ISIS, Jordan, and Teddy Roosevelt


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick

Isn't Jordan a Muslim nation?
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick

chic--------I will now claim credit (modest thing that I am) --for
knows his "deen"
the answer to Islamic terrorism can be found in islam itself----
King Abdullah know it. It's in the Koran too
King Abdullah is ready to execute all IS/Daesh prisoners if their pilot is not released.

He took a page from his father's book.
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick

Isn't Jordan a Muslim nation?
Conquered by the Sword of Islam.
Obama is being too slow, yes.

PC the ultra social con Christian wants to adopt Muslim practices.

Yup, she is a confused bunny.
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick

Penticaris was greek and married a divorced american
Instead if hand-wringing, refusing to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, as Obama has done....Jordan draws a line in the sand:

1. 'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives' if airman hostage is dead

2. ...'warns it will fast-track executions in retaliation for ISIS bloodshed'

3. Fears are now growing that [pilot] has already been murdered
  • Jordan says it is still waiting for proof that captured F-16 pilot was alive

4. Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

5. ....Jordan has threatened to fast-track the execution of a would-be suicide bomber the Islamic State is trying to free if the terror group kills its captured pilot, it was reported today.

6. ...ISIS's refusal to prove that al-Kaseasbeh was alive meant any deal with the militants was doomed."
Jordan says it will hang its ISIS captives if airman hostage is dead Daily Mail Online

Imagine a similar threat from Barack Hussein Obama.....

....not likely.

7. But it brings back this tale....long ago and far away.....

" T.R.'s "big stick."
Long before there were suicide bombers, Osama bin Laden or chants of "Death to the Great Satan," a Trenton man named Ion Perdicaris became the 20th century's first American victim of Middle Eastern terrorism.

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco -- not to mention embarrass the sovereign by showing his powerlessness to protect foreign citizens.

This was more than a simple kidnapping in a distant land. For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity to start waving his "big stick," sending battleships steaming toward the African coast to ensure Perdicaris' safe release.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904 Teddy s Big Stick

Penticaris was greek and married a divorced american

I am aware of the entire story, and the ransom, as well.

I think you understand the reason I juxtaposed it in the OP>

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