obama's JV team is on the move


"The Pentagon has responded to a globally-released ‘Kill List’, asking law enforcement to give extra protection for military personnel whose personal information was released,News Channel 10 reports.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) published the list days ago, a report that contained names, photos, and home addresses of U.S. Armed Forces personnel, causing alarm in cities potentially at high-risk.

According to the publication, ISIS urges followers and sympathizers in the U.S. to kill the servicemen. Specific personnel on the list are largely from the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy – branches of the country’s military that have conducted massive air strikes against ISIS.

Cities expected to increase in security due to the threat are below:

California: Manford, Solvang, San Ardo, Monterrey, Newberry Park, Carlsbad"

In other news, Hillary is calling for 100,000 more Syrian "refugees" next year . . . ISIS needs the military age males to get this done!

Monterrey? Not the aquarium! :) ...DLI's there as I recall though, probably what they meant. :)
You all have allowed yourselves to become self terrorizing.

ISIS is still reaping the benefits from Al Quada's work.

They've tricked the dumber asses amongst us to be afraid forever.

They've also tricked the morons into hating Muslims who had nothing to do with what happened in Paris

Who the fucks afraid?? You seem to think everyone fears these assholes??

I sure don't. I see them a butchers who need to be removed from the world. Nothing more. Nothing less.

As for those innocent Muslims??

There are millions of Muslims out there and only a small fraction are terrorists.

The rest of the Muslims do nothing to remove the terrorists. Makes you wonder why the fuck not??

Perhaps because they agree with what these terrorists are doing.

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