Is your significant other totally opposite of you politically? What are dinner time conversations like?

We both voted for Jo Jorgensen in the last election. We agree with most things. The few we don't doesn't become much of an issue.
We are pretty close.
But then again, we don't really talk about politics that much.
I get that out here. I don't really talk about politics to anyone for that matter. Doing so is either a great way to lose an acquaintance, or an exasperating waste of time getting yourself worked up over situations you have no control of.
Everything is getting worse everywhere.
I would rather not obsess over that fact and try to live my life out of it.
My wife and I both voted Megatron last election


We both agree that people need to be bitch slapped into submission

It was either that or vote democrat.

It was a toss up really.
In twenty-five years of marriage, we have never discussed our individual political beliefs. I believe we know where each other are, politically, we probably agree on most things, but my love for my wife has nothing to do with her political beliefs. I honestly couldn't care less. I love her deeply and she makes me a better human. That's all that matters.
In twenty-five years of marriage, we have never discussed our individual political beliefs. I believe we know where each other are, politically, we probably agree on most things, but my love for my wife has nothing to do with her political beliefs. I honestly couldn't care less. I love her deeply and she makes me a better human. That's all that matters.
And I love you, for loving her, the way you do!!! :D

Matt and I feel the same way about each other! As I am certain, your wife also feels about you!
In twenty-five years of marriage, we have never discussed our individual political beliefs. I believe we know where each other are, politically, we probably agree on most things, but my love for my wife has nothing to do with her political beliefs. I honestly couldn't care less. I love her deeply and she makes me a better human. That's all that matters.
We really don't say many words. When we see or hear Bidens name, we just say..................You MFr..............You dementia ridden pos.................You anti American cock sucker.....................................Little things like that
In twenty-five years of marriage, we have never discussed our individual political beliefs. I believe we know where each other are, politically, we probably agree on most things, but my love for my wife has nothing to do with her political beliefs. I honestly couldn't care less. I love her deeply and she makes me a better human. That's all that matters.
In 25 years you never discussed it........................25 years?????........................TWENTY FIVE YEARS ???????

That stuck out. You must talk about a lot of different things including the mating habits of the Titmouse
We really don't say many words. When we see or hear Bidens name, we just say..................You MFr..............You dementia ridden pos.................You anti American cock sucker.....................................Little things like that

Yeah, there is a lot of WTFs these days... but that was true of the last administration as well... and the one before that...
In 25 years you never discussed it........................25 years?????........................TWENTY FIVE YEARS ???????

That stuck out. You must talk about a lot of different things including the mating habits of the Titmouse

It's just not important to our relationship. Politics is not something that brought us together, and it sure as hell won't keep us apart...


Did you know that in the winter, Tufted Titmice travel in larger mixed flocks, but as the days lengthen in the spring these flocks break up as individuals become more intolerant of one another? It’s during this time that pairs of titmice will split off and begin searching for appropriate nesting sites.

And, though scientists aren’t entirely sure, it appears that Tufted Titmice form life-long pair bonds.

Over the course of about six days, the Tufted Titmouse pair will build a cup-shaped nest inside a tree cavity. Since they can’t excavate these spaces on their own, they will take over natural spaces or use old spaces created by woodpeckers. Sometimes these birds opt for man-made nest sites and adopt nest boxes. Some have even been found to use metal pipes for their nesting site.

As for the exact nest placement, titmice don’t seem to be very choosy. Nests can be as high as 90 feet above the ground, but some have been found as low as 2 feet off the ground.

Nests are padded with hair, fur, string and other soft material. Scientists have found hair from a wide variety of species in Tufted Titmouse nests, including human and mouse hair. In fact, don’t be too surprised if one of these bold birds sneaks up on you to harvest nesting material from the back of your head! It really happens!

The Tufted Titmouse may lay up to two broods per year, totaling up to eight eggs. Each white egg is speckled with small spots and measures less than one inch long.

At most, eggs take 17 days to hatch, and the chicks fledge 18 days after that. Both parents feed the young, and, quite interestingly, young from the first brood will often help raise the second brood of the season by assisting in the feeding of their brothers and sisters. Now that's family values...
Politics isn't an issue. Religion was. Keyword was.

My first wife insisted we tithe 10% of our gross income including my business to the church. Needless to say that insanity was a bridge too far for me.
We agree with most things. The few we don't doesn't become much of an issue.
To me, this may be the reason why so many marriages do not last. People don't see eye to eye well enough on whatever is most important to them, at least that is how I look at my parents' marriage which in my opinion never should've gone for as long as it went.

God bless you and my mom always!!!

When I met my Wife 32 years ago she wasnt really into politics but she was a Conservative.
She considered me to be somewhat of a radical Conservative. As the years went by and she saw that I was always right on political matters she began to see the light. Her first revelation was over mexican illegal immigration and immigrants in general. She scoffed when I told Her it was going to be a huge problem in the near future,low and behold ...I was right and she now agrees. This is just one of the many times She saw the light and now listens when I tell Her something. I was so proud when She asked me one day if I was sure I had enough ammo on hand if things went squirrely.
She now makes sure we have at least six months of food on hand.
God I love Her!!!
Anyone who would insist on beliefs over considerations of the feelings of another person, is inhumane.
Everyone has a right to their own beliefs because nothing is absolute and everything is subjective and anyone could be wrong.
Assuming it is always the other person who is wrong is narcissistic and needs therapy.
You just discuss points of view and leave it at that.
You don't insist on being considered right when you have no way of knowing if you are right.

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